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Mavis Haemin -- Superior Healing - Printable Version

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Mavis Haemin -- Superior Healing - Blissey - 11-01-2020

Applicable BYOND Key - Blissey
Character Name - Mavis Haemin
Request Type - Special Character Ability (Superior Healing)
Request Details -  The intention behind this request is to give my character, Mavis Haemin, higher healing capabilities.
Mavis is an extremely devout Mercalan and she has had, for the greater part of her life, unshakeable faith in Mercala. It is through this continued faith, and a veritable three-plus centuries of devotion to her goddess that she has increased her ability to churn out better healing. Due to her age, experience, and general amount of Focus that she has within her body, Mavis would be able to heal things better as a general rule. Such benefits include:
  • Regenerating minor limbs and appendages, such as fingers, toes, et cetera without much issue.
  • Regenerating minor organs or internal damage, even if nothing is left salvageable.
  • Regenerating larger organs, assuming that some of that organ is left behind, and the organ is healed within twenty to thirty minutes (as opposed to the seconds that most priests/healers would have).
  • Reattaching amputated limbs with greater success and with a larger window of time (minutes, instead of seconds, as opposed to what most healers/priests would have).
  • Greater healing factor and regeneration for the self and others.
  • Ability to carry out larger Mercana healing projects as opposed to other priests/healers, due to the sheer amount of Focus within her body, her own experiences, faith in Mercala, and her racial benefit of being an Elf.
  • Clearing scarring, whether small or large, through Mercana (although she would seldom do this, if at all, due to the potential of violating the tenets of Mercana), regardless of how much time has passed.
  • Greater healing and treatment of Void Poisoning. At stage two, she would be able to prolong the lifespan of someone afflicted with stage two of Void Poisoning, as well as reduce the pulsating lacerations, so long as they refrain from using the Void, and avoid further exposure to it. Further exposure to the Void will result in loss of efficacy. Prolonging their lifespan would never be more than some years (at most ten, at least three), though there is the slight potential and chance that they would live longer (ultimate life expectancy is utterly dependent on the character being healed, and not the healer OOCLY). This is also completely dependent on the afflicted seeking consistent treatment with Mavis herself on a weekly basis. The method Mavis uses to treat stage two more efficiently and with greater results involves not only Mercana, but Aquamancy due to her Elven lineage and knowledge.

All of these abilities are heavily predicated on the assumption that her faith with Mercala does not waver or disappear. In the event that Mavis fails to hold her faith with Mercala, her greater healing abilities would disappear. Although some of it may remain due to her sheer age and experience with the healing arts (as well as being an Elf), much of this rests on how deeply she relies on Mercala.

Furthermore, none of this would have any mechanical benefit or mechanical boost whatsoever. It is strictly roleplay and for flavor.

Reason why you are making this request (if applicable) - 
I'm submitting this request because I've had this character for 7+ years. Over 7 years, I've tried to stimulate Mercalan roleplay and tried to provide to the lore of it all. I've also managed to get a minor sect approved, had her ranking in the Church elevated, and I've also sustained an in-character and consistent role as the medical head of Lispool. I've also had other things approved that I cannot publicly disclose, but a GM is more than welcome to inquire on what those things are.

I'm also trying to provide a character to the world that is very good at healing in the event of emergencies where her services would be required, since we currently don't have any that we know of save for The Voice of Mercala.

Having Mavis be better at healing would also increase her overall credibility on matters of healing altogether, and would provide an opportunity for other characters who use healing magic to pursue a mentor of sorts. Mavis has already had various students of healing and Mercana, and she has fostered and created many Mercalans as well.

Roleplay & Lore supporting your request -
Lore Supporting This Request

It's no secret that faith in Mercala is what boosts healing (or to some, faith in general). The more faith one has in a god, the more benefits they should reap. Deeper faith in Mercala would grant the user of Mercana higher power in this regard.

Experience and being an Elf also plays a key factor here. Mavis is well over 300 years old, and she studied alchemy and healing arts back on Mersales for a century before coming to the lands of Sigrogana. 

The Void is unpredictable as a rule, but stage one is perfectly curable through Mercalan rituals and means. Stage two is a bit trickier, but it is still treatable via Mercalan means as well. One could also argue that certain esoteric Elven rituals could contribute towards treating stage two, and Mavis being an Elf would help her in healing the Void better. 

Roleplay Supporting This Request

For a century while on Mersales, Mavis studied alchemy and the healing arts. Although likely not very similar to how healing works outside of Mersales, her knowledge of these arts are something she has not only kept recorded but also continues to practice to this day -- albeit in a limited fashion. An example of this is her constant usage of Aquamancy when healing others, especially if they are afflicted with the Void -- more so if they are afflicted with Void Poison stage two.

After arriving to the Great Six very early on, Mavis came to live in Oniga and learned of Heaven's Contention. She also learned of Ryart, and how he was saved -- as legends foretell -- by Mercala. She even learned how Mercala was responsible for his ascension to godhood, and this further piqued her interest. As some time went on, Mavis soon grew to learn more about Mercala and quickly became enthralled with the Goddess of Life due to the sheer similarities that Mercala had with a certain other divine being that Elves worship. Since Mavis no longer had her old god to worship, she saw it only fitting to kneel at the feet of a goddess who is not only seen as an ultimate healer of all wounds, but as a peaceful protector -- a being that aligns well with her own outlook and principles.

In the early days of the Church's formation, Mavis was there. It could even be said that she made many important and significant contributions to how the Church is formed to this day (for further details, the GM reviewing this can contact me directly. I have a reason for stating this). And by being with the Church and near the internuncio of Mercala, Mavis only grew more as a person and as a healer.
Throughout her long years, many events that would hone Mavis' healing caliber made themselves evident. These opportunities helped shape her abilities, and many of them had to do with extreme, life-defying injuries or nasty cases of Void Poisoning. Mavis generally took the initiative with such cases due to her status as an Elf, and as a consequence, others generally expected her to do so anyway. Since Elves are a rarity in the Great Six, there was never truly a time when she either wasn't alone in a healing unit, or was one of the very few Elves known of that could push out enough healing magick to save a life. Such events would be the Great War between Oniga and Sigrogana, and other events where many lives were in peril (whether in dungeons, or personal affairs where friends, family, etc. were being torn to bits).

As much faith as Mavis had in Mercala, so too did she harbor hatred for the Void. Much of her life with the Church and her studies revolved not only around spreading awareness of how dangerous the Void was, but also healing and treating it. Mavis spared no desire in wishing to trounce the Void once and for all, so she spent much of her time while studying higher forms of medicine in the Great Six and healing in trying to find a complete remedy for the Void. And although certain Mercalan rituals could cure stage one completely, she ardently strove for eradicating stage two and on altogether. To accomplish this, Mavis made her specialty clear to the Church and her intentions when it came to healing, wishing to dedicate more time to studying and diminishing the Void's influence on the world. Much of her days spent praying for insight and studying led to this, and once Karaten had become the source for safer teleportation, Mavis also sought to study with the famed Majistra family to find better ways to handle the Void altogether.

Decades upon decades would pass, and it only would take so long due to the extremely unpredictable nature of the Void. As these decades passed, Mavis would see much of her efforts bear fruit. Through studying the Void and methods to heal it, naturally this Elf delved deeper into the lessons that the Church and Mercala would teach her regarding healing and medicine. Seeking to end the Void requires continuous study, and through this study and practical application on various patients afflicted with Void Poison did Mavis see her own repertoire and skillset increase manifold throughout her decades active as a healer.

Currently, Mavis presides as a high priestess of Mercala due to her unwavering faith and incredibly long years of service to The Church and Mercala. She also holds the station of Lispool’s chief of medicine and head doctor.

(Since I didn’t foresee an application forum coming, I never saved any of my roleplay logs of healing the void, preaching about Mercala, and all that. All I can provide is this rather lengthy backstory, although this is only a fraction of Mavis’ backstory and all I have been through with her over the near-decade I’ve been writing her).

Notes (please read) -
I am fully willing to negotiate with the GM(s) reviewing this on everything presented, and if further clarification is required, please approach me privately on Discord (Anastasia#0666).

RE: Mavis Haemin -- Superior Healing - Slydria - 11-01-2020

Alright, this isn't going to be a particularly long post for me. Overall, I think this is a pretty good example of an application and I'm going to approve this request (with some slight clarifications on a couple of those points.)

I think the reasoning is sound. Mavis has many qualities that makes approving of more healing power fairly simple. Mavis is quite old both in terms of actual age and how long she's been played for and her character is deeply entwined with the Mercalan faith which has been demonstrated time and time again.

I only had a couple of things that I wanted further elaboration on:
  • Greater healing factor and regeneration for the self and others.
  • Ability to carry out larger Mercana healing projects as opposed to other priests/healers, due to the sheer amount of Focus within her body, her own experiences, faith in Mercala, and her racial benefit of being an Elf.

Which I DM'd Blissey about and got that squared away quickly:

Quote:Could you elaborate on how much greater would be? Just because "greater" could be anywhere between 1% and 1000+% better.

Quote:By greater I mean the speed at which someone would recover when they're healed with Mavis' Mercana. In Mavis' case, assuming that the wound is no larger than a sword gash 2-4 inches deep in her arm, it would begin to heal at an accelerated and rapid pace (and she wouldn't need to somatically heal her wound, it would begin to heal on its own.) In the case of someone else, she would have to somatically heal them, but larger wounds would heal at a much quicker rate, ensuring that they'll have a higher chance of surviving. 

Quote:Could you give an example on what would be a larger healing project?

Quote:By this I more so meant that she would be able to heal for an extended period of time, and she would be able to heal others at the same time (a group of people. I'll say four people at once, just to be safe, including herself if she is part of the group that are injured). Priests can already do this, but her faith in Mercala and her skill lets her do it for longer, faster, and better.

Quote:Alright, just this little tidbit...

(and she wouldn't need to somatically heal her wound, it would begin to heal on its own.)

I assume this more means she can heal myself without a verbal component than she has a regeneration factor but just to be sure.


RE: Mavis Haemin -- Superior Healing - Blissey - 11-02-2020

Further clarification, approved by Slydria:

  • Regenerating larger organs, assuming that some of that organ is left behind, and the organ is healed within twenty to thirty minutes (as opposed to the seconds that most priests/healers would have).

With Slydria's approval, this part of the ability is now further clarified to consider in what state such larger organs are left behind to determine if they can be healed or not:
  • Large organs that sustained injuries but are otherwise "whole" have a long time to be fully healed and regenerated (six hours).
  • Large organs that sustained injuries and have part of it missing or are otherwise mostly "unwhole" have twenty to thirty minutes to be healed and regenerated fully.
  • Large organs that are completely missing with no salvageable parts cannot be resorted in any way.
  • Reattaching amputated limbs with greater success and with a larger window of time (minutes, instead of seconds, as opposed to what most healers/priests would have).
With Slydria's approval, this part of the ability is now further clarified and "buffed" due to a mix-up on how the lore works when it comes to Mercana reattaching limbs and severed parts:
  • As long as the detached limb has not given in to rotting of any kind (after twelve hours, a detached or deprived limb gives in to rot, according to most OOC sources), the limb can be fully restored and reattached.
  • As long as the detached limb is not destroyed in any way, or sustained injuries such that part of is missing or rotting, it can be reattached and restored within the given timeframe. Otherwise the limb is lost and this special character ability cannot restore it.