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Lunar Lunatism - Printable Version

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Lunar Lunatism - Perdition - 11-14-2020

I have a vampire thread up but I want to talk specifically about Lunar Lunatism because I think this potentially can tie the whole Vampire race together in a meaningful way. I mentioned before that the Vampire changes make the race more focused on basic attacking. By far, you receive most of the benefits (and negatives that come with those) if you're a proficient basic attacker. Life Drain is there for mages, however you have no way to build essence with it. Using Banquet is the only way to manage essence mid battle, and critting with it acts as a psuedo fleur.

I also mentioned previously that trying to build for basic attacking as well as taking SAN for the benefits of lunar lunatism is near impossible if you want your build to be proficient. However to stay in line with the way every other race works, I don't think making it scale off anything other than SAN is ideal. So it dawned on me that a compromise could work similar to how the Corbie racials work. Activating Lunar Lunatism can give you a buff to your hit and crit while it's active, that scales off of your SAN. This can compensate for some stats needed for basic attacking that might be sacrificed to stack SAN to make use of lunar lunatism to its fullest.

By limiting this buff to lunar lunatism it doesn't just make Vampire a free pass for extra basic attacking stats, but it also lets you take advantage of the LVs of the charm and hesitation it inflicts which would otherwise be very lackluster with low SAN. To make Mage classes less neglected by the Vampire rework, the crit buff would also be a buff to crit rate for lightning spells, and mages can always use a bit of extra hit for overcoming evasion procs. This would also further the state of lunar lunatism being described as the state of a vampire going 'all out' and make it a much more fearsome ability. However with the weaknesses that come with Crest being active I don't see it being overbearing, just worthy of the trade off.

RE: Lunar Lunatism - Snake - 11-17-2020

Could be a trait, the very least.