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Profile crashing (Not sure if this counts) - Printable Version

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Profile crashing (Not sure if this counts) - iStabOreos - 06-24-2016

So, other than the temporary fix of telling people not to click/examine you, I've been noticing a lot of issues with certain people's profiles being well bugged out, mine included, I'm not sure if it's the coding I added to it, the fact I placed a font I shouldn't have or what? But this is rather annoying especially when one person can wipe them.

Anyways, the point of this thread is to highlight the crashing that's been happening a lot lately when you view a certain person's profile.

Re: Profile crashing (Not sure if this counts) - Exxy - 06-24-2016

I would suggest making a thread where the derps can post if they need a wipe or we can post aliases that need to be wiped due to causing crashed because this is getting out of hand.

Re: Profile crashing (Not sure if this counts) - MegaBlues - 06-24-2016

INB4 people are purposefully making their profiles crash others to stop their equipment from being examined.

Re: Profile crashing (Not sure if this counts) - iStabOreos - 06-24-2016

"MegaBlues" Wrote:INB4 people are purposefully making their profiles crash others to stop their equipment from being examined.
If only, but it's still annoying to crash all the fucking time.

"Exxy" Wrote:I would suggest making a thread where the derps can post if they need a wipe or we can post aliases that need to be wiped due to causing crashed because this is getting out of hand.
Or, we could voice our complaints here.

Re: Profile crashing (Not sure if this counts) - Exxy - 06-24-2016

Voicing complaints about a psuedo-mechanic/bug does nothing with going through on damage control. Either this needs to be addressed and to try urging people NOT to full copy-paste or to make a bug report and have Dev rewrite the code causing this issue so people can't abuse it (if my equipment can be seen so should yours, go#-****#@@ d@##!$).

Re: Profile crashing (Not sure if this counts) - iStabOreos - 06-24-2016


Re: Profile crashing (Not sure if this counts) - Exxy - 06-24-2016


Re: Profile crashing (Not sure if this counts) - Snake - 06-24-2016

Soooooooo, according to a previous post, what's making profiles crash is the code to add 'glow'.

Re: Profile crashing (Not sure if this counts) - Nanovelich - 06-24-2016

Yes, that is at least one thing causing crashes, and I imagine the one most people have tried to use.

But I would stay away from table specifications in general, just to be sure. Or anything CSS, really. For now.

Re: Profile crashing (Not sure if this counts) - Neus - 07-04-2016

Update your BYOND.