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Pawn Shop Woes - Printable Version

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Pawn Shop Woes - Selfish Gene - 05-22-2017

Hello hello,

A friend of mine brought an interesting idea up to me and I was wondering if other people would like to see it implemented. The way that the current pawn shop or any form of purchasing/selling service works in the game is a tedious click and drag action that tends to take far more time than necessary.

Would it be possible to add an option in the game where you Ctrl + Click to purchase or sell an item? That way you have the liberty of either doing what's comfortable and familiar by clicking and dragging or if you're in a rush or have plenty of junk to sell, save yourself the time and Ctrl + Click it all away and move on with your day.

A side note to this as well is that they mentioned if it would be possible to remove Donor Items from these pawn shop situations? Just the anxiety of skimming through the list and seeing these Donor Items is frightening enough as is. I think this would be a simple fix to keep from the tedium of the current system but also keeping it as is for those who are more comfortable with it.


Re: Pawn Shop Woes - Nanovelich - 05-22-2017

Both are possible without much effort, I'm sure.

Frankly, I've always wanted a way to just dump all items in a stack without having to throw '999' into a popup anyway. I'm down with both of these unless someone can point out a justifiable argument to keep Donor items in shop situations. (Probably to get rid of no longer useful items... though we have 'destroy item' for that.)

Re: Pawn Shop Woes - Selfish Gene - 05-22-2017

Agreed. If anyone can come up with a justifiable reason please share it, but I just think that the tedium of clicking and dragging each individual item is dreadful.

Re: Pawn Shop Woes - Snake - 05-23-2017

AAAAAAAHHHHH. Make it happen. That's mostly why I don't sell my stuff, it takes one billion years for everything to go through due to the slow motion drag and drop that sometimes get blotched by the game lag and you have to do it like 3-4 times for the item to be transfered.

Re: Pawn Shop Woes - GSM - 05-24-2017

Agree with this and especially Snake here. I half expected it to be a thing- it upset me when Minecraft had this and SL2 didn't.

(yes i mentioned minecraft i was a dumb child)

Re: Pawn Shop Woes - Ranylyn - 05-24-2017

This is a much needed step in the right direction. +1.

(Now all we need is a way to browse the last 10-20 items sold to the pawn shop by players and buy what we want. Sick of trying to hunt down 3-5* rarity items that can't be crafted only to find that everyone pawns every last non-Rustic one they find, making me completely dependant on only my own drops.)

Re: Pawn Shop Woes - Poptartu - 05-24-2017

This should be extended to trades if it isn't a big hassle. That way my pawn shop can benefit from easier sales and purchases Big Grin