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Black Beasts - Printable Version

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Black Beasts - WaifuApple - 12-19-2018

Since I joined this game earlier this year, there have been many bugs that have came and been fixed, but none seems to pop up as much as far as I know as the bugs surrounding Black Beasts. Now, while I have never personally experienced it, the GM chat of the unofficial discord server frequently finds itself being pinged because someone has got stuck in a black beast battle. I know this bug has been around a very long time, probably for the entire year, maybe more, without me ever seeing anyone report the bug. So, while I'm not exactly the best equipped to help pinpoint the problem, I figured I would get the ball rolling for people who might have experienced it, or know more.

So, here it is, Black Beasts are bugged. Anyone who can explain how for me is welcome to do so. Might as well get a problem that has been around for so long noticed somehow.

Re: Black Beasts - Snake - 12-19-2018

Getting randomly stuck in Black Beast fights? You could start by 'how' you got in such situation beforehand.

Did you join any fights going? Did the beasts suddenly disappear from combat leaving you alone in the field?

Re: Black Beasts - ValkyrieSkies - 12-19-2018

I've always had a sneaking suspicion that the Black Beast battle bugs are related to the dynamic maps they use; if if fixes the bug, I don't think players would mind using regular static maps for them, maybe even give the three areas their own custom static maps to keep the flavour.

Re: Black Beasts - WaifuApple - 12-19-2018

I haven't personally experienced the bug, Koonie. I just put this post up because I know it's been a recurring issue for a long time, and I don't remember the last time I saw a post for it, if any. Was hoping people would have existing experiences to bring to the post and ideas on what those experiences may have been because of.

Re: Black Beasts - Slydria - 12-20-2018

The problem with this bug is that people have only ever described it as a random occurrence, nobody has really been able to figure out why it happens.

I've experienced it personally about three times (and had to free others from the issue on a regular basis) but haven't really been able to figure out a common trend between them aside from it occurring during Black Beast fights.

At best, I can only tell what's going on when the bug occurs:

- The characters in the party don't get placed in the battle map as they should be and remain in their current location.
- The above results in players unable to perform any actions aside from End Turn and Black Beasts not being able to target you and thus can only End Turn as well.
- The players also cannot see, likely due to the characters not being placed in the battle map and how vision works in the game. (My best guess is the object for handling vision needs the player to be on the same Z layer to properly work but I don't know for sure if it works like that.)

Re: Black Beasts - Autumn - 12-20-2018

As much as I like the unique battle maps tied to the position of where you are when you fight them, if the issues above cannot be fixed I believe the next best bet would be to just give Black Beasts the default battle map, that'd likely fix most--if not all issues with black beasts currently.

If even temporarily until its perfected, but I see this happen very often, GMs needing to boot people from black beast fights is more of a daily occurrence.

Re: Black Beasts - Snake - 12-20-2018

I see, I must've misread the intention on the OP, soz soz!

And yes, it's something I found weird too, since when you PvP in cities, it teleports you to a landscape of gray tiles, but when you fight against Black Beasts, the map you're using takes a screenie and copies over for quick use.

It makes me wonder if we could have those two reversed, as in, Black Beasts use current city PvP battle map, and city PvP uses Black Beasts battle map print. The Beasts happen more often than PvP in cities, so the chances will be very small that it will bug out, due to low frequency.

Re: Black Beasts - Aqua - 12-20-2018

The black beast have a tenancy to randomly make you stuck so its hard to determine what causes it though the z layer related things seems like the most logical thing to go with at this moment in time.

That being said, I've experienced this being stuck in a black beast battle at least twice now both have which have been when the fight was initiated both times had been done the same way without much of a difference. I can't really say anything on it happening when joining the fight with a party that already mid battle since I've not personally experience that side of it.

Re: Black Beasts - Miller - 12-25-2018

I always had a sneaking suspicion that this is caused by battle placement, like how you dont actually join a pvp match until someone moves off your spawn and in this scenario the Black Beasts have no reason to move off it.

Re: Black Beasts - renowner - 12-26-2018

In my experience I've almost always seen people (Including myself) Get stuck in the middle of Tannis, where the two black beasts spawn.