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Phoenix Talon Opinion Gauge - Printable Version

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Phoenix Talon Opinion Gauge - Maksimum_Fire - 08-31-2020

I know Phoenix Talon had a buff not that long ago, but I feel it's still a little underwhelming given all its conditions.  Lemme know what you guys think in the poll, or by leaving a comment.

RE: Phoenix Talon Opinion Gauge - HexGirlBestGirl - 08-31-2020

It got a buff? I forgot it was a skill. Bad in one-on-one scenarios but good in team fights where someone gives you the bonus damage.

The damage splits across multiple attacks for things like Rapid Kick, so not unga as could be.

But it's overall pretty nice if you can consistently get someone airborne. The issue is. You can't do that without teammates or abusing an admittedly questionable opponent with half a brain cell in order to keep them on an air shaft.

Remember. It only works on targets that are airborne, not requiring the player to be airborne. Also still goes against Light Resist. So nice.

I don't even consider using it if i'm not a Verg/DH or DH/Verg to be quite honest. Never can consistently get damage with it otherwise without being in a teamfight. Which is a whole new different ballpark that's arguably going to make it worse to run due to far more variables being in play.