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Praying And Such - Printable Version

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Praying And Such - EmoxNeko - 06-22-2016

When you use Pray (Curate Skill Pray) and it hits an offensive effect (see: Divine Lightning), it seemingly removes Pacifist Boon.

Effectively, this makes you remove your boon which gives FP for Immediate FP.

Also, Since 'Pray' always procs an effect (see: 100 FAI), there's a high chance of my boon getting removed just cause I prayed. This might be a bug, might not.

Re: Praying And Such - Rendar - 06-22-2016

Not so much a 'bug' as it just giving you a random chance to rain lightning from above and waste your Boon.

tl;dr God's a jerk.

Re: Praying And Such - Raigen.Convict - 06-23-2016

Already asked about this, Tl;DR Dev says working as intended, so just don't use pray that ofton, thank you and good night. Dev doesen't change his mind like, ever.

Re: Praying And Such - Snake - 06-23-2016

Who cares :v, better than a boring stalemate fight against someone with over 20 FP regen who can be keking at their Youkais doing all the job and healing thems'elves' endlessly.

Re: Praying And Such - Neus - 07-04-2016

Why would this be a bug? You dealt damage. That removes the Pacifist Boon.