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Katana Dorks Anonymous v 2.13b - Printable Version

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Katana Dorks Anonymous v 2.13b - Raigen.Convict - 11-21-2019

Set the check for Katana master to be the very first turn a unit with it equipped is considered active within the battle instead of round 0. This is all I wish for. As it will stop it from not activating when joining an ally for battle.

Re: Katana Dorks Anonymous v 2.13b - Snake - 11-22-2019

I've asked this too, and don't see the reason it doesn't work like this. Katana Master should have a check every round, and to prevent abuse, the Kensei in question could receive a debuff that negates Katana Master when the condition for it to not activate goes through.

Something like "Shamefur Dispray" or "Dishonored" that lasts permanently and cannot be dispelled.

Re: Katana Dorks Anonymous v 2.13b - HexGirlBestGirl - 11-24-2019

Sure. This makes enough sense. Make sure to give the whole 'Dishonored' status some super funny description. Like.

"Never again can you face your family." or some goofy little fun meme.