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Overcharge - Lolzytripd - 01-01-2015

Only archer promo's have to deal with being crippled for using their abilities.

my suggestion to alleviate mg is

Attacking with a gun that is reloading, reduces the cooldown by 1

this could be tacked on the current cooldown or just replace it.

As is it takes 2 uses of cooldown at max rank to get gun effects back, and 4 uses at rank 1
thats bullshit.

Re: Overcharge - Argonus - 01-01-2015

MG's overcharges are quite powerful, and I would rather have a strong but infrequent overcharged than a nerfed one I can use every other turn.

Re: Overcharge - MegaBlues - 01-01-2015

Some Overcharges aren't worth using at all, though.

Such as Vamp Shell's.

Re: Overcharge - Ranylyn - 01-01-2015

"[url= Wrote:MegaBlues ยป Thu Jan 01, 2015 1:04 pm[/url]"]Some Overcharges aren't worth using at all, though.

Such as Vamp Shell's.

I disagree. Someone who subs MG can use this to devastating effect with their main class. With "Just One Overcharge" it's -12 to all the opponent's stats, and +12 to all of yours. This makes the difference of 24 damage dealt/recieved on all non-gun attacks for a few rounds (again, much less useful on guns, which already ignore defense and only get half skill scaling) and a very hefty amount of evade/hit difference.

Overcharges are brutal, and they should never be a go-to solution, but a very carefully considered trump card. Making them easier to use more frequently would just be a giant win button. Let's not do that, for obvious reasons.

Re: Overcharge - Lolzytripd - 01-01-2015

Overcharge is currently a 4 turn cockblock, with my suggestion it would 3 basic attacks after the overcharge, also how about buffing the rebuff to remove will scaling while reloading

The thing is arbalests get reload acceleration, install reload that passively lowers cooldown. Gunners have to use their skill twice at max rank for the same effect

Re: Overcharge - MegaBlues - 01-01-2015

Vamp Shell -would- be devastating, if, you know, it lasted for more than two turns.

Which means one and a half turns, considering that you need to apply the status, first. Or maybe one turn, if you charge then shoot.

But that's just one example.

Re: Overcharge - Rendar - 01-01-2015

just as an FYI. Arbalests also have their skills use a ton < And I do mean a ton > of FP to use, they can be reflected back at them, generally instantly dealing 40-60% of their HP in one hit... oh, and then they still have to fight afterwards. Overcharge is fine as is.

Re: Overcharge - Lolzytripd - 01-01-2015

if it's so balanced lets give other strong stuff this.
perhaps we should have charge mind give a headache status that stops you from invoking and using charge mind for 3 turns

body of issep turning off ki gen for 4 turns

Voidveil....wait it has this already.

engineers....wait their bots die overtime already

Ghosts......needing claretcall for everything


lets make it so LB have to use their lantern ability for it to do aoe buffs like when it's sub classed.

Re: Overcharge - Rendar - 01-01-2015

BoI's balance is that it halves your dodge, turning off Ki Gen would probably be silly. Besides, it's not like BoI is that OP. Only against single-hitters. Which reminds me, mages need a double hitter spelll. I mean. Hexer has it covered. Evoker doesn't really have anything for it thou- Oh right. Thats how its balanced there.

Most people can get around BoI easily enough, though it can be spammed rather easily and if a monk gets a RIPOSTE crit on anything, they can do a free pOWERUP to BoI.

Re: Overcharge - Lolzytripd - 01-01-2015

windslasher...... its windslasher, its always been there

I was just joking that since cooldown mechanics are awesome and balanced, everyone should deal with them.

okay but anyway here is my suggestion for a passive to replace cooldown

Heat discharge
When reloading, a basic attack reduces the reloading level by 1, the negative of using heat discharge is that bonus wil damage is not added.
rank 1 Skill
rank 2 no skill slot needed
rank 3 reduces reloading from 4 to 3 total.

this suggestion is mainly for gunner PVE enjoyable and plausible, without the silly OPness of sparkdrive chainshot gunners lack the ability to do a consistent form of ranged damage to multiple mobs.

Or we could have a separate reloading status for main and subweapon