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Amalgama Mutation Weakness & Resists - Printable Version

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Amalgama Mutation Weakness & Resists - Balor - 03-03-2021

Simple suggestion but could they be changed so that once you get a weakness or a resist to a status effect or element.  

You cannot then roll the opposite for the same element/Status Effect. 

Ala: Reaching level 10 to get Light Res.  Then getting Light Weakness at level 15. 

I feel like this is probably the biggest like disappointment anyone can have, and it seems to happen often for people. As it just nullifies one of the more interesting aspects of Amalgama as a race.

RE: Amalgama Mutation Weakness & Resists - Kazzy - 03-03-2021

Why is this a thing

This feels like a colossal oversight.

. . .But now I want to make an Amalgama and see if I can manage to roll Resist and weakness to all of the same things so I can say 'Man I should have just rolled a god damn hhuman.'

RE: Amalgama Mutation Weakness & Resists - Senna - 03-03-2021

Please...Please for everything holy.

It hurts so much when you get something good only for you to get hit with that 'SIKE'.

Something that makes you'd find yourself just thinking, wondering why RNG just wasted 1 positive and 1 negative....On the same thing.

RE: Amalgama Mutation Weakness & Resists - Kameron8 - 03-03-2021

Purely for the sake of class aesthetic and how interesting different characters could turn out if forced into weaknesses and resistances, I agree.

RE: Amalgama Mutation Weakness & Resists - MakeshiftWalrus - 03-04-2021

This has been a thorn in my side trying to get a decent roll for a while now. All the support for this change.

RE: Amalgama Mutation Weakness & Resists - Snake - 03-07-2021

This makes sense to me. Though even if this gets fixed, it's not like an Amalgama can be rerolled through LEing, yeah?

RE: Amalgama Mutation Weakness & Resists - Senna - 03-08-2021

It shouldn't be rerolled through LE, that's a major flaw. Especially if you got a roll you like but need a ink for something like craft mastery or destinying. Dev mention something about he's going to make fruits for them soon so they can reroll.

Just rather it not roll the same type of negative and positive. It comes off as redundant and a waste of slots.

You got charm resistance!
5 level later
You got charm weaknesses!

RE: Amalgama Mutation Weakness & Resists - Snake - 03-08-2021

Ahh... Well, that's fine. I just hope it's not Asago or Patrion-based so everyone has an equal chance at getting their dream waifu jamm-- I mean, humonculi.

And yeah I never disagreed with how silly it is to get a weakness and a resist of the same type, that should not be a thing. Not only a waste, but it kind of kills some of the possible rng-based varieties between them.