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Examining Youkai/Monsters bugged - Printable Version

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Examining Youkai/Monsters bugged - Raigen.Convict - 01-09-2017

Ladies and gentlemen any youkai you examine presents you with THIS
[Image: 2646181b47c6539b4d8888f18cba9534.png]

I would enjoy seeing this remedied in the near future, I actually take time to edit my youkai descriptions. A similar issue was happening before but now it's with a different character profile.

(UPDATE): This effect counts for monsters it seems as well.

Re: Examining Youkai/Monsters bugged - Neus - 01-10-2017

Can't replicate this offline, all of the correct information comes up when I right-click and examine them.

Re: Examining Youkai/Monsters bugged - Raigen.Convict - 01-11-2017

If that's the case, there are some differences between the live server and your offline server. I just now tested it live before posting this. Finding out that there's a difference between the servers will also help with your bug-testing in other scenarios I believe.

Re: Examining Youkai/Monsters bugged - Neus - 01-12-2017

There wouldn't be any differences most likely. Unless you can give me some method to reproduce it then there's not much I can do.

Re: Examining Youkai/Monsters bugged - Raigen.Convict - 01-12-2017

There is no reproduction to be had, on the live server if you examine a non player being such as a youkai or a monster that profile will appear there.

Re: Examining Youkai/Monsters bugged - catabur - 01-12-2017

Since it seems to pull random player's profiles, I don't think it'd work effectively offline.

I remember a time where quite a few players on OOC complained about this issue, citing a few different profiles as overtaking the monster's own. Maybe it might have to do on how profiles are saved differently now.

Re: Examining Youkai/Monsters bugged - Neus - 01-22-2017

This has been corrected.