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the EXP Solution? - Printable Version

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the EXP Solution? - Kiranis - 06-15-2019

so with news the dupe enemies glitch is being patched out and that exp gains might e nerfed as well

i'm gonna preemptively ask for more dungeon spawns to balance it out

See the way I'm thinking is that people do the dupe glitch because they want full clear exp. and the glitch would not be so massively abused if there were more dungeons to choose from

Let's face it almost no one uses the static dungeons as most people want cores cores as good and fun

if there are more places to go to then there is more total exp it just means clearing a different dungeon to get it

While 'm here 'm also gonna ask about a daily dungeon.

it's only floor is a core floor no monsters just a boss

An uber boss with super buffed stats you get full clear exp every time but its a tough fight

Alternitivly it could be a tower for boss cores where you can just freely challange an uber buffed version of every boss once a day for a core drop and full clear exp. idk

Sorry if this post is ramlbing im terrible at writing things.

Re: the EXP Solution? - FaeLenx - 06-15-2019

This is unfortunately a game where most of the content is replaying the same old content. Making that more difficult instead of adding more content seems to be the way they're going with this.

I wish I could say that there's a solution to this, but the sad truth is that there's such a high potential for killing power in this game that trying to balance to a reasonable higher level of it would mean that it would be content impossible for 99% of the playerbase as 1% managed to solo it with specialized builds.

Re: the EXP Solution? - Dezark - 06-16-2019

From what I know; dev already working on a fix somewhat for this matter. It nothing quite as elegant as simply boosting xp gained but he is adding little challenge modes to do in battles to help boost xp gain so that it can be worthwhile.