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Quaking Heaven Kick - Printable Version

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Quaking Heaven Kick - MegaBlues - 01-29-2015

Quaking Heaven Kick is superior to any other Quaking-enchanted skill. Or, for the matter, any other enchanted skill.

Knockdown is already debilitating as-is, and being able to do such from essentially anywhere on screen, with promos that have access to up-close knockdowns as well, isn't fair.

I would like it if Quaking Heaven Kick was changed to only do extra Earth damage based on rank, like all of the other Quaking skills.

Re: Quaking Heaven Kick - Soapy - 01-29-2015

1. On Guard
2. It only works from a distance.

Re: Quaking Heaven Kick - Rendar - 01-29-2015

That doesn't make it any less balanced considering Martial Artist is the strongest base class in the game with a nice self-heal, dodge skills out the wazzoo, a handy movement skill, a movement skill that also attacks like hanging, a way to purge poison and quite a few negative status effects, near complete immunity to Knockdown to the point that using it on them is pointless...

It really shouldn't a "I GET TO KNOCK YOU DOWN FROM 15 SQUARES AWAY!" as well.

I'm all for Quaking Heaven Kick getting the same treatment Quaking Peddling Wheel does. ( That being like 5 extra damage ). Or heck, make it do some extra damage based on how far you fly.

Re: Quaking Heaven Kick - Lolzytripd - 01-29-2015

Or have it do damage as an aoe around the target

Re: Quaking Heaven Kick - Sarinpa1 - 01-30-2015

Again this topic? Jeez. Instead of tweaking the only reason people use heaven kick anyways to make it incredibly useless again, people should pay attention to other elemental augments.

This was already discussed like two months(?) ago and the conclusion was the same.

The only reasonable change would be to inflict a similiar status to fray, that is, lowering defense by 30-50%
Which again, is useful only againts some opponents.

On guard trait is there for a reason, as well.

Re: Quaking Heaven Kick - Lolzytripd - 01-30-2015

heavenkick is still the best gap closer in the game....people would still use it to curbstomp mages

On guard only works for 1 round, AFTER the firs knock down,

Re: Quaking Heaven Kick - Sarinpa1 - 01-31-2015

If you're a mage that can't handle some knockdown, you're doing something wrong. I didn't even have on guard and I still dealt with knockdown spam. Which, of course, is NOT what you can do efficently with heaven kick.

But as I said, this is just a revive of a topic that has been swept aside.

It's a utility skill and the remedy for people to have nothing but quaking on that is to add more utility via different augments. It's not strong at all and if a single knockdown is something you can't deal with, it's not the fault of a gap closer that is one of the main gimmicks of the whole class, it's yours.

Changes like buffing damage, giving it earth damage etc, will make people unequip the badge because the weakness is surely not worth a little bit of damage and there are no other skills that efficently utilize it to make it worth it either. AoE would also make it incredibly useless, as that'd do something very, very rarely.

For a move that you technicaly use once per battle, it sure is getting lots of hate.
These are a few points I remember from the last topic.

Re: Quaking Heaven Kick - MegaBlues - 01-31-2015

My points are that:

1. Quaking Heaven Kick is leagues better than any other augmented skill.

2. It closes the gap -and- knocks down at the same time.

3. It makes creating distance a hindrance rather than a help, giving the Monk too much control over the flow of battle.

Re: Quaking Heaven Kick - Sarinpa1 - 01-31-2015

1. As said, instead of touching quaking, give some love to other augments

2. and lazarus wind charges up your spell, pushes people away AND knocks them down at the same time. Pushes away a melee fighter and unless you got some pimpin' sidecut etc you can't even hurt them when you get up. Yet it's an okay thing. Don't see why a skill couldn't do two things. Closing a gap effectively is the classes gimmick.

3. Yes, a single class can fuck over your pansy running away to charge up and nuke people from the distance/heal and punishes you for that tactic. Cue "everything has a counter" argument.

Re: Quaking Heaven Kick - Ranylyn - 01-31-2015

"[url= Wrote:MegaBlues ยป Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:09 am[/url]"]My points are that:

1. Quaking Heaven Kick is leagues better than any other augmented skill.

2. It closes the gap -and- knocks down at the same time.

3. It makes creating distance a hindrance rather than a help, giving the Monk too much control over the flow of battle.

1) It really isn't. Sure, there's definitely SOME stinkers among augmented skills, but there's incredibly solid contenders for good augmented skills. In particular, Quaking Roundtrip comes to mind for it's full pull effect as opposed to just one tile, and of course you can't go wrong with a Jupiter badge on a Kensei. Is it good? Yes. Is it LEAGUES better? Hell no.

2) And that's all it does. The damage is pretty bad even by like level 30, and it has no stat scaling. Literally the only reason to use the skill is to close in. But it has the same range as your movement range, doesn't let you pick the tile you end up in after the kick (Can be a big deal when it's not 1v1) does crap all for damage, and costs FP. If not for the knockdown, you may as well unequip it and free up the skill slot for something else.

3) Oh man, this seems familiar. "Baaawwww yomidori is the devil I can't hit twice ever I dun wanna adapt at all I just wanna stand up in their face and mash attack twice baaaaaaw." Yes, it causes you to fight on their terms, get over it. It only causes knockdown at range, and if they back off to kick again, their damage output will be pathetic compared to yours. Just stay within that 5 range instead of blinking the full 8. It's not hard. If you need the distance THAT badly, you're doing something wrong.

Sarinpa is 100% right with bringing up Lazarus Wind as an example, here. Not only does it cause knockback and knockdown, but it does so while setting up a wicked powerful nuke that, quite frankly, your odds of recovering from are slim to none, after that knockdown. Yet HEAVEN KICK is what's being bitched about. Go figure.

HEY! Here's a fun idea! Badges cause elemental weaknesses! EXPLOIT THEM!

TLDR: Evokers are acting like entitled brats because they got countered. Nothing to see here.