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Lore Questions: August(ish) 2017 - Printable Version

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Lore Questions: August(ish) 2017 - Neus - 08-13-2017

This is a new topic for Lore Questions because the old one was about 26 pages. (No, I will never stop copying this part.) The format is roughly the same, but some guidelines;

1) Try and format your questions appropriately. As in, make it easy to read and answer.
2) Try and limit the number of questions you ask per thread. I don't mind answering them, but don't get crazy and ask me 20 things, especially if they require detailed answers.
3) Try to avoid asking extremely specific questions, such as 'Did anyone ever die of food poisoning in Cellsvich?'. Answering these is difficult, because not everything is set in stone, so giving a definitive answer on it not only restricts me in the future, but it might influence other players' character concepts that involve it.

That said, if you have any questions, you can post them in this thread! I will post answers at the end of the month/start of the next one.

Thanks! (And yes, if you had questions from the previous topic that I didn't answer before I closed it, you can post them here, but remember the formatting guideline.)

Re: Lore Questions: August(ish) 2017 - Fern - 08-14-2017

[Image: f07d551491.png]

1. I don't know if this has been asked before, but is there any significant, public information/rumors about BLACK.BLOOD? Or is this the kind of thing absolutely no one would know about?

EDIT: 2. Also, are there any 'special' methods of summoning Youkai? I mean stuff like the card-crushing from Persona 4 and what not, since summoners seem to be based off Shin Megami Tensei.

Re: Lore Questions: August(ish) 2017 - Ardratz - 08-14-2017

1Big Grinid any other races save for Humans, Elves and Vampires exist before the Enlightenment, like Wyvern-Touched or Reapers for example?

2: Did Sigrogana have any gods that were 'natural' to itself or did all Gods come from the Void?

3: If yes to 2 then what Gods were natural to the land itself?

Re: Lore Questions: August(ish) 2017 - Raigen.Convict - 08-14-2017

To clarify my last question on spatials, is there a reason behind the name 'spatial'? For example calling them spatial because they're from space?

Does the name have a traceable origin?

When activating a spatial core where does the boss come from, the shadows?

Re: Lore Questions: August(ish) 2017 - Ryuzaki - 08-21-2017

Are there any potions that could be classed as being addictive? Such as Crash or Muscle Enhancers and if so, what would their withdrawal symptoms be like?

Re: Lore Questions: August(ish) 2017 - Blissey - 08-22-2017

More on the subject of Mercalan healing tenets!

Are Mercalan healers allowed to heal chronic injuries, such as broken legs, arms, etc. given enough reason? Examples could be: that person has to support their family, etc. etc. Would this be on the basis on how the injury was acquired? Would it be counted as an emergency if it was acquired on accident?

Edit: What about healing congenital birth defects (such as blindness. Like, regular blindness, not future vision oracle blindness)? Would it even be possible? If so, would it be frowned upon by the Church since it's a defect that perhaps was caused by """"the grand design"""""?

Edit 2: Can Mercana clear/heal/disappear scarring? If so, how much?

I don't think I'll ever stop asking about Mercalan lore. . . .

Re: Lore Questions: August(ish) 2017 - MakeshiftWalrus - 08-24-2017

Zeran questions!

-Are there any bones from Zera's corpse unaccounted for?
-If yes to the above, how hard would it be for a player to obtain a piece?
-How does Alstalsia typically treat growing houses, striving to rise to relevance within the society?

-Does any religious institution exist for Zera, akin to the Mercalan church and if so, how is it structured?
-It's been mentioned before that Zera was capable of Void magic to an extent. Does this make the practice more or less accepted in the Zeran society?

Re: Lore Questions: August(ish) 2017 - Snake - 08-27-2017

GDI Dev. Kono powah!

Question about smell:
1- Nightflower is a smell that leaves you speechless... So, is it a good smell that enchants people, or a terrible one enough to shush someone?

Wiki Questions about breeding:
2- Can a children of a Wyverntouched and another race, result in Wyverntouched? Or is the only way to concede a Wyverntouched is by getting laid with a disguised Wyvern?

3- Can Reapers reproduce with other races, or just within themselves to conserve their Reaper bloodline?

Zombie apocalypse question:
4- What happens when a wild beast consumes a Vampire's body part? In general, are torn limbs instantly misted, then?

La pergunta sobre idioma, seƱor Dev!
5- Would the real life Spanish/Portuguese be, in Sigrogana, the Dormehan or pretty much a sailor/pirate/tradeband language? If not, where would Spanish/Portuguese belong to, which country?

And they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming, and they don't stop coming--
6- Is Vanity Mirror IC or OOC? You know, the one that allows a person to change their appearances. I like the idea of having 'a rare mirror that shows and pulls outwards the true form of one's soul', personally.

7- A Lich's known to have a vague contact with the Akashic Record, right? Would a very diligent Lich, who's only gone through the ritual for the sake of having more knowledge and unlimited time to devote in studies, know about arcane arts or hexes that mankind has yet to remember/discover, with the help of the Akashic Record?

Re: Lore Questions: August(ish) 2017 - Sarinpa1 - 08-30-2017

Since I didn't locate the answer anywhere, here goes.

BDPs are a worldwide thing, or are some areas completely devoid of these? If so, why?

Re: Lore Questions: August(ish) 2017 - Nunali - 09-03-2017

  1. I read in a previous Lore Question thread that one can become an Oracle later in life, does that mean that Oracles don't have the ability to see the future from birth?
  2. If Oracles 'unlock' their power, does the age vary amongst individuals?
  3. Does a human have to have Oracle heritage to become an Oracle later in life?

I hope that I worded this properly for you to answer, if I need to revise or reword anything please let me know!