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Racial Suggestions - Printable Version

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Racial Suggestions - Trexmaster - 01-31-2015

*Instinct (Lupine)
50% HP +(lvl/10) STR/SKI/DEF, MIN 3. Fear Immunity for X Rounds
25% HP +(lvl/5) STR/SKI/DEF, MIN 6. Hesitation Immunity for X Rounds

Talent Traits cost 0 trait points
+1 Crafting Level Available
*Quick to Master
All classes get +5 Class Skill Points
+1 bonus Talent Point every 5 levels. ( Level 60 = 12 talent points )

*From the Ashes
If Cur FP >= 50% Max FP when you hit 0 HP, revive and convert 50% Max FP to HP. Five turn cooldown.
Lose 5% of your max HP and FP to revive ally within 1 square for LVL+FAI HP. Purges all negative status effects.
Avoid Field Hazards/Traps
*Gain Air
Go Airborne for 1M.
*Flaming Feathers
15% Fire/Light Resistance, 15% Water/Wind Weak (Logic?)

*Fade Out
Hide from enemies as if under "Sneak" effect. +(lv/2) Evade for 2 rounds, unless you attack or are hit.
Removes one negative status effect that pinpoints or brings attention. Cost is 3M, 2M at night.
*The Mark
Take Mgc Dmg, gain 10% damage to FP, 25% Dark Res, 25% Light Weak, At night all effects are doubled (including magic damaged converted to FP)
*Noctis Arcana
Spell cast at Night 25% off, Day 10% More ( To balance gameplay to not greatly impact it )

*Black Rend
(lv/2)+75% STR pierce damage to 1 enemy. Inflicts Fear.
*Dark Claws
All attacks gain +(lv/5) Pwr, dura dbl on Tome/Bow/Gun. Does not work with guns or tomes.

Immunity to Back Attacks (PvE) and if someone tries to attack you within melee, you turn to face them before the attack goes through.
( EX: A VA goes to cuthroat you, they'll be able to perform it, but won't get the +DMG/CRIT boost )
*Future Vision
If within 1, +20% Hit/Evade. Otherwise -10%

*Invite Insanity
Status Effect Butterflies (Max 6), requires 1 FP to upkeep. Costs 2 FP.

25% Water/Light Resist, 25% Dark Weak

Facing enemy: (Lv/3) -Evade, Otherwise (Lv/3) -Hit in 1 range

*Crown of Heaven
Grants +1 DEF. If you currently have FP equal to or greater than the listed percentages of your maximum FP, you also gain additional effects.

25% - You're used to gathering focus with your horns. Gain +3 FP regen.

50% - Your horns have their full color, not paling to black in the slighest, making them much more magnficient, and improves their function as
receptors. The effects of Superiority on enemies are increased by 1.5x.

75% - You sense the flow of focus within enemies, letting you see any spells they have equipped. Also, while at or above this amount of focus,
you get +5 to SKI/DEF/RES. This decays at a rate of -1 per 10% you are below 75%. (At 25% FP you lose these bonuses)

100% - The peak of focus and power, your ability to sense magic with your horns makes it much easier to enchant objects successfully,
increasing your Skill when doing so by 1.

*Focus Form
Being made of almost purely focus and ethereal, it hurts a lot for a normal person to touch you. Whilst being made purely out of focus, you
take 25% less damage from all sources. The damage you mitigate is converted into FP.

*Golden Blood
Poison Immunity, 2% of max HP regen, Vampires who banquet fail to gain essence and instead take unresistable LVL+FAI damage.
FAI% Chance to remove one negative status effects per round.

*Absorb Poison
Target poisoned ally, transfer poison to self. Ally gains poison immunity for 3 rounds.

*Fire Wing
Fire Resist 50%, Wind Weak 25%, Water Weak 25%(Logic?)

*Mechanical Strength
+20 Encumberance, +10 Max BW.

*Lucky Dice
You can toggle whether you roll your dice or not. This does not apply until a turn after you turn it off.

*Wild Grass
If your target is near a flower, you get a +10% chance to immobilize them. If near a large, double that. If you successfully immobiilize
them, the duration is increased by +1/+2 respectively.
*Forest Family
+15% Water and Earth Resist, +15% Fire and Darkness Weak
+1% HP/FP regen during day MIN:1

Re: Racial Suggestions - Rockabye - 01-31-2015

I think some of these combat skills could have applications outside of combat, like Fade Out turning you transparent until you move or toggle it off. I actually like the majority of these, but Doriad's... feels lackluster. Significantly so. I would say give them an additional ability that grants them FP recovery during the day, since supposedly they absorb focus from sunlight.

Re: Racial Suggestions - Ranylyn - 01-31-2015

It's not that I feel these are inherently bad, but I have issues with almost all of them. For example, Shaitan. +12 damage on all physical attacks at level 60 really sets them above and apart from any other physical attacker, in addition to already being immune to fear and hesitation. And don't get me started on A BUTTERFLY UPKEEP COST. I also feel 50% is way too lenient an activation for From The Ashes with only a 5 turn cooldown, given that Phenex is tied for the highest skill growth, and Vamp shell. It's simply way too exploitable. Just to name a few of my gripes.

I think the only two I'm really behind are Umbral and Zeran.

Re: Racial Suggestions - Ryu-Kazuki - 01-31-2015

Just to reiterate that and put it on the table.

Also, I would never use those useless butterflies again if they gained an FP upkeep.

Re: Racial Suggestions - Ranylyn - 01-31-2015

"[url= Wrote:Ryu-Kazuki ยป Sat Jan 31, 2015 2:27 pm[/url]"]Also, I would never use those useless butterflies again if they gained an FP upkeep.

Fifteen million times this. Seriously.

Re: Racial Suggestions - Grandpa - 01-31-2015

One fp per butterfly for the incredibly overpowered benefits they provide. If one fp per turn is really that detrimental to your playstyle, maybe you should invest in less autohits or more wil. Another idea is to make aposemagika ignore the upkeep for its duration.

Anyway, the ideas are nice otherwise.

Re: Racial Suggestions - Neus - 01-31-2015

A lot of these could use some expansion on the reasoning behind them, perhaps with a comparison with what the race currently has and what benefit any changes suggested would offer.

Re: Racial Suggestions - Trexmaster - 01-31-2015


Lupines before were severely lacking. Golden Eyes and whenever at 50% they gain +2 STR/SKI/DEF which is pretty nice at level one, but whenever you get to higher levels is pretty useless. At 25% that effect doubles. The idea behind it was to provide Lupines with a more noticable 'buff' whenever their HP enters critical levels. Comparitively to a Felidae/Grimalkin's instinct, whom get reduced movement cost the lower and lower they get, Lupines get next to nothing besides +4 to STR/SKI/DEF wherein they're probably dead next turn anyways. The other instinct atleast gives them the ability to move away then heal. Or Attack Move Heal at critical HP.

Human's are rather lack luster. They get a free trait point for their starter talent, which is nice. However, this doesn't provide much of a bonus. They also get 2 class skill points which doesn't actually do that much for them aside from give them a weeee bit better options as some classes. Though, arguably most classes don't have a real big desire for 2 more class points because you're generally hurting for the skill slots to equip all of it, or the class just flat out doesn't have enough good/worthwhile skills to bother investing heavily into it. The idea was to make "Profession" also give you the ability to be better at certain crafts, which will bring in more people wanting to be humans. With +5 Class Points and an extra 12 talent points, this also gives people more choice with humans. They're one of the most diverse races, and can be practically anything.

Phenex need a buff because From the Ashes almost never procs as it is. 100% FP, if and only if. Most Phenex would not ever have 100% FP. It requires to much effort to actually properly do it and currently gives a 10 turn delay before it can be used again. That's hefty. We thought about changing it to something else, but instead stuck to the same general concept of the race. They can come back from the dead, but are severely at a disadvantage because of it. Anything that would smack them down to 0 HP when they have above 50%, and aren't on C/D for it will KO them but they'll get right back up. Simple as that. It never procs as is, even a 75%+ FP requirement would fix the issues contained with that. Revive is rather pointless/useless as it is. Currently it takes 10% of your max HP, 20 FP, and it revives a target with 5 HP. A phoenix spell will heal more people in an area for less damage to yourself and revive them for more. That shouldn't happen. Phenex should have a better version of this since it is their racial trait. Flight because they can fly, as you've said thy can, howver they don't gain any of the maneuverability bonuses that Corbies do simply because of how skilled Corbies are with aerial combat. They can go airborne, and instead of Ice/Dark weakness, we decided to follow a similar motif to your "flameblood" Monsters. They're weak to Water, and in the case of the wings of fire, which are pretty much what Phenex have, they gain a wind weakness however minor. The Ice/Dark motif
didn't really seem to work for much beside the idea that the opposite of fire is ice and the opposite of light is dark.

Umbral's are lame. Very very lame. What we decided to do was that if an Umbral 'faded out' they could perform obscure, from the void assassin class, and get rid of something pinpointing them. Useless in most cases but definitely strong. While blending in to the background, they'd gain extra dodge, and be under the effects of "Sneak". At night it costs less because it's easier. The idea behind the "mark" was that it didn't really do much. 3 FP for getting smacked by magic wasn't really that good unless you were going against a MG whom used damage shells and triggered a lot of magical damage on you. It wasn't that good, or strong. So we opted to give them the FP regen based on how much they take so if they take a 300 damage overload at night, they're getting 20% of that damage as FP as well as taking the full brunt. Simple, yet effective. Noctis Arcana was good, but really affected gameplay. Low level Umbrals couldn't really do anything with spells if they were summoners, and they could chain-cast at night like there was no tommorow if they did it properly which caused some balance issues. 25% off at night and 10% more during the day balances this out nicely and keeps the same effect going.

Shaitan's Black Rend was kind of lame before. 4+75% STR auto-hit that ignores defense was nice, but for the FP cost it was kind of lame. So, we decided to toss them a bone and have it also inflict 'fear' and have a good level scaling so that it's also worthwhile to do as a high level. Dark Claws was 'nice' before, but very overpowering with a gunner. +4 damage to each bullet for just having claws was kind of weird. "Look mah I got claws and can fire my gun harder now." didn't make sense. So we bumped up the damage for things that made sense. Made it scaling based on level. +12 damage to most basic attacks gives them a leg up and more viable to play with besides "My growths are tanky".

Oracle's. Well. Oracles were practically replaced with a trait everyone could get. One that shouldn't have ever been added to the game, but I digress. In addition to what it does now, we made the Oracle be able to get rid of 'backstab' bonuses from targets within 1 range. Which means they can see the person coming to know to turn and get the heck outta there. Cutthroat still applies, as do attacks at range for those ranged assassins. Their Future Vision was also kind of lame, we bumped it a bit, but its understandable if we don't want it to get too good.

Papilions, which a lot of people seem to have a problem with in this thread, got nerfed for good reason. One of their status effects was so debilitating, and slightly random, that it won them fights. Fpr 1 Momentum you could instantly gib duelist based characters or Martial Artist based characters just by going "BUTTERFLY I CHOOSE YOU!" It wasn't cool. The slight FP upkeep was implemented to counter the spam summoning, as well as implementing a cap to how many you could have out. A necessary evil in the game of 'racial equality'. I do like the idea that Aposemagika stops the upkeep so long as it's active, so that will be a change that I'll put up soon. As for the Aposemagika nerf, it status effected people whether they hit you or missed. It was kind of really lame.

Elves come from Atlantis- I mean, Mersales. A utopia built by the goddess Mercala. Yet they only have water resistance for whatever reason. Reading over their racial ability, they 'haven't built up a tolerance to the dark magic of the outside world." even though some/most elves that have been born as of recent times have not actually come from Mersales directly. They were born outside of there. This lead us to believe it was poor genetics that did such, and since we couldn't find a way to actually give them more 'fun' stuff without being even more cliche than Elves already are, we gave them Light resistance because they are the children of the goddess of Life. The same reasoning as to why Mechanations get 50% resist for 25% weakness. "They don't got much going for them."

Zeran superiority is trash and we all know it. Let's be real. So we gave them an easier way to smack people and dodge people if they're facing away. Fun times, right? Their crown of Heaven also had a lack-luster add on that was entirely null-and-void by the fact that you could already see your opponents FP anyways. So we changed it to a "See spells they have" and they now get a bonus and FP regen if they have enough FP. Fair nuff.

Liches need a buff, and it was between Sderg's Arcane shield idea from forever ago, Akashic Burn for people attacking a Lich and dealing physical damage within 1 of LVL/2 unresistable magic damage, or just give them DR to every damage for and call it a day. We went with the more easily implementable route since they die so so easily to just about everything.

Glykin's Banquet penalty isn't really a penalty and it doesn't stop a vampire from gaining essence, nor does it really do that much damage. It deals Light damage equal to however much Essence they would have gained, and they still gain said essence. Useless. We changed it to LVL+FAI light damage, since most vampires take the trait to give half holy damage and +5% light resist. This makes FAI a more inclusive stat since Glykin are one of the only ones to actually get the stat with a base growth. Along with that we buffed the powers Quatiary (isthataword?) Fourth effect, which is to remove the bads based on a FAI% chance.

Wyverntouched were pretty good. No one really used Absorb Poison though because generally, if its happening, it's a hexer doing it. No reason to absorb your friends poison when you can just murder every enemy on the field. So we gave the ally poison immunity alongside that poison absorb since they're such a good omen.

Hyattr's are good, their 50% wind weakness is such a glaring weakness however that it's utterly game breaking and to cover it up they have to leave themself open in numerous other areas. That wasn't exactly 'cool'. Anyperson having a 50% weakness to a common element is bound to get gimped. So we changed it to follow the same logic behind the Wings of Fire, which is what their 'weakness' trait is called. Fire Wing. We gave them awind and water weakness of 25%. Hope you don't mind getting wet.

Mechanation's are great, and Mechanical Strength should just apply at half-power to BW. Tada, it's balanced since Mechs make a good pretty much everything.

Redtail's are good, and don't want to be metagamed. They can instead opt to just not roll and reap no benefits or penalties tied therein.

Doriad's were kind of hard. We wanted to try giving them regen of some sort for being near flowers, but in the thinking process we deemed it a little bit OP. FP regen of 1% during the day, or 1% HP/FP regen during the day alongside the Wild Grass benefits to help the little buggers land off their wild grass and for it to actually last longer than 1 round would be nice. Two if they're slower. It's not like half the classes in
the game can't move whenever immobilized or have a way to remove it, or don't get a bonus for being immobilized
( Looking at you Summoner Legume ).

Re: Racial Suggestions - Rendar - 01-31-2015

For those of you looking for what the original racials did, I added a star beside the ones being changed. A general summation.


Talent Traits cost 0 trait points

*Quick to Master
All classes get +2 Class Skill Points

Golden Eyes
Blind Immunity

*Instinct (Lupine)
50% HP +2 STR/SKI/DEF, at 25% increase by 2.

Avoid field hazards and traps

Aerial Attacker
When Airborne gain +lvl/2 hit and lvl/10 pwr.

Gain Air
Go airborne for 1M

Stay Afloat
All skills are Airborne Compatible.

10% of HP lost, 20 FP, revives ally to 5 HP.

*Flaming Feathers
15% Fire/Light Resistance, 15% Ice/Dark Weak

*From the Ashes
If Cur FP = Max FP, Lose 50% FP and heal it.

+1 Move

Instinct (Felidae)
Movement costs 1(2)M less at 50%(25%) HP.


*Fade Out
Hide from enemies as if under "Sneak" effect

*The Mark
Take Mgc Dmg gain 3 FP, 25% Dark Res, 25% Light Weak, At night all effects are doubled

*Noctis Arcana
Spells cast at Night 50% off, Day 25% More

*Black Rend
4+75% STR damage to 1 enemy, high FP cost

*Dark Claws
All attacks gain +4 Pwr, dura dbl on Tome/Bow

Mind Scorch
Immune to Fear & Hesitation

Null Back Attack ( Useless because of trait )

*Future Vision
If within 1, +10% Hit/Evade. Otherwise -10%

Illusion Wing
Wind Resist 30%, Earth Weak 30%

*Invite Insanity
Status Effect Butterflies, Aposemagika friend

Invocation Spell Pwr 6+(lvl/10) status effects on melee

Sanguine Crest
+2 if essence is above to CEL,DEF,STR,WIL,SKI. Otherwise -2

Gain essence based on vit, -lvl or 10 penalty to hit. Dark dmg, penalties to hit based on attacking spot

25 Essence, heal vit*1.5 min 25. Excess to FP

Lunar Lunatism
100 Essence, -25 Essence per turn. Sang Crest at mex until ends. +2 all stats, even move, crits fear enemies, recover 50% Vit HP/FP each round

25% Water Resist, 25% Dark Weak

Healer's Legacy
Base power of heal spell doubled, +1 Alchemy Potion skill

Facing enemy: -2 STR/WIL, Otherwise -10 Hit

*Crown of Heaven
+1 DEF, other bonuses based on FP%. To many to list out

*Arcane Order
50%+ FP, cannot be critically hit or critically hit.

Reduces chance of item loss on death. ( GJ Dev, you predicted they'd die a lot. )

Magia Detremus
50% HP for 150% FP. ( Really unfair )


*Golden Blood
Poison Immune, 2% of max HP Regen, Vamp feed = Light Dmg, FAI% to reduce negative status effects over 3 rounds by 1.

Venom Drive
When poisoned gain 1/2 Poison lvl STR and 5 FP. 50% Poison Resist.

Poison Bite
Ignore DEF, Piece STR Damage on hit, Poison lvl =1/2 lvl. If target self, Pierce Dmg at 1/2.

*Absorb Poison
Target poisoned ally, transfer poison to self.

*Fire Wing
Fire Resist 50%, Wind Weak 50%

Dragon Hover
1M Gain Airborne

Channel Magic
Gain FP = 25% Vit, If Flame Breath, resize Length

Channel Destruction
STR/WIL +4, If Flame Breath, 3 tile wide and Cinders

Fire Breath
1/2 Character Level+VIT*2 Fire Damage, If Airborne move length. High FP Cost


Artificial Body
+25% Ice/Fire Resist, 25% Lightning Weak

*Mechanical Strength
+20 Encumberance Max

*Fox God's Blessing
1-6 fortune level every round, effects Dice.

Red Dice
Gain 2*Fortune Lvl Hit/Crit, if 1 -10 Hit/Crit

Yellow Dice
Gain 2*Fortune lvl Evade/Crit Evade, if 1 -10 Evade/Crit Evade

Green Dice
Gain 2*Fortune lvl Status Apply/Avoid, if 1 -10 Status Apply/Avoid

Fox God's Fortune Cookie
Really shoddy 'chance' to get (really) good or (really) bad fortunes. Almost always bad. 3 round C/D

*Forest Family
+15% Water and Earth Resist, +15% Fire and Darkness Weak

Song of Nature
Randomly create flowers, use on an existing flower to make it grow. Can possibly aid enemies as well as allies? ( Useless 95% of the time )

*Wild Grass
4 Range chance to immobilize a target for 1 round ( 2 if you're slower ). ( Generally a waste of a turn )

Re: Racial Suggestions - Ryu-Kazuki - 01-31-2015

I'm attacking the Papilion thing for these reasons.

1: It costs 6M to activate the Invocation that can be broken.
2: At max, it only gives you 12 Spell Power. That's decent, but for the M and FP cost, it's already not desired. Making it NECESSARY for Invite Insanity? No thanks, Papilions already got nerfed with the status update. I shouldn't have to force myself to waste a turn to make the already useless butterflies (against enemies who don't attack, (hey why don't you unequip Critpotse? It's not like you can't already tell they're a Papilion half the time anyway (because the giant fairy wings they sport)) to do a random status of 5 that either may not work due to immunities, or may not work due to a level difference).
3: Most Papilions are mages, and it's ridiculous that now on top of maintaining my spells and FP, I have to treat them like youkai with no FP regen, so I waste even more FP to cast the illusion AND maintain it.
4: RPly? Aposemagika covers you with pollen. It makes sense for someone to be inflicted even if they miss because they'd be covered in the pollen. It'd make Aposemagika even worse if it was changed to be Hit only.

I could provide more, but I'd rather not at the moment. I'm an avid Papilion player and never use Aposemagika as is because of its extensive M cost which leaves me like a sitting duck (even more so against Mages). If the suggested change was made to them, they'd be humans with some fancy spells and Wind Resistance. And we all know who'd want to play them then (nobody). All this would really do would drop them even lower than they already are on the ladder, and after the nerf they got, that doesn't need to happen. (I'm not saying the nerf wasn't necessary, but I think that was enough of a peg to knock them off of.)

On the grounds of the other changes? I'm fine with. I like them and think they'll make the races a bit more balanced.

Edit: I retract that final statement on one race. Elves. I think they should have some form of better buff to Healer's Legacy based on how any Lich in the game can outdo them because of their WIL potential. If Elves are supposed to be the healer game, why do those who become anti-life provide better healing than them?