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Spell thief stolen spell ranks - Printable Version

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Spell thief stolen spell ranks - Lolzytripd - 09-01-2016

I believe for the sake of balance, the rank of a stolen spell should not be deterimined by your own rank of the spell, in a class you don't even have equipped.

Instead it should be either determined by your rank of spell snatch or your rank of overload copy

The reason why this needs to change is that Destined spell thiefs are weaker than regular spell thiefs because they cant even put ranks in class that isn't a rogue promo.

Re: Spell thief stolen spell ranks - Ranylyn - 09-01-2016

Plus, some spells are literally useless at rank 1; such as Earthbound Vengeance.

Ideally, I'd like something like 20 total ranks to divide as you wish among your spells (such as in the event of spells you want to keep low due to FP costs going up) and not just giving Spellthief Rank 5 in everything for free, but this is at least a better option than locking everything at rank 1.

Re: Spell thief stolen spell ranks - Lolzytripd - 09-01-2016

well if you put it into overload copy that a 5 skill point tax right there that they cant use in other more desirable spell thief skills or passives.

Re: Spell thief stolen spell ranks - Autumn - 09-01-2016

I think that copy spells should be the same rank as your snatch spell rank.

Re: Spell thief stolen spell ranks - Esther - 09-02-2016

I think you mean Spell Snatch. The actual stealing skill.

Snatch Spell is the counterspell one, that automatically negates the next spell that targets you and Spell Snatches it. Stupid that they're the same two words in opposite order -- should just call Snatch Spell something else, like 'Counterswipe.'

Anyway, yes -- the rank of a copy spell should either be equal to the rank of Spell Snatch (Max. 6 with a spirit)...


...equal to 1 per 7 Spellthief class levels, with a minimum of Rank 1 and a maximum of Rank 6.

Class Level 01 ~ 13 = Rank 1 Copy Spells
Class Level 14 ~ 20 = Rank 2 Copy Spells
Class Level 21 ~ 27 = Rank 3 Copy Spells
Class Level 28 ~ 34 = Rank 4 Copy Spells
Class Level 35 ~ 41 = Rank 5 Copy Spells
Class Level 42 ~ 50 = Rank 6 Copy Spells (only available to Rogue Destiny)

Re: Spell thief stolen spell ranks - Kameron8 - 09-02-2016

"Esther" Wrote:I think you mean Spell Snatch. The actual stealing skill.

Snatch Spell is the counterspell one, that automatically negates the next spell that targets you and Spell Snatches it. Stupid that they're the same two words in opposite order -- should just call Snatch Spell something else, like 'Counterswipe.'

Anyway, yes -- the rank of a copy spell should either be equal to the rank of Spell Snatch (Max. 6 with a spirit)...


...equal to 1 per 7 Spellthief class levels, with a minimum of Rank 1 and a maximum of Rank 6.

Class Level 01 ~ 13 = Rank 1 Copy Spells
Class Level 14 ~ 20 = Rank 2 Copy Spells
Class Level 21 ~ 27 = Rank 3 Copy Spells
Class Level 28 ~ 34 = Rank 4 Copy Spells
Class Level 35 ~ 41 = Rank 5 Copy Spells
Class Level 42 ~ 50 = Rank 6 Copy Spells (only available to Rogue Destiny)

I like this idea a lot, however if can not be implemented in exactly this way. Some spells don't even have a rank 5, and that scaling is incompatible with those that end at rank 3. Of course, there could be strange wording to even it out, but it'd have to read something like:

"...equal to 1 per 7 Spellthief class levels, with a minimum of Rank 1 and a maximum of one greater than default maximum rank."

Which isn't exactly clear. Tying it to class level is a wonderful idea, though, and bonuses to Destiny are always good in my book.

Re: Spell thief stolen spell ranks - Akame - 09-22-2016

Since the Dev asked. Bumped.
I'm for copy spell ranks either equal to your Overload Copy Innate or Spell Snatch.

Re: Spell thief stolen spell ranks - Akame - 10-18-2016

Bumping this again after the update. Destiny Copy Spells are still completely useless at Rank 0.