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Addition of 'Notable Events' to Updates - Printable Version

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Addition of 'Notable Events' to Updates - Kameron8 - 03-08-2016

One of the primary complaints about the game, whether I agree with it or not, is that it is highly static. Things do not change often, or they change very slowly. Some believe that this is merely the byproduct of players not taking initiative to change things, but the purpose of this thread is not to discuss the validity of calling SL2 unchanging. Instead, the intention is to suggest a way Dev can continually add small (or large, at times) changes to the world every one or two weeks.

The idea is relatively simple: every week, when the game is updated, things that may have changed in the world are briefly discussed. This could range from the political climate of Sigrogana, to large scale events like a Black Eclipse. If Dev does not want to be deal with coming up with something to announce every week, it's viable to create a forum thread for people to discuss and vote for ideas.

Random examples I can imagine:

"Four brutal serial killings in Cellsvich have plagued the town with rampant fear. Few brave the streets when darkness falls, and rumors spread about the involvement of a Vampire. The citizens demand protection from the beings of undeath, and Vampires who are identified -- willingly or not -- are likely subjected to harsh disdain from just about the entirety of the continent."

-Tensions are high in the town of Cellsvich.
-Toleration for Vampires has been radically diminished, due to the recent killings.

"Tarson Guilded has begun renovating the Arena! His great coliseum closed for now, a temporary alcove for the pit fighters of the world has opened up in Law's End instead. He assures everyone it should not take long to be operational once more."

-Arena is closed and cannot be entered.
-A Tarson replacement is moved to Law's End to fight combatants and monsters, maintaining the normal schedule for Fight Day and Training Day. (People just port into the off screen Arena chambers for fights)

Re: Addition of 'Notable Events' to Updates - Autumn - 03-09-2016

A few of my friends have strayed away from SL due to it being a bit 'stale' as they say, I'd support this fully.

Re: Addition of 'Notable Events' to Updates - Grandpa - 03-09-2016

Please. I'd love for something to actually happen. It would give people something to do and talk about even more than the sparse GM events.

Re: Addition of 'Notable Events' to Updates - Egil - 03-09-2016

Please. Please.

Re: Addition of 'Notable Events' to Updates - Ranylyn - 03-09-2016

Quote:-Toleration for Vampires has been radically diminished, due to the recent killings.

On the one hand, I love stuff like this. Immensely so. On the other, considering how many people I've met in-game who think I'm OOCly racist for IC racism that exists within the game lore and just ROLEPLAYING, and refuse any IC racism at all because they're not OOCly racist and they can't distinguish between the two because nsingle digit IQ, I'm terrified of the divide between good to fuckawful roleplay this will spawn.

I'm on the fence.

Re: Addition of 'Notable Events' to Updates - Egil - 03-09-2016

"[url= Wrote:Ranylyn ยป Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:21 pm[/url]"]
Quote:-Toleration for Vampires has been radically diminished, due to the recent killings.

On the one hand, I love stuff like this. Immensely so. On the other, considering how many people I've met in-game who think I'm OOCly racist for IC racism that exists within the game lore and just ROLEPLAYING, and refuse any IC racism at all because they're not OOCly racist and they can't distinguish between the two because nsingle digit IQ, I'm terrified of the divide between good to fuckawful roleplay this will spawn.

I'm on the fence.

I'm not.

People give me shit all the time OOC'ly for my character's racism (or just raw hatred) towards Vampires and casual racism towards mechanations, dulhs, etc. I would rather people be encouraged to adhere to lore and risk cringey 'fuck vampires' rp than what we have going on right now.

Re: Addition of 'Notable Events' to Updates - Rendar - 03-09-2016

I've literally not gotten shit at all for Zacharia's racism towards Onigans, Vampires, and liches. Like. Idk what you people are talking about but Zach is racist to Onigans ridiculously often.

Re: Addition of 'Notable Events' to Updates - Kameron8 - 03-09-2016

I think it would be far more helpful if people disregarded my arbitrary examples and focused on the system as a whole. This is not the 'weekly racism event ideas,' it's for shifts in the game we can see each week.

Re: Addition of 'Notable Events' to Updates - Chaos - 03-09-2016

Let's take the 'People trying to SJW in OOC when in-game characters show racism' debate to another topic, folks.

I'm on board. Also, if Dev's somehow incapable of doing this, I'll see if I can give it a whirl.

Re: Addition of 'Notable Events' to Updates - Ranylyn - 03-10-2016

You know what? After thinking about it more, there's already a lot of bad RP I just like to try to avoid. So... this really... changes nothing, and in fact makes it EASIER to determine who to bother getting involved with, ICly. If someone's just an insufferable dolt, they'll be an insufferable dolt regardless.

I revoke my "I'm on the fence" to throw in my support. Because let's face it; some semblance of consistency and things happening in the lore gives people stuff to roleplay about. Using the example of the Cellsvich murders, it can definitely affect residents of Cellsvich/ Visitors to Cellsvich, and possibly, gasp, possibly even encouraging people to not congregate entirely in Cellsvich/Arena and almost completely ignoring Oniga/Chaturanga/Lispool (Tannis/Dormeho are still kinda crappy to RP in because LOLSURPRISEBEASTRAID - unless you're a team preparing to defend the town from just such a raid.)

EDIT: In fact, an idea for how to do this very simply is like an MOTD upon logging in with a reminder every Iahsus change, kind of idea.