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Phenex Revives - Printable Version

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Phenex Revives - simplyforsuggestions - 04-03-2016

They're bad. I don't know what else to say. And I'm not just talking about From the Ashes here, I'm talking about their racial skill Revive. But i'm still mainly focusing on From the Ashes.

"When the Phenex is reduced to 0 HP, if they have at least 1 FP, half of that FP is consumed and the Phenex restores that much HP immediately (min. 1 HP). This effect can only trigger once per 10 Rounds."

Lets compare that to Last Chance from Ghost, something any race can get.

When the Ghost takes damage that leave them at 0 HP or less from an enemy that is marked with Claret Call, they instead remain at 1 HP. However, the attacker has their Claret Call marking removed and become Unmarkable for 3 Rounds.

So, Ghost's Last Chance gets you:
No revive for 3 rounds.

Whereas Phenex's From the Ashes gets you:
1hp minimum
FP cut in half
No revive for 10 rounds

Someone tell me why a racial skill is worse than a skill you get from a class? I mean, I don't see this problem with any other race. Take Naga's and the fact they get a free guard and FP+HP restore as well as HP regen.
Okay so, maybe I'm wrong about racial skills needing to be better than class skills. I mean, this is a promoted class and not everyone is going to be a Ghost, so a free self-revive is good, even if it halves your FP. But who's going to be at so much FP they're basically set to go for round 2? You might be at full health but you have at least half FP. But if you're in a fight and you haven't used any FP, somethings wrong. And if you're dying so quick you don't get chance to lose FP, something is wrong.

Now onto the skill Revive.
Just use Curate and you've already gotten a 10x more efficient way of getting someone up. You don't lose any health and only use a small amount of FP. So its just...useless. There's no viable situation where I can safely say "I should use Revive here". Not to mention you only get them up with 5hp anyways, meaning they're probably going to die again and that 10% hp loss you suffered is probably going to cause more problems andwhyisphenexstillsobad. I'm done. Disagree or agree, I don't mind.

tl;dr im mad because i want a phenex that doesnt gimp me after self-revives

Re: Phenex Revives - Trexmaster - 04-03-2016

From the Ashes isn't bad. It effectively gives Phenexes extra health equal to half their current FP if they aren't inteferenced before being taken out. It only has such a long cooldown because it isn't really meant to be used more than once a fight. It's akin to a beefed up Die Hard. If you want to compare it to Last Chance, Last Chance costs you your ever valuable Claret Call on someone, and requires 2 Ghost SP, and can easily be bypassed by anything that deals damage in more than one instance (see: material proc, MG shells, etc). From the Ashes provides enough HP generally that you'll have to be dealing heavy damage afterwards to put them down for good.

Racial skills really shouldn't surpass skills a class gets anyways. Not every build hemmorages FP that quickly, and some just dont even use it to deal major damage beyond buffing themselves. The point of it is to act as a buffer in the event you -do- die before you get to use much of it, which it's perfect for, and as a racial that's plenty.

Revive is useful if you, for some reason, don't have any Sal Volatiles. I won't argue that it's good. It could afford to grant the 10% you lost to the target, then I'd say it's fine. So if you're hurting for item slots or are just really frugal, it's fine, but, as a revive it's pretty bad. All it has going for it is that Phenexes just get it innately, so as long as they have health they can revive a teammate.

Re: Phenex Revives - Ranylyn - 04-03-2016

1) Considering a Phenex's ally revival allows any class to revive an ally without wasting items, it's okay for the revival amount to be low. Otherwise it'd completely invalidate the point of class revival skills. Why should it completely free up SP they'd spend on Second Chance as a Curate, for example? If it was their entire raciam gimmick it'd be one thing, but tveir ally revive is more of an afterthought tacked on after FTA.

2) From the Ashes is incredibly powerful if you're a conservative player who manages to be efficient with FP, as it effectively gives you a get out of jail free card for when things are looking really bad. "Oh, my opponent's preparing an invocation? I don't need to be careful, I'll just autorevive, time to press the attack." The big downside is there's no way to turn it off, so you're very possibly spending metric buttloads of FP on revives you didn't want (such as if an ally can revive you, or if the battle is about to end anyways.) In PVP this is very rarely an issue as most people PVP near an inn anyways, but in long BDPs this gets to be problematic.

3) A Ghost's Last Chance is a safety net for a class that thrives at low hp, while FTA is there for any and all phenex, regardless of class combo. Ghost effectively limits what else a character can do, as they only have one other class, whereas a phenex could effectively combine silly amounts of tankiness and healing just to piss off their opponent, before FTA activates to drag their opponents into a pit of despair (translation: raging on the forums for change.)

tdr version: Phenex are pretty sweet, their skills do not need buffs. If anything, I miss when FTA needed max FP to trigger, because then I could just use a skill and not need to waste all that FP on a revive I never wanted. I understand this was changed since some classes could literally never get it to toggle, like Ghosts and Summoners, due to Will from Rising Game raising max FP and Summon Upkeep being taken out AFTER the FP regen each turn, but I am still annoyed it can't be turned off in parties in long BDPs.