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Aquatic Race Suggestion - Printable Version

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Aquatic Race Suggestion - HoboJenkins - 01-24-2019

So, we've got bunny people, cat people, dog people, snake people, bunny people, etc etc etc. Some may think we have it all.. but you would be very wrong, my dear friends. I propose to you the singular most important addition in the history of Sigrogana Legends 2, slightly exaggerated.

Fish. People.

They would be a relatively easy addition (compared to other potential races) to fit into the lore, because they could be handwaved by just being underwater until *insert catastrophic event here* happened within their society that forced them to move into contact with the other races.

As for icons or spriting, I don't think they'd be -too- difficult to implement but I'm no spriter so I won't make any statements. They wouldn't need to be more fish than man, but simply humanoid with fish-like traits such as a Zora from Legend of Zelda or something similar that provides a good enough variety for different characters but still remaining humanoid for the sake of spritework and simplicity.

Here's a few examples of what I'm talking about. If they do get added, I hope it's something more creative than a generic anime lad with flippers or fins. That's boring.
[attachment=206] [attachment=205] [attachment=204]

Re: Aquatic Race Suggestion - EenKogNeeto - 01-24-2019

Fish are ver important, give them water based racials or something so we can finally see water atk being used for things

Also make seahunter weapons work on them too. Because fuck yeah racism.

Re: Aquatic Race Suggestion - Kingofstarryskies - 01-24-2019

I made an account just to say this is a good ass suggestion

It Good Idea, Boyo

Re: Aquatic Race Suggestion - Chance.bdy - 01-24-2019

Yeah, a good source of fish sticks would be nice.

Re: Aquatic Race Suggestion - FancyCyclops - 01-24-2019

Let there be fish-men!

Re: Aquatic Race Suggestion - LiquidRecluse - 01-24-2019

[Image: fab7288055aa089d53139a1b2000c5b6--kit-fi...s-jedi.jpg]
[Image: kitfisto.png]

A sub-species type thing going on with appearances (squid-types, fish-types, shark-types, etc) would probably make a lot of variation for this aquatic race, so that people can make even more characters.

Also I approve of this idea, we need more species and I'm surprised that fish people weren't around beforehand.

Re: Aquatic Race Suggestion - Fishi - 01-24-2019


Re: Aquatic Race Suggestion - BazTheBlue - 01-24-2019


Yes please. I want to make a THIRD eyepatched character. We got avians and reptiles, bring me Aquarians.

Re: Aquatic Race Suggestion - Eldecrok - 01-24-2019

I would like to add a few comments:
First, I would love Water/Acid/Sound to be of use in the Aquatic race.
Second, I would love to see the aquatic race revolve around front-flanking and weapon-transformation

Re: Aquatic Race Suggestion - ValkyrieSkies - 01-24-2019

I'm still gonna shill for Water being moved to Mage instead of Curate/Priest.