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Get up with the sickness (PR-Hi potions) - Printable Version

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Get up with the sickness (PR-Hi potions) - Autumn - 04-20-2017

Could PR-Hi potion give 8 rounds of potion sickness instead of 5 rounds? depending on who you are facing in a serious fight, 5 rounds could easily pass for someone turtling it out.

I'd like for PR-hi potions to stay as a lasting impact to serious fights to sort of different them from regular spars, and give meaning to crafting them, but also they do need to be hit a little bit, I think extending potion sickness is the way to go here, and possibly some other form of downside if someone can figure one out.

Re: Get up with the sickness (PR-Hi potions) - Lolzytripd - 04-20-2017

you could also increase the momentum cost of it to match large potions at 5m.

Re: Get up with the sickness (PR-Hi potions) - Autumn - 04-20-2017

No..I think that'd make them completely worthless, no one would use them at 5m, I think its momentum cost is fine, like I said they should have an impact in a serious fight, but you can mad turtle it out with stuff like guard spam and body of isesip just to prevent yourself from just dying, I think just extending the potion sickness is fine, that way they're just not used frequently, you know?

The amount PRs heal is not an issue either, as there are shutdowns for healing in general in the form of interference.

Re: Get up with the sickness (PR-Hi potions) - Grandpa - 04-20-2017

I'd be just fine with seeing this happen. Probably happy about it, honestly.

Re: Get up with the sickness (PR-Hi potions) - Snake - 04-20-2017

Potion Sickness sort of makes any other kind of potion to become useless for the duration, so you won't be able to use anything else for the duration. If the problem is on PR-Hi Potions, it should just be another debuff that prevents 'it' from being used again, instead of something that affects all.

So why not something like a debuff called 'Potion Overdose'? Make it give a stacking chance (25% per use) for 8 rounds (refreshes back to 8 on use), that any Prescribed Hi-Potions will backfire and damage your insides as unresistable Poison magic damage (ignores immunity/resistance, has a chance to inflict a Wound), instead of healing. The damage being 1.25x of what it would heal.

Re: Get up with the sickness (PR-Hi potions) - Grandpa - 04-20-2017

Or, another idea, just make them less effective every time you drink one. The first, 100% effectiveness. The next, 75% and so on. Honestly, I'd like to see a system similar to this for all methods of healing so they aren't so overbearing. It would also just kind of make sense, at least I think. You can only heal a wound so many times before it just stops mending the right way and all that.

Re: Get up with the sickness (PR-Hi potions) - Ranylyn - 04-20-2017

Disclaimer: I'm throwing an idea out based on what I've seen various other games (like Left 4 Dead, or even Dragon Age Inquisition) do in regard to systems relating to health. I do not expect my idea to be popular, but at the very least, could get discussion going. I'm willing to support the overdose mechanic, I'm just throwing more ideas out there for the sake of looking at this from every angle.

If people are out-tanking the cooldown to pop another, they could be changed to act more like painkillers than a proper heal, conferring temporary HP for a few rounds (to buy time to finish the battle or get healed by an ally, if lacking healing skills/spells themselves) and they pass out from the pain if their health is below 0 when the painkiller wears off. If the battle ends first, they have time to apply emergency treatment (bandages and such) and the temporary health does not drop (to keep them PVE viable and not just PVP tools.)

Sample scenario: Priest A is surrounded. Down to 100 HP, and unable to do enough damage to finish his attackers off in one turn, and his heals are on cooldown (he had even less HP before casting Graft this turn, already.) His allies can come help, but are two turns away, on the other side of the battlefield. In this case, a potion would buy time for the cooldowns on the healing spells and to survive until their allies arrive.

Depending on your playstyle, this either changes nothing or everything. Players who subscribe to the mentality of "MP recovers, potions don't" and who use items as a last resort won't even bat an eyelash at this. The flipside... well... I honestly don't know what the flipside thinks at all, since the concept of "let's waste all my resources" is alien to me.

Re: Get up with the sickness (PR-Hi potions) - Autumn - 04-21-2017

There's..there's really just no need, extending potion sickness is a fair enough trade off, I don't think PRs themselves are OP but just abusable under certain circumstances.

Re: Get up with the sickness (PR-Hi potions) - MegaBlues - 04-21-2017

I think the easiest thing to do is just give them a cap. 8 rounds is a bit much, especially for the people who aren't meta cannon-sustain-tank builds.

Re: Get up with the sickness (PR-Hi potions) - Autumn - 04-21-2017

I mean you can either limit them to once a battle or you can put a 8 round potion sickness on, either works, but 8 rounds seems more fair.

I wanna make everyone clear here, PR Hi potions are not OP, just absuable when used multiple times in a single serious fight.