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Silence and Immobilize - Printable Version

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Silence and Immobilize - Sawrock - 03-31-2020

Silence should, at random each round, seal half of your spells, making them unusable for that round, justified by blocking the flow of focus.

Immobilize should do the same for skills, justified by the same except for muscles and the like.

This will make both effects not so gamebreaking while still affecting combos.

Re: Silence and Immobilize - Hanzo - 04-01-2020

Cutthroat should also not be able to inflict silence.

Re: Silence and Immobilize - MegaBlues - 04-01-2020

I've been saying for years that Silence needs to be changed and that a status like it for non-magical skills needs to exist, i.e. Numb.

Let's make it happen.

Re: Silence and Immobilize - Autumn - 04-01-2020

Creating a silence for physical skills is arbitrary and not needed, silence doesn't exist to stop lower cost spells but simply disables them as a very large bonus to people who cannot fight against it, there are SO many ways to fight silence now with ways such as heron feather, screamer and cleanse potions, as well as throatopener should you desire.

The main point of silence is stopping invocations, without silence as a serious threat to them they would very well start to get out of hand quickly.

Re: Silence and Immobilize - WaifuApple - 04-02-2020

Then make it a guarantee that invocations are sealed, but do Sawrock's idea otherwise. Silence may be an important thing against invocations, but it is not fun to just get completely shut down (which is why whispering cant is so good) by an easy to inflict ability just for being a magic user. Quite a few of those cleansing ways would apply to immobilize too, but it was still a point of complaint.

I'm all for this, with the added input that invocations should be blocked no matter what, to keep the massive threat in check.

Re: Silence and Immobilize - Hanzo - 04-02-2020

Aight, real talk - Snoops is completely in the right here, especially with the point about cleanse potions, which are easily accessible to everyone. You can not compare immobilise and silence, at all. They were at completely different power levels as well.

Re: Silence and Immobilize - Sawrock - 04-03-2020

With my point of immobilize's effect being changed, I would like to add that I would no longer like for it to seal movement.

With that in mind, you can use cleanse potions on immobilize and then move out of attack range and use a movement buff to eventually close the distance (Western Wind, Shukuchi, etc) as well as use Forced Move then attack; Silence prevents attacking overall aside from some small options from Whispering Cant. Yeah, BK and Martial Artist and other such classes have options and they do take up a class slot and that does suck, but Heron Feather, Screaming Tome, etc, take up equipment slots (with Heron feather not providing an immediate solution to silence). Silence and immobilize are two different status effects, but they are comparable in lockdown effects regardless.

Re: Silence and Immobilize - Hanzo - 04-03-2020

... with one of the differences being the fact that immobilise, before being shaved down, was far more oppressive than silence is currently. You can compare them, yes - for example: "Hey look at these two effects! One of them is far too good, that being immobilise." Silence, in general, is easier to deal with. And not needing to use equipment slots to remove it is a fact - atop all those mentioned, throatoapener. Lastly, BK is the most played class in the game, as we all know.

That aside, you haven't addressed compensation for classes what would be affected by it. Now, I know that nobody plays VA, so nobody cares, but it got a massive nerf with the new battle positioning system - while not being strong in the first place. Gutting cutthroat this way, will finally drop its playerbase of 1, to zero.

Re: Silence and Immobilize - Neus - 04-04-2020

I'm not sure about this. The idea in general is okay but for silence and immobilize specifically I'm not sure if it's really necessary anymore.

Silence has a lot of methods to cure/prevent it, although I do understand that getting silenced is kind of a feels-bad thing because it stops mages from using their fun spells. However I also think it's necessary as another way to fight mages without stacking resists.

Immobilize is quite powerful but also somewhat necessary against really mobile classes like DH, and it has immunity when it expires so it's a lot harder to get permanently locked down.

Re: Silence and Immobilize - Kameron8 - 04-04-2020

I'm not certain that making the status an RNG machine is the way to address it, but, I also think some change in general should hit silence. The only other anti-archetype status effect that can be permanently upkept is interference.
Immobilize was kept from being infinite, as was stun, and it doesn't sit well with me that silence is treated differently because:
  • The opponent's silence might require an infliction check you can build against.
  • You can spend half your turn and a limited item slot to cure it (but not become immune to having it happen immediately thereafter).
  • Heron Feather might invalidate it, depending on the skill silencing you and the initiative order.

Other than the handful of Whispering Cant spells (if running mage), it creates a pretty uninteresting dynamic where the only goal of the fight is to try and spam crowd control so the other player can't play the game. Autohit tanks, crit builds, supports (excluding healers, who have the same issue to a lesser extent with Interference) will pretty much never encounter this pattern of gameplay, because of the changes to Immobilize already in place. For example: poison doesn't disable all defenses, and blind can be beaten with enough accuracy or autohits, despite being a rarer status.

Making a one turn immunity with all of the anti-silence items/skills in the game might make it trivial (so the comparison isn't exactly 1 to 1), but the point I'm trying to make with all of this is that some change should be made simply because playing against or heavily leaning on silence very often feels bad. Ideally, silence would be a part of someone's game plan to take on a spellcaster, not the entire playbook.