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Look at that normal Monk damage - Printable Version

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Look at that normal Monk damage - Snake - 06-20-2020

This is mostly a suggestion post for any future touches over Monk. The class right now is super boring when compared to Verglas and Boxer. I think that some small changes to it would not be that bad. (maybe)

If not only to make it rival better the powerlevel of the two promotions, but keep being the 'middle' between each and the class a little more interesting and punch-y. The fanciest way to do this is making Ki Awoken, Golden Glow and Shukuchi interact directly with some skills for a starter, and also grant them a 'rush' attack like Boxer and Verglas have (Rapid Kick and Regenshauer), with a special quirk tied to it. Also an alternative way to build up Ki that doesn't involve using up a whole turn, while keeping their IC of being 'calm, composed and disciplined fighters'.

The following is just an idea of what could be nice for them. I'm not asking for all to be implemented, or be implemented in the way I want. This is but a list of ideas for interactions with Shukuchi, Golden Glow and Ki Awoken. Enjoy my madness:

New Skills:
Quote:Tiger's Flurry
- 3M.
- 3 Ranks. Costs 6 Ki per strike. Each rank increases the FP cost by 5, and reduce the amount of Ki it consumes by 1.
- The SWA% per strike should be 10%/15%/20%, respectively.
- The amount of attacks done depend on how much Ki you have. 3 Ki per attack, so at maximum Ki, you perform a rush attack of about 10 strikes.
- Ignores evasive reaction skills, such as Snake Dancer or Geist Schritt.

- If used with Shukuchi, it gains a bonus range like Geldoren, and knocks the enemy back one tile per strike, while teleporting you to a random tile by the target's cardinals on every attack.

- 3M.
- 1 Rank.
- Shares cooldown with Power Up, cannot be used if Power Up is on cooldown, and will put Power Up on cooldown when used.
- Grants a non-stealable buff named 'Tranquility', at LV30, that lasts for 3 rounds.

While in Tranquility:
- Blocks the infliction of Fear, Hesitation and Charm.
- Rage-based skills or effects are nullified, and impossible to use. (Ki Awoken is removed. Rage Energy is set to 0. Narcus LV is removed. Salamander LV is removed. Ruled by Emotion is removed.)
- If you are damaged by Melee weapons or a Bow while in Tranquility, you teleport to a cardinal spot around them (if possible), and retaliate 25% (+Monk class Level) of the damage received as Blunt physical damage that ignores Armor.

- Every time the retaliate effect happens, the LV is reduced by 3.
- Every time Fear/Hesitation/Charm is blocked, the LV is halved instead.

After Tranquility:
- Once the status is over and the LV is above 8, the Monk gains (LV) Ki, (LV * 2) FP and Golden Glow for (LV/3) rounds.

Offensive Skills:
Quote:Dense Thunder
Ki Awoken:
- Ignores knockback immunity.

- We already know it.

Golden Glow:
- Repeats the skill two more times while teleporting to a random cardinal around the target, then inflicts sound damage in an AoE.

Quote:Sky Chariot
Ki Awoken:
- Leaps super high, removing yourself from battle for a round. The next round you'll land adjacent to the enemy you targeted and perform the skill in a 3 range circle AoE.

- Increases range by 3 and teleports you to them.

Golden Glow:
- Will make you airborne before using the skill.

Quote:Dragon Gale
Melee (Targeting an adjacent tile or the same tile):
- You perform a rising dragon kick, sending three Wind Dragons in a forked shape as well as damaging and sending the target airborne. The Wind Dragons deal 50% of the skill's normal damage.

Ki Awoken:
- The dragons spawned in Melee version will home into non-incapacitated targets, despite the range.

- You ride the dragon, making it drag you and whoever's in the way to the target for the ride. Once it hits its target, all dragged units take damage and are knocked to a random tile in the battlefield, including you. (Does nothing to Melee version.)

Golden Glow:
- Damaged enemies are inflicted with Lingering Damage for 3 rounds. (LV = Ki).

Quote:Terra Strike
Melee (Targeting an adjacent tile or the same tile):
- You stomp the ground, releasing a shockwave that deals Blunt magic damage in a 2 range circle, and breaks all special tiles in it.

Ki Awoken:
- You leap towards the targeted location and perform the melee version. (Can't target an enemy this way.)

- You ride the dragon, making it drag you and whoever's in the way to the target for the ride. Once it hits its target, all dragged units take damage and are knocked down, including you. (Does nothing to Melee version.)

Golden Glow:
- Damaged enemies are inflicted with Muddy for 3 rounds.

Quote:Setting Sun
Ki Awoken:
- The sun immediately crashes down with no time to prime it up, but it will set your Ki to 0.

- Nothing.

Golden Glow:
- The sun glows blue, and its damage type is changed from Fire to Akashic.

Ki Awoken:
- Kadouha's pierce is changed to dragging the first target it catches in the center, until it either collides with something or someone else. Then it explodes for 100% of the Light Damage over a 5 range circle.

- Nothing.

Golden Glow:
- Changes Kadouha's damage type and elemental scaling to your Star Sign's element, if any.

Defensive Skills:

Ki Awoken:
- You perform a backflip into the air, and gain Flight for 3 rounds.

- Increases backflips done by 3.

Golden Glow:
- You will parry the next strike done by Martial weapons you are facing.

Quote:Body of Isesip
Ki Awoken:
- On use, reduces the duration of the status by 2 and your Max FP by 15%, but resets the HP% depletion counter for Ki Awoken back to 0.

- Nothing.

Golden Glow:
- Increases the duration by 1.

Support Skills:

Ki Awoken:
- Consumes 75% of your Maximum HP and FP, and heals your target's HP and FP by the same amount, then inflicts you with Certain Defeat permanently.

- Increases the range by 2.

Golden Glow:
- Transfers Golden Glow or Body of Isesip statuses to your target for 3 rounds.

Utility Skills:

Quote:Power Up
Ki Awoken:
- Increases the LV of Ki Awoken by 5.

- Nothing.

Golden Glow:
- Nothing. (Technically impossible to, anyway. The duration vs cooldown match up.)

Quote:Sun Flare
Ki Awoken:
- Increases the duration of Blind by 1.

- Nothing.

Golden Glow:
- Increases the duration of Blind by 1.

Re: Look at that normal Monk damage - Senna - 06-21-2020

I do agree that monk needs to be looked at. To be honest, its not as great as the others. People will more likely pick monk for Terra Dragon, Kah, Golden aura (Maybe) and Power up for the FP.

If they choose skills, its either gimmick or heavily supported by other classes. I can agree with some of these changes but some are just a little but too out there.

Snake post_id=40183 time=1592695712 user_id=310 Wrote:Golden Glow:
- Damaged enemies are inflicted with Lingering Damage for 3 rounds. (LV = Ki).

I'd said LV/2? Because it can hit alotta people in one go. Not just one person like Wind Slash.

Snake post_id=40183 time=1592695712 user_id=310 Wrote:Golden Glow:
- Damaged enemies are inflicted with Muddy for 3 rounds.

Muddy? I'm not too sure about that one. Is there a skill that can just flat out inflict muddy without soak? Because if we're going to do that, might as well give it Water/Earth scaling with Golden Glow

Snake post_id=40183 time=1592695712 user_id=310 Wrote:Golden Glow:
- The sun glows blue, and its damage type is changed from Fire to Akashic.

This explains itself. Thats flat out too powerful lol. That's literally execute/Divine eye levels are strong....That's a massive AOE.

Snake post_id=40183 time=1592695712 user_id=310 Wrote:Sun Flare
Ki Awoken:
- Increases the duration of Blind by 1.

- Nothing.

Golden Glow:
- Increases the duration of Blind by 1.

I think it'd be better if Golden increase the duration and Ki Awoken should increase the range of the status resistance ignore effect. Inside of one around, it's 2? Or 3?

Re: Look at that normal Monk damage - Lolzytripd - 06-21-2020

I'd say the akashic setting sun is fine, ONLY, if it does friendly damage too.

Re: Look at that normal Monk damage - Inconspicuous Kitty - 06-21-2020

I do feel like Monk's kit needs some of it's old flair of having options per-skill again, but maybe not too many. I think some addendums during Ki Awoken could be fine, and those could be paired with Urawaza to trigger them.

Let's also not forget the old one-range effects. It'd be nice to get those back, where the attack changes depending on if you're hitting from melee range or from afar. Right now they generally *do*, but it's very underwhelming compared to just shooting a wind dragon a tile past the fellah you're trying to hit as opposed to the double smack you do now. It'd be nice to get the melee-range effects damage re-looked at, since it *is* a martial artist class, after all. Punchy-punch.