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Regenshauer minor tweak - Printable Version

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Regenshauer minor tweak - Snake - 02-28-2017

Can Regenshauer's hit count use Schwarz Sturm after receiving the extra +1 SS?

So technically you'll be hitting 2 times at your first use, and 4 times on your second use, instead of 1 time on first use and then 3 times on second like how it is right now.

The skill, aside being so underwhelming for being reduced by Evasion and Wraithguard, also doesn't receive any damage percentage bonuses from Schwarz Sturm's passive, and even more now that Orkam Drehen consumes Schwarz Sturm, drastically weakening this skill's damage output, as opposite to the other skills Boxer has.

Re: Regenshauer minor tweak - Neus - 03-01-2017

Don't think so.