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It's All Gone to Shit - Printable Version

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It's All Gone to Shit - Nytingale - 07-26-2016

Where do I even begin?

In the space of 4 hours, I've experienced 7 bugs in two different incidents; and I'm genuinely not sure if one incident influenced the other. since both involved black screens that led to more bugs. Then a few days past, I witnessed yet another bug. I guess that's where I'll start then:

So, I've not tried doing it myself (as I don't use the Skill bar), but I was told about a bug that basically ignores turn order through the use of spamming an action on your skill bar once the turn begins. It apparently doesn't always work but when it does, it can allow you to take a turn between enemy mobs' turn so long as the turn order switches from one mob to another.

Now, onto today's "adventures".

1st bug) I was in a Level 55 Cavern on Chaturanga, trying to get a Full Clear Bonus on my own. I got into a battle on the 2nd floor and used Crystal Rose twice in one turn. The first time, nothing happened; however, on the second time, the Rose Animation "spawned" about 3 - 4 tiles north of where I used it, although the mobs in my intended area did get hit anyway.

2nd bug) Immediately following my second Crystal Rose, the mobs died and then I was instantly "teleported" (?) outside the dungeon. Not outside - outside, but outside as in, on empty tiles with the walls of the dungeon next to me. I wasn't able to get back into the dungeon nor could I alga plume "out" of it because logically speaking, I wasn't -in- a dungeon in the first place. And yes, I still tried to do so anyway at the behest of someone and it failed, as expected.

3rd bug) So, to get myself out of the void, I relogged. I appeared outside the dungeon (outside-outside this time, as in, on the world map), right next to it and tried to re-enter the dungeon, thinking that was the end of it all. Nope~ I couldn't enter the dungeon and every time I tried to enter it, I instead got the message that the floor of the dungeon was cleared (kinda' hints that the code for that pop-up occurs before a Player actually enters the dungeon floor). I couldn't test if this effect persisted solely on me or anyone else however, since despite I constantly asked for someone - anyone - to come and test it but none showed up.

4th bug) I took a brief break (remain logged in), came back about 2 or 3 hours later and was going through a different dungeon this time. A Level 55 Fire Altar in Oniga. Everything's going fine, I get in a battle and randomly in the midst of the battle; my screen goes black. Not black-black, as there were still HUD-elements there (such as the battle menu, my status HUD, skill bar, and I think turn order), but everything else was for the most part - black.

5th bug) So, thinking it might've been lag related, I checked my ping - which turned out to be fine - then tried trying to use the battle menu like normal. It worked about 50%: I could scroll up and down on the menu? But the moment I selected an action on the menu, all the HUDs disappeared; much like they would if the screen was normal - Well, except that also the Skill Bar and Status HUD also disappeared as well. So now everything's truly black.

6th bug) Trying something out, I relog to come back with a black screen, although the screen resolution has become absolutely horrendous (it zoomed in quite a bit). I usually use the "stretch to fit" setting and I have noticed that sometimes, during a mid-battle relog, the screen resolution looks similar to the "Old Interface" setting. So I handled that in a similar way between flickering to a different option then going back to my desired one. My screen however, was still black and this did not change until I "stared blankly at nothing". Once that happened, everything returned to my screen like normal; as if nothing was wrong... Except; NOW I couldn't move through the battle menu...

7th bug) So, I tried clicking a battle menu option anyway (move), but nothing changed on the screen still. I relogged and low-and-behold; the movement tiles appeared, but the normal battle menu screen remained, preventing me from moving through the use of directional keys. Furthermore, the battle menu still could not be traversed anyway. I had to use the "click to move" thing to finally be able to move and then everything returned to normal.

Re: It's All Gone to Shit - Nytingale - 07-28-2016

So here's an update concerning the 4th bug:

It seems to occur for me whenever I proc Voltiger and Perfect Poise from a Crit Riposte; although, it doesn't appear to happen all the time. Furthermore, I've noticed that after the screen "returns to normal", my position has been teleported to some other rather spot on the map - no, not the "move 1 tile back" from Voltiger; I mean a huge "leap" in distance from your original position to some other spot.

Edit: I think the mob must also die from the Crit Riposte to trigger the black screen, as I just performed everything there except killing the mob and the bug did not die.

Re: It's All Gone to Shit - Nytingale - 08-30-2016

Bump. The 4th bug mentioned here is still occurring, as it's happened to me about 3 or 4 times today alone.

Re: It's All Gone to Shit - Nytingale - 09-16-2016

This bug is still happening. Apparently, for the first time, it happened to me while in a party and a person said I had actually disappeared and they're familiar with the bug as well. Basically, it seems to be grabbing me into the void then "spitting me back" to some random location so long as my turn ends; regardless of if it's manually or otherwise.