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The Dreaded Youkai rebalance, Fairies & Dungeons - Printable Version

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The Dreaded Youkai rebalance, Fairies & Dungeons - firehawk11 - 06-07-2020


So after trying to fight through a level 45 Crazy Fire Dungeon I have found out some rather depressing facts about Summoner class group, as a whole. (For context, I play a Priest/Bonder Elf) I found out that at the moment I use onyl fairy type Youkai.

The problem with Fairies are huge, despite their abilities on paper seem fairly good. Most of my fairies at the moment are level 45, yes I brought them into a level 49 crazy Fire Alter boss fight expecting to do fine. The fight was with 2 Bells, 2 Wings of Fire and 2 Lava slimes.

All three of my fairies lacked damage output in the dungeon, against the Wings of Fire, with Black Rose, Fairy lance and the water spell, I was dealing 0 damage to them. The Bells were taking 0 from Fairy lance, about 25 from Black rose and I do not remember how much the water spell did as I do not think I managed to cast it. Not even Asrei water spell could do damage to mobs who were WEAK to water, I mean WEAK

The problem is they have low offensive stats, mixed with low Vit/Res/Def really makes the fairies unfun to use, they can not take an auto hit. I've seen times where my fairies EVASION for just under 200 damage, that for anyone is not good and add in the fact they got at most 300 HP, not to mention yes the water fairy has 500-600 HP but that does not help due to the above reason.

Could perhaps they recieve a rebalance?

Re: The Dreaded Youkai rebalance, Fairies & Dungeons - Perdition - 06-07-2020

It matters significantly more if your youkai are underleveled than a player character is. Youkai have lower stats per level because they have to. If you could summon player character level mobs en masse it would be a total shitshow.

Honestly, at level 60 you'll find that pretty much any youkai will do decent damage until you get to higher level BDPs, but even players suffer there. There isn't a whole lot you can do about level 70+ snakemen mages and wings of fire if you're trying to use magic damage. Conversely, you'll find yourself in a similar situation without defense or armor shredding against jammers and other physically defensive mobs.

There are also youkai that do more damage than fairies. The fairies aren't exactly meant to be defensive power houses.