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Stat Calculations - Printable Version

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Stat Calculations - Druby - 09-18-2016

So, after hitting level 60 and fiddling around with the new stat system, I decided to see if I could go with a max aptitude build since my character has pretty spread out stats, and upgrading aptitude would be pretty cost efficient for me with what I want to put where. I tossed some money in the donation jar and bought a few Fruits of Fluidity to begin fiddling around with points.

After doing my fiddling around, it looks like calculations, at least for Aptitude aren't being done right? I have 78 points in Aptitude, meaning I should have a flat 13 in everything else before items and other points, but... My Sanctity is at 10, and my Faith at 11 for some reason, and I have not touched those whatsoever with any kind of points, nor do I have any gear that affects those stats. I heard that aptitude stops increasing points somewhere at like 40-ish points into it, and I don't know if that's true or if that's meant to be intentional or not, but I figured I'd bring this up here, especially since it could mean there are other miscalculations going on with the stats.

Image for reference:

Re: Stat Calculations - Ardratz - 09-18-2016

Diminshing gains, stats become worth less after reaching a softcap, which is 40+racial base, while you do have 78 base Aptitude it's scaled value would be closer to 60. if you're human, which will give +10 to all other stats.

Re: Stat Calculations - Druby - 09-18-2016

I see... Well, after doing a little bit of digging and pulling up the formula that Dev has put up on Byond... It becomes a bit more of how exactly to calculate how much aptitude you need at that point? I suppose that makes this more a suggestion than a bug report, but... It seems unnecessarily complicated to try and figure out how much aptitude you need once the diminishing returns start happening. With all the other stats, the game sorta does it for you, but there's no real indication for Aptitude other than basic trial and error, which would cost real money.

Should I mark this thread as Solved? Or move this to another board?

Re: Stat Calculations - Neus - 09-18-2016

You could always toy around in the stat distribution and see what totals you get new APT bonuses at. That'd most likely be the simplest way to know.

Of course, if -that- isn't accurately represented in the stat distribution, that is definitely a bug.

Re: Stat Calculations - Druby - 09-18-2016

Well, I've gone back and checked it over again with another Fruit of Fluidity, and it does show the changes in stats, so that apparently slipped my mind. Thank you for that.

Otherwise, I can't seem to raise it past 80 despite having a base of 4 in it from being human. I don't know if it'd do anything anyways, so it may really end up being a useless nitpick, but yes, thank you for your help.

Re: Stat Calculations - Esther - 09-21-2016

The general consensus seems to be that, if you total up the number of stats that are essential to your build, the number of APT points purchased before a new APT bonus in every stat is gained needs to be equal or less than that number.

For example: a build that needs 7 stats, will see a benefit even by spending 7 points for an APT increase. This is why 0-APT races with these spread-out builds tend to go for 43 (scaled 42) APT. Spending 7 pts in APT instead of in each of those stats, also nets you a free point in the stats that aren't 'essentials' but still have value.