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Lich Rights: End Lich Racism - Printable Version

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Lich Rights: End Lich Racism - levianaught - 11-24-2020

Hi there.

Most of you call me Stains, blood or otherwise.

Today I will be Levianaught, the writer behind Stains the Lich. Smile Howdy!

Now then. Let us talk about RACISM.

My character was assaulted the other night. His character was attacked, his notions for existing besmirched, and his BASIC RIGHT TO SAY WHAT HE FEELS, was encroached upon completely, and utterly, by a low dog of the law.

 A corrupt, racist, official of the government. *Shakes head solemnly, in deep disappointment.*

Here my friends is the line that settled it for me, the line that told me that ACTION must be taken in Sigrogana. The tyranny that is the corruption of power in those that would be called guardsmen cannot be side glanced. We must face head on the fact that we are in a time, a feudal, daunting time, of absolute hatred and unkempt bigotry. That we are under the monarch of a true evil, an evil that knows not it's innate ability to ruin an RP experience...


06:23 - Reverend Radiance said in Say: I've thrown more of your kind in jail than I can count on both hands. Your madness gives you no excuse to do as you'd like on Imperial soil.

06:24 - Stains said in Say: Yes well, and what crimes have you ascertained me of? Have you evidence to requisite me to a jail?

06:24 - Stains said in Say: Because as far as I'm concerned, sardonic JOKES, are not against the law.

06:24 - Stains said in Say: Or am I wrong?

06:25 - Scruffy Onigan Wanderer said in Emote: steps a bit closer. "Ma'am, may I suggest something?"

06:26 - Stains said in Emote: raises his hand, a violent, crimson flash shooting out into the sky

06:26 - Reverend Radiance said in Emote: offered a chipper smile. "I have no tangible proof, but I have my sincerest doubt anyone would care if another egotistical Lich passed through the Fort. Keep your morbid jokes to yourself if you'd like to keep away from jail."

Yes well, you were wrong, Reverend Radiance. Someone does care. I care. The people, will care. I petition now for the better treatment of liches and all misunderstood beings of the dark. To be persecuted of crimes Stains surely had not committed, and to be forced into a confrontation for the sole purpose of ham fisting him into a 1v1 Prison RP where I would have probably been ball gagged and tortured, is beyond irreprehensible. It's downright powergaming bullshit.

Now let me ask you, good people of Sigrogana, how would you feel. with your race in this sentence? 

I have no tangible proof, but I have my sincerest doubt anyone would care if another egotistical Doriad passed through the Fort. Keep your morbid jokes to yourself if you'd like to keep away from jail."

Wow. Powerful stuff here.

[b]I have no tangible proof, but I have my sincerest doubt anyone would care if another egotistical Shaitan passed through the Fort. Keep your morbid jokes to yourself if you'd like to keep away from jail."[/b]

*Holds hands together and shakes in sadness*

[b][b]I have no tangible proof, but I have my sincerest doubt anyone would care if another egotistical Reaper passed through the Fort. Keep your morbid jokes to yourself if you'd like to keep away from jail."[/b][/b]

*I too, hate reapers, so I found this sentence hilarious, but I digress. HATRED IS ALWAYS WRONG!!!

The faces of institutionalized racism within Sigrogana must come down. Are we to be forced to RP the way someone else wants, simply because they don't like that my lich make jokes that barely hit on the PG-13 scale? Were talking Addams Family shit right here, literally. The Munsters level, of comedic evil.

I was banned fellow Sigrogananians. Banned for a full 24 hours. That's like, ten years in Sigrogana time. That's not true, I made that up. But it feels like ten years.

"I want my time back.." *

An echo from the sands replies*

"You chose to legend up and become a lich, so now you must go to jail anytime a guard thinks you're being bad, with or without proof..."

"Wait what. Where does it say that?"

"It doesn't. Probably because it's an individual player powergaming you into the position they desire you to be."

"Fuck dude, you're so wise, and like, rational, who are you?"

Yes it's true. I am both of the men speaking above, and as it turns out, both of those men inside my head agree.

The racism against liches must end.

SHOW YOUR SUPPORT for the downfall of hatred against the undead! For every comment in support of this, I will personally IC invite you to join the Midnight Company's official Book Club Members Guild. 

You will be dazzled by the RP you experience. Enamored by the sights and sounds! Most likely robbed and beaten, but you'll enjoy it! 

Trust me. A fight against racism, is a fight we all, can get behind.

RE: Lich Rights: End Lich Racism - Noxid - 11-24-2020

I'm going to make a confession here today. I'm one of the undead, a vampire to specific. Everyday I live in fear that I'm going to be targeted unfairly because of my race. It wasn't my choice I became a vampire. No really. So what if I have to feed on others to sustain myself? You have to eat the flesh of animals, who are you to judge me? I've been subject to racist slurs such as fanger, blood sucker, oversized mosquito and daddy huggy's mistake. I know these racist views circulate within the guard, within all ranks of the imperial government. I know it's only a matter of time before I am subject to abuse from the guard myself because of my race. I stand with you Stains! Undead rights in Sigrogana! We were people too!

RE: Lich Rights: End Lich Racism - levianaught - 11-25-2020

Powerful words, from a very powerful, if I dare say, BEAUTIFUL, vampire. For such a strong willed individual to face down the ridicule of the dauntless ages, so long and so dark in the cold lonely of this narrow, obfuscated world, it is enough to almost bring back my ability to produce tears. To sit in silence amongst sharpened sticks metaphorically being pressed towards our collective backs, what more can we do, but come together in unity due entirely to the overbearing adversity the undead face, each and every waking hour upon the continent of Sigrogana. NAY, we will not stand for it!

Can you believe the other day a mortal came up to me, and threatened me? A MORTAL?

Fun fact: Throwing a lich in jail, is fucking stupid. Let me now tell you why, in a numbered fashion!

1. I could just kill myself and return to my phylactery.

2. I could just, kill you. I am a lich.

3. I am literally immortal. My patience is endless. Do you think you are doing anything when you throw me in jail? That's cute. I could sit in this jail until the very stones eroded from the castle barricades down, until not a single drop of a memory was left of the people who originally persecuted me. You cannot beat a lich in a fight...You've already lost. To time.


I have been called, leather face, lazy eye, Abomination of the Terror Vale....I like that last one, but STILL.

We cannot stand for the abusive powers of a government that does not care for it's people! Have you seen the population!

Shaitans aplenty! Vampyr, by the BUSHEL. And here I sit, one of...maybe two liches, with my book club. A fucking book club.

And you want to arrest me? Little old, innocent Stains? 

For shame.

RE: Lich Rights: End Lich Racism - alyssiaerend - 11-25-2020

Heehoo, them living folks are going too far putting us well-do dead folks back in our graves. This rattle me bones this does, aye. It's enough to make any skeleman worth their femur to riot in their civilizated estabishments. Why, this has got me all rattled this has. End the living and their workable tongues i say!

RE: Lich Rights: End Lich Racism - Sawrock - 11-25-2020

get the FUCK out of my country

RE: Lich Rights: End Lich Racism - Blissey - 11-25-2020

[Image: 20201123_201705.jpg]

RE: Lich Rights: End Lich Racism - Slydria - 11-25-2020

Alright, clown show's over, folks.