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Possible Overload (And charge mind) bug - Printable Version

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Possible Overload (And charge mind) bug - renowner - 01-12-2019

During some battle testing with a friend of mine I decided to test a few spells out alongside overload. After a few battles I was wondering why my overload was doing so seemingly little while charge minded and not. So I did some tests!

When fighting a prinny, the damage of overload was normal for charge mind and without it. A 2.5x multiplier exactly. However in battle with an actual person, this differed greatly.

[Image: c01c62d7b0.png]
This was the damage before charge mind was active.

[Image: f5b4d61ff0.png]
And this was the damage afterwards. Which is only roughly a 159% total multiplier.

So what I believe is happening is that charge mind isn't boosting the damage bonus from bonus stats. Which might be entirely intentional, and might even be better balanced than the alternative, I Dunno.

What I do know is that as a result its often better to not use charge mind at all when using overload, as high speed divine words casting is better DPS. Which seems counter-intuitive from charge mind itself.

Posting this here in case its a bug. If its not, no big deal. Though if its not a bug, it might also be worth looking into boosting overload's base electric scaling a little. It scales worse than ryemei, at only 110% lightning attack at rank 5.

Re: Possible Overload (And charge mind) bug - WaifuApple - 01-12-2019

993 is still a lot of damage. Were you taking into account the resistance the player had, and their lightning res? Those can reduce the damage significantly. If not, then it's likely this is the normal amount of damage you're seeing, and not a bug. That amount of damage is nothing to complain about, either, so I wouldn't even say a buff is needed. That's a OHKO in a lot of cases, if you can land it.

Re: Possible Overload (And charge mind) bug - Autumn - 01-12-2019

You are correct, Overload's bonus damage it gains from bonus stats applies at the very end of the equation, I've always assumed it wasn't a bug myself based on what I was told when I first started playing.

Re: Possible Overload (And charge mind) bug - renowner - 01-12-2019

Person in question had around 18 resistance and 10% lightning resistance. But a lot of bonus stat points. My point is that charge mind is a 250% mulitplier, but the final damage was only about 60% higher than normal. So i'm wondering if its a bug or not. Whether or not it is or isn't, isn't a huge deal. But it'll be good to know for the future, since it'll mean overload is the worst invocation to use charge mind with, due to its poor scaling.

Re: Possible Overload (And charge mind) bug - Autumn - 01-12-2019

Correct, regardless of someone's resistance 2.5x damage will always read out the same, unless a flat number is added at the end, Overload however is the best invocation damage wise to use un-CM'd.

Re: Possible Overload (And charge mind) bug - Neus - 01-14-2019

I'm pretty sure that the bonus damage not getting increased by CM was an intentional change made to balance out the skill a little more a while back.