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I shinken you not - Printable Version

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I shinken you not - Rendar - 06-13-2016

Shinken is supposed to be getting a +POW bonus to its ranged variant. However this does not seem to be the case in actual testing. At R5, it has about 130 power, which with 87 power on my weapon, seems to be absurdly low.

53 STR
53 WIL
65 STR/60 WIL scaling weapon
27 POW fist + R5 fist mastery
Rank 5 Shinken

That should be about 60 from stats, 32 from the fist..
From the looks of it, Rank Five Shinken is just flat out getting 100% WPN scaling instead of 150% (as per the tooltip)

--- ROUND 0 ---
Aru's turn.
Debug: Incise Can Select: 1 Martial Lawbreaker
Aru's turn.
Aru's turn.
Debug: Incise Can Select: 1 Martial Lawbreaker
Debug: MA_COMBO_FIGHTER: initial(X:from_class) VS /obj/class/Soldier and Utility VS Offensive
Debug: MA_COMBO_FIGHTER: initial(X:from_class) VS /obj/class/Soldier and Utility VS Offensive
Debug: Total Power for Shinken / Bare Fists was 136.5.
Jammer takes 132 Slash damage.
The battle has ended.

Re: I shinken you not - Neus - 06-13-2016

What weapon? Are you using a fist weapon with Shinken via Martial Lawbreaker? These are important details if so.

Re: I shinken you not - Rendar - 06-13-2016

Oh sorry.

Yes, I'm using a fist weapon via martial lawbreaker. It's the Spelledge Fist with Shinken. Sorry.

Re: I shinken you not - Neus - 06-14-2016

This has been corrected.