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About Glykins - Printable Version

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About Glykins - Snake - 02-22-2017

Sorry if this comes up as a suggestion, so...

Why not make their passive healing cap at 2% of Max HP, and it gets tripled if they are poisoned. (For that, we remove their poison immunity and replace with a 100% resist.)

Re: About Glykins - Neus - 02-23-2017

It's not a question of why not, it's a question of why bother?

Re: About Glykins - Autumn - 02-23-2017

Hmm, I don't think a change like this would be too necessary, I think the poison immunity is fine, though I agree that at 45 scaled SAN, glykins heal 5% of their HP, which SAN is an HP stat, it's not uncommon to see Glykin with 1000+ HP healing for 50HP Per turn from their passive alone, and if their HP gets even higher it gets hectic to deal with because SAN is also the status resistance stat, preventing them from getting interferenced as easily.

Though that being said, all I think glykins need is a tweak to how golden blood works, I'd say every 20 scaled SAN they'd get an additional +1% to HP Regen, causing 3% HP Regen to be the norm instead of 5%

Re: About Glykins - Ranylyn - 02-23-2017

"Neus" Wrote:It's not a question of why not, it's a question of why bother?

So someone can abuse poisoned pufferfish to regen more per round than they currently get, whiule simultaneously getting more Afflicted Spectre boosts.

No, seriously, I guarantee that is the reason. 100%.

Re: About Glykins - Snake - 02-23-2017

Guess spooks said everything I wanted to say behind the lines with this small 'suggestion'. In three rounds of fleeing/kiting with Leaping Lizard and Winged Serpent, they can restore 15% of their maximum HP and technically act like free Mayellia.

There's no excuse for them to be healing 50+ HP passively, and that can be further increased by Golden Wax, Blood Jewel, Soldier and Blessing of Glykon. It's pretty unfair, and Glykins are in the 'list of most annoying/invincible tanks to deal with' too. Maybe to what Spooks said about (20 Scaled SAN = 1% HP Regen)

And in my opinion, if the healing should ever be big, it should be situational as a punishment for the enemy's bad choice. (Hence why making Poison factor in it, and actually double the amount of HP recovered passively from it.)

Also Rany, you could do that and trade for Well Fed or Sushi Power. All an option you can use in your favor, yes. Though my suggestion came without backbone, nerfing it to 20 Scaled SAN per 1% HP and adding the double factor to poison would make this interesting, no? Though, I'm convinced it would be needless work, so maybe another thing in the future.

Re: About Glykins - MegaBlues - 02-23-2017

I'd say just plain decrease it to 1% HP per 20 San. Glykins are the go-to choice for tanking right now, and their racial doesn't need a situational buff that's easy to apply.

Re: About Glykins - Snake - 02-23-2017

Yeah, I've remembered why that would be a bad choice. There's Aberration Spear, and it would become an unintentional grief tool for them. (Hexers, for example, can hold their Wretched Oil back, Aberration Spear critical hits you'll need to be praying against crits, in which can loop the main problem we have right now with Glykins back to them.)
That's why I've said 'I'm convinced it would be needless work' on my last post.

So let's go with 1% HP per 20 scaled SAN.

Re: About Glykins - Trexmaster - 03-13-2017

Glykins are still pretty overbearing when built for tank.

Docking their percent heal to 1% per 20 would be a start.

Immunity to poison and passive percentage heals (very often used with upwards of 1,000 HP) is difficult to compete with in terms of tank power. Not to mention Golden Blood's -other- effect, but that doesn't come up nearly as often.

Re: About Glykins - Kameron8 - 03-16-2017

"Trexmaster" Wrote:Glykins are still pretty overbearing when built for tank.

Docking their percent heal to 1% per 20 would be a start.

Immunity to poison and passive percentage heals (very often used with upwards of 1,000 HP) is difficult to compete with in terms of tank power. Not to mention Golden Blood's -other- effect, but that doesn't come up nearly as often.

Agreed, right now in the edge cases you have to deal with roughly 40-60 HP coming back each turn, alongside a wall of tank stats. I'd also like to see their healing get reduced to 1% per 20 Scaled San, instead of 1+(1 per 15 scaled)%. Numerically speaking, the passive itself is contributing roughly 40 of the 60 HP/Turn, where the blessing of Glycon -- and often Soldier passives, the trait, and Terrasque Shell -- cover the rest.

Re: About Glykins - Neus - 03-16-2017

What about changing the recovery to be 1 HP per 2 Scaled SAN, up to a maximum of half your level?