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Locked House not Locked - Printable Version

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Locked House not Locked - Ryu-Kazuki - 12-15-2014

Locking a house (aka the red / green circle on the housing interface) does not properly keep people out. At least not in Cellsvich forest houses; I went to go make some keys for PD, and she managed to get in even though I forgot to unlock the house last night after modifying it in build mode.

I think it's possible that it might be bypassing house locks when reboot happens, but that's just my speculation on the matter. Other than that, locking housing in the forest doesn't seem to be working.

Re: Locked House not Locked - Ryu-Kazuki - 12-16-2014

This also happened in the Yuisen Main Branch in Oniga. The door was locked and someone seemed to get inside still. I think reboot might actually be doing something to the locking mechanism but the graphic still stays red and you have to reset it.