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Boss Rehaul - Printable Version

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Boss Rehaul - iDarkCara - 02-05-2015

Even with the HP the bosses are garbage. They don't feel like bosses at all. Just tanks. When I'm level 60, I prefer hard bosses. Bosses like Green Ronove.

I am suggesting giving them a wider buff where it actually requires a party to try and defeat these beasties while still making it easy in lower levels.

Something like an ability that gives every stat 20% of their level + 4 per party member. Giving a lower level ~10 Boss +6 to each stat for solo. But a level ~64 boss +17. This would make them much more threatening and more of a challenge to fight. I'm also in favor of giving them more xp if you do defeat them as well.


Re: Boss Rehaul - Ryu-Kazuki - 02-05-2015

As much as I agree that bosses are a joke (depending on what kind, if you make a mistake against Winged Guardian, have fun), especially Gigas Rex.. the rewards that come following don't yield enough to warrant people actually desiring to fight them at a more difficult scale. That's the main reason people fight the, because of the cores. But when you crack open four massive cores in a row and get nothing but bands, rings, and useless weapons that have negative qualities that you could've crafted yourself for multiple positive ones, it really makes you not have any desire to go dungeoning for a while and makes you get irritated or discouraged sometimes.

With the difficulty to reward ratio right now, bosses are pretty even. Although I'm not against beefing them up if they gave out better rewards for fighting them.

Re: Boss Rehaul - Lolzytripd - 02-05-2015

Remove craftable items from the loot table, except for cursed and div/vorp

Re: Boss Rehaul - Rockabye - 02-05-2015

I don't think giving them more stats is the way to go. More abilities is more reasonable, as it's easier to balance out, and leaves more room for strategy than "have better stats." That said, I agree with Ryu in the fact that cores are usually absolutely useless. Sometimes I get the urge to destroy massive cores the moment I get them, if only to remove their weight from my inventory, because I know the rewards will not be anything interesting. And all too often I'm completely right. Not everyone even has the time to complete a long dungeon, so the rare occasions when they're able to shouldn't be so thoroughly demotivating. Buff their EXP and guarantee at least one decent reward (such as always getting one completely random enchant catalyst, for example), and then we'll talk.

Re: Boss Rehaul - Neus - 02-05-2015

I plan to redo the bosses at some point to make them more challenging in some respects and possibly give them custom battlefields. More details when it actually happens.