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PSA: Attitudes towards newer players. - Printable Version

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PSA: Attitudes towards newer players. - Ranylyn - 04-17-2016

I'm not naming names. Not saying it's everyone. But you know who you are. Be ashamed.

Don't be a dick. If a player has no interest in PVP, don't give them a hard time over it. By all means, feel free to explain that the Meta is all about that PVP and that they won't likely enjoy themselves long term if they aren't interested in it, but don't tell them off for having the gall to explore the game's PVE instead of just begging to be grindmage'd. If a player is using a material that isn't carapace or rockdirt, you don't need to tell them to get the fuck out. Player finds a magmic weapon early on, really appreciates that +2 power and wasn't even critting anyways, don't verbally abuse them over magmic being their only non-iron option. If a player's weapons aren't +40 crit, maybe consider they can't afford the 500 murai people charge for parts yet, before bashing them for their percieved retardation in not maxing out top tier gear by level 8?

I've invited a few people to SL2 lately. Not one has stuck around. I wonder why? "Oh, cool, Ether auto-repairs after every fight? That'll be useful for grinding." Cue incredibly abraisive response that they should be using +5 weight weapons with their max BW of 9, or they can get bent? Really?

New players aren't going to start with 10 LEs under their belt, and neither did you, so cut the sass and don't be an ass.

Re: PSA: Attitudes towards newer players. - Chaos - 04-17-2016

I'm actually going to ask for the name of the player who took on that attitude. Preferably through PM.

No, really, this is the kind of behavior that needs to get a hard boot to the face, not just a 'BE ASHAMED, ANONYMOUS' message.

Re: PSA: Attitudes towards newer players. - Soapy - 04-17-2016

"[url= Wrote:Ranylyn ยป Sun Apr 17, 2016 1:24 am[/url]"]the Meta is all about that PVP and that they won't likely enjoy themselves long term if they aren't interested in it
I've invited a few people to SL2 lately. Not one has stuck around. I wonder why?
I wonder why, indeed.

You and some other less vocal players seem to think people can either enjoy the PvP, enjoy the PvE (that you seem to believe is the red headed stepchild of the game), or not like the game at all. That isn't a very healthy attitude to bring to new players, either.

I love competitive PvP. I play very few games that aren't focused on it. Most of my characters are as optimized for PvP as they can be (while still fitting their theme) and most of my 47 characters were created because I wanted to try out a new build in PvP.

All that being said, SL2 is not a game about PvP any more than it is a game about PvE (which, coincidentally, I also enjoy with certain builds).

It's about roleplay. If you don't roleplay, you aren't going to have fun. Despite how much I enjoy PvP, I have multiple characters that are either completely unleveled, or don't fight unless necessary. You don't, contrary to popular belief, need to PvE or PvP to any degree at all to enjoy the game, but you do need to roleplay - and conveniently enough, them's the rules.

Re: PSA: Attitudes towards newer players. - Ranylyn - 04-17-2016

Chaos: I'll try to get names from the person in question. I'll PM you or Skype you once I have them.

Soapy: I should probably have been more clear. I meant that there's not all that much PVE content, considering (currently, the main story questline ends off at what, level 35 enemies? And procedurally randomized dungeons get old super fast) so many people seem to think that all your PVE does is build up to PVP. Again, their opinion, but they're allowed to have their own opinion and it's okay to share it.

And I'm not trying to sound like a PVP hater; it's a reasonable endgoal since AI in any game becomes predicatable and exploitable with experience, while a human player could very well do something you never anticipated, and it's a great way top apply your mastery of the mechanics and take your understanding and skills to the next level. It's definitely a must in many communities. It's a good thing to have. And I cannot express enough how dumb it would be for a game about RP to not have it. If I do come across as a hater of PVP, it's largely just frustration at various aspects of things. (Keeping it intentionally vague, so as to not upset anyone.)

I personally DO manage to enjoy both PVP and PVE, and that point was made about the same kinds of people who made the "don't even dare use a non rockdirt/carapace" comments. It's very reasonable for some people to go "pffft, all there is to do anymore is PVP" once RP gets stale, so I was saying "feel free to share your opinion about that if you want, but don't tell people to gtfo if they're not on board."

At the end of the day, SL2 IS supposed to be more about the roleplay than the mechanics; the mechanics are simply there as a medium through which to explore the more fantastic elements of roleplay, according to Dev. And people are welcome to explore the aspects of the game they want.