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Pulling Shot & Spirit Pain : ) - Printable Version

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Pulling Shot & Spirit Pain : ) - iDarkCara - 03-29-2016


In regards to spirit pain's interaction with pulling shot exclusively
I would argue that if you end up attacking yourself, the pulling shot should not go through as it does now. I understand some on hits are coding issues, such as guns applying despite being reflected by spirit mirror, etc.

However, adding in a part to this interaction alone should make it a bit more logical.

Re: Pulling Shot & Spirit Pain : ) - Autumn - 03-29-2016

How about nerfing spirit pain before buffing it? Spirit pain is grossly overpowered vs anyone in a 1v1 scenario, creating a huge power gap.

Re: Pulling Shot & Spirit Pain : ) - Trexmaster - 03-29-2016

This is actually because Pulling Shot will proc its pull and knockdown on the original target regardless of anything that changes that after being declared.

This -also- goes for other skills, like Cutthroat.

So, I think skills such as those should apply its affects to the target it actually hits, not the one selected.

Re: Pulling Shot & Spirit Pain : ) - Ranylyn - 03-29-2016

"[url= Wrote:Spoops ยป Tue Mar 29, 2016 4:14 pm[/url]"]How about nerfing spirit pain before buffing it? Spirit pain is grossly overpowered vs anyone in a 1v1 scenario, creating a huge power gap.

Do many people really fail to both break the invocation AND not have attacks that don't perform basic attacks? I've actually never had a 1v1 PVP where it did anything at all.

Re: Pulling Shot & Spirit Pain : ) - Rendar - 03-29-2016

That's because you just suck at PVP Ranlyn.

It completely fucks over archers who don't #DeleteMan.

Also single shot gunners...

And a good deal of stabby VA's who will, inherently, nearly kill themself basic attacking.

Basically everyone that performs basic attacks that are high damage literally kill themself on it in 1v1

Re: Pulling Shot & Spirit Pain : ) - Ranylyn - 03-29-2016

I'd argue I'm not the one that sucks if I've never been dicked over by spirit pain. Just saying. You get two classes for a reason. You can cover your weaknesses. Due to Celerity as a stat, no one should rely 100% on normals anyways. Sure, it really hinders your available options, but Spirit Pain is literally useless against someone who's prepared for it.

Re: Pulling Shot & Spirit Pain : ) - iDarkCara - 03-29-2016

I believe there are quite a few different interactions that would have to be observed, but this instance is one I feel should warrant a specific fix. Other interactions such as cutthroat and bullets being reflected should be changed too, but that gets back to the coding issue.

Re: Pulling Shot & Spirit Pain : ) - Neus - 03-30-2016

Spirit Pain triggering will just treat the attack as if it missed (although you will still attack yourself/etc).

Re: Pulling Shot & Spirit Pain : ) - Rendar - 03-30-2016

So now Spirit Pain got a bigger buff.

Joy, not like it already didn't change fights.

Re: Pulling Shot & Spirit Pain : ) - Autumn - 03-30-2016

Please look over Spirit Pain in the future, the skill is extremely destructive and will win you any match you slap it in if your target is anything that isn't a mage, curate.

Even the abundance of auto-hits does not even JUSTIFY Spirit pain, when Silent Spirit is taken into question.
But that is for another thread.