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Raiding/Protecting Caravans - Printable Version

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Raiding/Protecting Caravans - K Peculier - 01-01-2017

As this was mentioned that we may one day have the option of becoming bandits/thieves with raiding and even protecting caravans there is one thing I really want from all this.

Please, please, please do not make this a 'kill everyone on the map' to win kind of deal like we have now with PVP and PVE. By this I mean, please make raiding/protecting caravan a custom game 'mode' so to speak.

One of my great hope is that people wishing to steal from the caravan do not have to necessarily kill every npc and player in order to 'win' and the same going for the protectors.

The protectors of the caravan should have an objective timer to protect the caravan a certain number of rounds or something akin to that while the thieves must get to the precious cargo and steal whatever they can and flee before a set amount of time. This is just one of my ideas. But please don't make it a kill everything and winner takes all kind of deal.

Thoughts? Ideas?

Re: Raiding/Protecting Caravans - Chaos - 01-01-2017

You do realize that the Guards would have to react to Caravan raiders accordingly, correct?

Re: Raiding/Protecting Caravans - K Peculier - 01-01-2017

Of course! I'm not saying we should completely eliminate the risk for any sides.

All I ask is that it's not an all or nothing, no holds barred battle to the death if this feature were to be implemented.

If raiders lose/get captured etc...Guards are free to do as they please and vice-versa if the caravan is completely annihilated by bandits.

I am proposing a less risky alternative to that by suggesting that it does not have to end in 100% total victory for one side via a custom game mode or 'objective' if you will.

In this case. Protecting the caravan a set amount of round or the raiders managing to flee with the loot.