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Mapping Issue - Darkwood Manor entrance - Printable Version

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Mapping Issue - Darkwood Manor entrance - Nanovelich - 05-31-2017

Simple issue, but this can lead to getting lost in the dark. (Hurhur.)
[Image: 7eff63ecc0e2c162b4cc7d81843be638.png]

There is no wall to prevent you from walking off the right side here. The left side is fine, but you can walk off of the map until eventually BYOND stops considering you to be on that map anymore, making the screen black until you walk back onto the map.

Unless you reach another map, but yes, adding some density over there should do.

Edit: I mean that 'area'. I know it's actually just part of the larger map and you're just walking off into some 'in between' space between intended areas.

Re: Mapping Issue - Darkwood Manor entrance - Neus - 06-06-2017

This has been corrected.