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Trait suggestions - Printable Version

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Trait suggestions - DoctorMad - 05-06-2019

Dev's old thread on the trait rework has passed.

Suggest traits ideas you have here, if you have any.

Destructive Obsession
Destructive Obsession
Reqs: Omina Race, Further Madness Trait.
Your obsession causes you to lash out. If you hear someone say your obsession word, trigger Fortune Vacuum on the speaker. Fails if the speaker is hidden, such as by sneaking.

Possible addition to the above, but I'm a bit cheeky on this one: If hearing your mantra in the overworld, give the person that said it a small -2 LCK debuff on their next battle.

Battle Chants
Battle Chants
Reqs: Preacher
Your ability to preach is not hindered by battle. Grants a skill, Battle Chanting. ?M, refreshes the duration of prayer buffs of the same Religion and increases their LVL by 1 if not at 5.

Bone Xylophone
Bone Xylophone
Reqs: Macabre Culture
Grants a skill, "Rattle Bones". If your armor is made of bone material, you can rattle it, which fears enemies within 6 range.

Re: Trait suggestions - Shujin - 05-12-2019

Omnia Traits:

Physical Traits:
Only one physical trait can be choosen:

-Winged Omnia: You are an Omnia born with wings,that you can use for flight. Gain Flight aind Gain Air skills

-Feline Omnia: You are an Omnia born with destinctive cat liek features. Gain Sharp Calws and Felidae instincts with half effectiveness. (or play cute)

Omnias by Lore are mischivous and even have partly in their lore, that they are good at pickpocketing, like when they themselves are responsible for a vanished pocketwatch or something. And we do not really have a race who stands out in stealing so far, except for well...Omnias now. I think it fits the black cat theme quite good aswell as in many stories black cats specifically are associated with thieves and stealing aswell. So why not give them traits similar to the other races that give them Bonus effects whenever they Steal something or a special kind of steal? I would really love to see some traits for them that underline their mischivous nature. Also to have other ways to use "Unluck" than the three misfortunes.

Omina Theft Traits:
Only one theft trait can be choosen

Grants Skill Steal. Steal range is increased by 1. Longfingers are quite good at taking something that is theirs but currently waiting in someone elses pockets to be picked up! Whenever you succesfully steal (All skills that have the steal tag) from a person, consume 3 of your unluck and you steal one random item from the persons item-belt and add it to your own.
Addtionally against Monsters, when you steal from them, you gain one random drop from their droplist as if you defeated them +X% (X=Scaled San) dropchance, only once per enemy.

Phantom Thief:
Grants Skill Steal. Steal range is increased by 2. Phantom Thieves are able to steal things that shouldn't be stealable, it's entirely possbile for a phantom thief to steal your socks while you wear them without you noticing that he even did. Furthermore they can steal what isn't visible or should be physically graspable.
Each time the Phantom thief succesfully lands a steal roll (All skills with the steal tag), they also steal San amount of HP and 1/2 San of FP, Also increases Steal chance by Scaled San. Costs 3 Unluck.

Quick Theft!
Grants Skill Steal. Reduces Steal momentum costs for each instance of Steal you have by one to a minimum of 1M (Basically, Cat Mask and Rouge Steal skill would reduce the costs to 1M). You are so fast with your hands to make somethings yours that isn't that it leaves anyone victim to your acts confused.
Consume 3 Unluck whenever you use a Steal Skill you also inflict confusion for 3 rounds.

Phantom Thief, can probably get something else thats funner, but I kinda just wanted to get the general idea across that I would like to see some advanced stealing skills. Always up for other ideas or improvements of the skills.

Re: Trait suggestions - DoctorMad - 05-17-2019

Reqs: None?
Your mastery of Huggessoan magic is incredible. Or perhaps its just your spite. If your mainhand weapon is cursed and you have at least one cursed accessory(Example: Ring of Thorns or Numa), you gain +5 spell and weapon power per cursed equipment and debuff you have.

Side note: I fear the text in italics will cause some problems since those aren't marked as cursed equipment in any way yet.
But at the same time it would be interesting to restrict this in way that isn't "You must be a hexer/ghost".

Re: Trait suggestions - DoctorMad - 05-29-2019

Scary One
Scary One
Reqs: None
You have been training your speech and actions to become scary. 5%+ fear infliction chance. Whenever you inflict Fear(Not counting fear of death), gain 1 point. At 100, your reputation develops and you gain 10%+ fear infliction chance.

(Possibly: Lowers the chance of applying other status effects by 10%)

Feared One
Feared One
Reqs: Scary One at 100+
Your reputation precedes you. At the start of a fight, you have a chance to inflict Fear on all enemies.

EDIT: I thought about not bumping the thread the next time I posted, but I'm just the second thread on the list now. Whatever.

Perish Song (Indecisive on what the effect should be, I'll leave it to dev)
Perish Song
Reqs: Invite Corruption, Theno
You sing, but people do not understand the beauty. You cry, and people do not see why you are sad over such a wonderful moment. What you feel and think isn't human anymore, and neither are your songs. When you deal sound damage to someone...
Option 1:ALSO Reduce their maximum health based on 25% the damage they would take instead.
Option 2:Reduce their FAI/SAN
Option 3Big Grineal extra damage based on their FAI/SAN

EDIT again: What about this? I feel like its a bit too close to racials, but they make fluffwise sense.

Cold Walker
Cold Hyoyan
Reqs: Hyoyan
Living in Hyoya has defined you. If you have at least 25% cold resistance, you...
Option 1: Also have immunity to being frozen, and have a 10% bonus to applying Frozen to others.
Option 2: Also have +2 Base FAI and +5 power with swords.