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Lilus abusive - Printable Version

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Lilus abusive - Swiftkusura - 06-24-2020

So I had this as a suggestion as an addition to the game, but spo made a good point/idea about lilu.

Lilu is an alright youkai with a kind of miserable third ability, 1 range immobilize for 3m for 2 rounds, which is only guaranteed if they're charmed so odds are if you couldn't charm you can't immobilize

Seeing as how that's what you get for installing her, it's disappointing if I'm honest, but what if her install form acquired abusive relationship, and otherwise had it normally? This would be dramatically more useful and also fit with the general theme of her youkai ability wink. It would also make for an interesting install beyond drowned woman or a dragon.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk

RE: Lilus abusive - Snake - 06-26-2020

Not a change for base Lilu, but I can definitely see their Ascension having ways to make enemies gravitate towards her if they're charmed, and the inability for damage to break Charm.