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Izabe Unsummonable - Printable Version

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Izabe Unsummonable - Sephentoud - 01-21-2017

I have the Iazabe Youkai among my group, unsure if anyone else has it and noticed this themselves, but I can't select her or summon her and her name is forced to be Jack o' Lantern.

[Image: 3c924d2241c2d16a428863553008f180.jpg]
An image of her in combat

[Image: 4f79b34aa74eee63e8bdf9719360b023.jpg]
And an image of her outside of combat, I have not changed her name as I'm still deciding on what to call her at the moment.

I was just wondering what kind of bug this was, hopefully it will be resolved and I can start summoning her.

Re: Izabe Unsummonable - Sephentoud - 01-21-2017

Problem seemed to have fixed itself, when I logged in this morning I was able to summon her, might be noted to others that you should relog when you get the Fairy Youkai Izabe.

Re: Izabe Unsummonable - Neus - 01-21-2017

Very odd. I'd like to know if there's any way to reproduce it 100% of the time and if relogging actually does fix it. There were some changes a few updates ago about caching skill generation to improve server performance and this might be part of the issue, but I'd like to know those two things first.