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さようなら私の愛 - Printable Version

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さようなら私の愛 - MegaBlues - 05-30-2018

Since I've been around for so long, I figure I should formally say goodbye.

So for anyone who cares, so long, and to Dev, thanks for the hard work over the years.

My Discord is MegaBlues#0079 if anyone wants it.

Thanks for the good times.

Re: さようなら私の愛 - Akame - 05-30-2018

I never knew you, but good-bye! Take care of yourself, and I hope you find success!

Re: さようなら私の愛 - Exxy - 05-30-2018

I know we didn't really associate much but it was nice having you around as long as you were and I with you the best in your future ventures.

Best wishes,


Re: さようなら私の愛 - Raigen.Convict - 05-30-2018

What happened man? Either way I mean, hope you have a good life but... I never even got to know you... And this news on an already sad day for me.

Re: さようなら私の愛 - Snake - 05-30-2018

Jaa Ne, Blues-kun, you'll always be remembered as the tireless forum warrior who tried to make Magic less boring to play with.

[Image: CcvQv30xRp_XYg34T7jUIQ.png]

Re: さようなら私の愛 - Miller - 05-30-2018

It was always fun to talk to from time to time years ago. See you Blues.

Re: さようなら私の愛 - Fern - 05-31-2018

Good luck with life!

Re: さようなら私の愛 - Kameron8 - 06-01-2018

we must say our final goodbyes the way blues would've wanted:

buff evokers

Re: さようなら私の愛 - Kiyo Takamine - 08-17-2018

Goodbye Blues, I've recently decided to come back again and now you're gone! I always loved your roleplays. If you decide to come back, please let's RP!