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Barefist mainhand count as fist weapon. - Printable Version

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Barefist mainhand count as fist weapon. - Shujin - 08-15-2018

Currently it seems if you have Barefist as your main weapon and a sub weapon equipped, it still counts like you got no fist weapon. Can we have it so that it does count as fist weapon?

Re: Barefist mainhand count as fist weapon. - Grandpa - 08-16-2018

correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't mixed martial arts do this?

Re: Barefist mainhand count as fist weapon. - Shujin - 08-16-2018

mixed martial arts is more so you can mainhand a weapon and use some sort of glove item, instead of actual barefists, so I think there is a slight difference?

Re: Barefist mainhand count as fist weapon. - Raigen.Convict - 08-16-2018

How about we turn MMA into a trait in the trait rework as something anyone can take and it becomes able to allow any bare fist or fist weapon slot or glove slot as a fist weapon.

Re: Barefist mainhand count as fist weapon. - Snake - 08-16-2018

Because you don't use fists outside Martial Artist, and because this yet gives another reason to use Two-Handed, which is already pretty busted.

Re: Barefist mainhand count as fist weapon. - Autumn - 08-16-2018

When you use Mixed Martial Arts its still a bare fist weapon, it just costs a skill slot instead of a weapon slot, you also gain the benefits of being able to use many good glove items. (As well as 2hand)

On top of that, if you just wanted to use a fist weapon, you give up 2handed but you get a better scaling fist weapon overall, which improves your damage for martial artist.

I don't see why you'd want to use bare fists regularly when MMA offers better payout, what is the setup you're trying it on Shujin?

Re: Barefist mainhand count as fist weapon. - Shujin - 08-16-2018

Well I noticed that wasn't a thing during an RP where I was RPing holding back, so I took off my fist weapon and kept a bokken in the sub hand, to lower my overall damage. But then I noticed I can't use MA skills which just came strange to me. I mean knowing that I could probably have gotten mixed martial arts and mained the bokken, but it still strikes me as weird since it should work as a mainhand barefist weapon in my opinion even without the skill.

Another thing that is bothering me is, when I have a Fist weapon like Fist of the Giant in the main hand, and turn ambidexterity on, that I can't use my barefist even with mixed martial arts with a glove item. Sometimes I just want to use Geldoren with my barefist, to close distance without pushing my enemy 5 kilometer away, to combo up.

I am not trying to min max, I am doing the opposite.

Re: Barefist mainhand count as fist weapon. - Autumn - 08-16-2018

I think that maybe a trait should be added that allows you to adjust your damage/evade/etc. by a percentage that you can set at any time, to allow 'holding back' in a sense. (Could see it being a 0m skill that opens a prompt that lets you enter a percentage yourself)

I am veering off topic though, I was thinking it maybe had something to do with eviter or what not but this seems to be fine then.

Re: Barefist mainhand count as fist weapon. - Shujin - 08-16-2018

Anyway, traits or general MMA aside. What I would like to have is:

Quote:-Mainhand weapon as barefist, counting as fist weapon, even with a subhand weapon.
-Mixed Martial Arts with Ambidexterity trait, allowing to use the subhand glove as barefist, even when you have a fist equipped in the mainhand.