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Animated Sword Lingering Damage - Printable Version

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Animated Sword Lingering Damage - Ranylyn - 11-11-2016

These numbers are at level 29. Character has 30 Def/Res and 251 Max HP. Armor is a Carapace Breastplate, no upgrades.

Animated Sword's turn.
[REDACTED] takes 65 Pierce physical damage.
[REDACTED] is now suffering from a moderate stab wound.
Status Infliction: 60 VS Status Resistance: 42
[REDACTED] was inflicted with Lingering Damage!

... Skipping Ahead

--- ROUND 1 ---
[REDACTED] recovered 2 FP.
[REDACTED] recovered 2 HP.
[REDACTED] recovered 8 FP.
[REDACTED] takes 55 Pierce physical damage

50% of 200% Scaled Weapon attack may be a biiiiiit too much. As in, the lingering damage is more than DOUBLE per turn than what most of the other enemies were doing, and even than the Animated Sword's basic attacks were coming up significantly short.

Compare to:

Souls Tainted By Darkness's turn.
[REDACTED] takes 22 Sound magical damage.
Status Infliction: 40 VS Status Resistance: 42
Souls Tainted By Darkness's turn.
Souls Tainted By Darkness attacks [REDACTED] with Ectoplasm and hits them!
[REDACTED] takes 22 Darkness physical damage.

Ghost Dog's turn.
[REDACTED] takes 24 Ice magical damage.

Animated Sword attacks [REDACTED] with Self Strike and hits them!
[REDACTED] takes 35 Slash physical damage.

Yeah. That's just too much. It could stand to be adjusted to a smaller number.

Re: Animated Sword Lingering Damage - Neus - 11-11-2016

This is from Deep Strike, isn't it? The numbers are high but it's a 6M skill.

Re: Animated Sword Lingering Damage - Autumn - 11-11-2016

I have no problem with deep strike, it can be parried and also it's like fire spitter's self-detonate, can be avoided with proper kiting.

Re: Animated Sword Lingering Damage - Soapy - 11-11-2016

I was going to compare it to self-detonate too, but since those at least die when they use it, I'm not too sure anymore.

Maybe lower it a little to 150-175%?

Re: Animated Sword Lingering Damage - Ranylyn - 11-11-2016

Actually, my bad. I didn't realize it was 6m. Disregard this post.

(I honestly didn't even bother checking if info on it's skills COULD be read, after the forest crowd and all.)