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Total control overdrive - Sarinpa1 - 08-14-2017

greetings fellow animemunching degenerates

with addition of total control for npcs, recruiting of beasts, etcetera, i yet again wish to bring up the option to have hired help in PvP

This'd become another type of fight (Stylish, Normal, Warparteh!) to have between players. Custom dungeon tools for houses have fallen into the abyss of forgettance, but with this, one could at last emulate of actualy having NPC guards in their lovely mansion. Or NPC guards in general, if they're let's say, noncombattant.

Q/A :
But Sarin, aren't some mobs going to be terribly abused for this?

dw lads, if there actualy are mobs that'd be more unfair than let's say youkai, there's always the option to exclude them from PvP or make PvP exclusive mercs/mobs. (Let's say generic bandit hirin' center, you pay cash, u pick from appearance, they get generic stats and skills based on some archetype you pick, et voila, party of identical personal army members here we go)

But Sarinbby, that sounds like it'll be such a chore to fight through, such long battles, that surely couldn't be fun, could it?

we is in SL2. In SL2, there ain't absolutely nothing forced on you, except what our trusty GMs impose upon you for whatevuh raisins.

But Ssssssssarrrrr, what is this actualy good for?
As mentioned, NPC guards in your house you can control. Option to setup some sort of private event in setting you pick without having to bother the sporadicaly free GMs. The option to actualy be a noncombattant without relying on mystical protection of "I will refuse any and all fights!!1!" Jammer enthuaist that just fights with nothing but hordes of blue slimegirls

Re: Total control overdrive - Raigen.Convict - 08-14-2017

I'm for it just for the joy of watching a friend of mine possibly be attacked and emoting that the people that REALLY don't wanna see her pacifist self hurt just roll up like "STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM!"
So, yeah I want this for rp purposes.

Re: Total control overdrive - Ranylyn - 08-15-2017

As it stands, I think that it's total bullshit that a noncombattant who ICly hires mercs for protection can't use them in PVP when ICly attacked.

If people want them gone from spars, so be it, but having them in serious matches would be welcome.

Re: Total control overdrive - Shujin - 08-15-2017

Aslong as it´s an option, I would welcome that.

Want to have mah goons!

Re: Total control overdrive - Neus - 08-17-2017

"Ranylyn" Wrote:As it stands, I think that it's total bullshit that a noncombattant who ICly hires mercs for protection can't use them in PVP when ICly attacked.

If people want them gone from spars, so be it, but having them in serious matches would be welcome.

Issue being that everyone can hire those mercs and it's not meant to be an IC consideration so much as an OOC convenience when you can't find anyone to party with.

Re: Total control overdrive - Sarinpa1 - 08-18-2017

its why i propose it to be a special sort of battle, fit for player made events more than anything
standard combat would still apply for conflict between players that cant agree well, this'd be simply for added rp flavor
i wholly understand that if it became a norm to use them, there wouldn't be a reason to NOT have them.

or perhaps the option to just send out thy minions without being involved in the battle yourself (as proper noncombatant) and when they are defeated, it's considered a loss on your end? That'd help circumvent it, for sure, even if it meant no support from let's say, nonfighty tacticians.

truth be told I'd adore this feature in, even if it was severely hindered, since my main interest in this is the RP flavor it would provide

Re: Total control overdrive - Neus - 08-19-2017

I could look into having it be a PvP option perhaps, though I'm not sure how feasible it would be off the top of my head. Mainly as something people can opt into it. My main concern is someone getting called a 'bad RPer' or other OOC bullying happening because of someone refusing the option when the other party wants it.

Re: Total control overdrive - Sawrock - 08-19-2017

I'd be for this option becoming a thing, but put a notice in the option description that it's more favorable to use the normal option, and give the challenged party a third button (accept, decline, normalize) to make the PVP into a normal PVP in case the challenging party tried to sneak it in.

But as a RP tool, and with the option for custom mercenaries as well (perhaps with a single class), this could become really cool.

Re: Total control overdrive - Ryuzaki - 08-19-2017

I'm all for mercs in PvP, especially for flavor reasons such as "X is a bandit gang boss, he has bandits he travels with" or "Y needs bodyguards because he is wanted dead by a certain organization" it'd be a nifty thing to be able to have custom mercs around for stuff like that. On top of that, it'd allow Guards who get attacked on duty to have a few of the invisible NPC guards jump in as would be expected.

Re: Total control overdrive - Sarinpa1 - 08-24-2017

I understand your concerns dev, and as Saw mentioned something like that could be used to amend the issue. A prompt directly saying so in the selections description that this style of combat is purely optional. Much like it's an option to refuse the death of your own character unless very strict requirements are met. We cater to diversity of peoples roleplaying playstyles, we don't particuairly encourage for people to have deep, well thought out characters and lore is left fairly vague to acomodate that. Denying access to such a nice tool because someone won't like it is bit of a moot point because of that.