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[Black Falcon & Strega] Story Recap 2 - Printable Version

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[Black Falcon & Strega] Story Recap 2 - Druby - 04-04-2021

A series of papers have been publicly released by the Imperial Guard detailing to the public much of what they have gathered over the course of Black Falcon's activities. However, several additional papers lacking the official insignia of the Guard appear to have been leaked or released detailing additional information. Collectively, these papers have been called the Falcon Documents and the information within these documents are detailed below. All information here can be considered public information for IC purposes.



A terrorist organization founded by Arael Schlager with the intent to overthrow the Empire. While Arael has personal reasons for this desire, it appears to be a message that has found a great deal of traction in areas of the world with grudges against the Empire, primarily amongst radicals who feel that there are few other options when it comes to organizations willing to go the extreme lengths they advocate. They recruit from across the breadth of the world and accept just about anyone, though based off of the demographics of Falcon members both captured and dead, they appear to have a large recruiting base in Gold where anti-Imperial sentiment burns alive and well in the vast untamed deserts despite humanitarian efforts to Oniga. It has been confirmed that Black Falcon has been receiving outside support, albeit covertly, through Strega, a third-party organization formed by Arael's brother, Cornelius. Further investigations continue to try and find if Black Falcon is receiving support from any further parties.

Historically Black Falcon have conducted a number of high-profile attacks, and are extremely willing to go after civilian targets and infrastructure, in fact valuing such targets to such an extent that they seem to value the publicity of their actions more than the outcome. Examples of this include the bombings of Cellsvich and Sanctuary Hospital induced numerous civilian casualties but largely failed to hinder continued response efforts by the Guard who were primarily stationed in Arjav and avoided a vast majority of the damages caused, while an attack on the Badlands Arena amounted to little else than a rout on the Black Falcon's end due to the combined efforts of the Guard and independent combatants there. It seems likely that they were hoping to break the populace through intimidation and fear.

Black Falcon was largely broken during their recent attacks against Voilegard, intent on releasing a plague there that would spread across the Empire and cripple the nation in its entirety. Arael, with support from Strega, achieved what could be called a pyrrhic victory, releasing the plague though Imperial efforts to contain the problem have largely succeeded since. During the attack, however, it was publicly revealed that, unbeknownst to Arael, he was largely a puppet being used by Strega and the following revelation to him caused something of a mental breakdown which shattered Black Falcon's confidence in their leader. Since then, we have received reports of countless desertions and many Black Falcon members have since turned themselves into the authorities.

What remains of their organization has retreated to their hold out in a mountainous region of northern Kysei, while a few radical members continue to operate within the Empire. In fact, a small breakaway group seems to have been formed under one Len Miyagi, a Raven Wing, who has since taken to selling Dusk Parasites on the black market somewhere northwest of Dormeho.

It seems Black Falcon are, for the moment, unable to strike at the Empire and have been removed as a major threat to Imperial interests. However, at the same time, the Empire is unable to strike at the Black Falcon as it seems unlikely the Karaten-Chaturangan alliance would allow for an Imperial Army presence of the magnitude required to assault and take such a fortified position. Diplomatic efforts are in place to eventually conduct such an operation, but alternatives remain such as the use of mercenaries or combined political pressure from other nations that have been harmed by Black Falcon before, such as Alstalsia.



An organization with enigmatic goals led by the manipulative Cornelius Schlager. There are five known individuals in position of great influence within Strega, including Cornelius, Sabrac, Scavenger, Forneus, and Beowhulf. Cornelius and Sabrac's locations are currently unknown, while Scavenger has been reported to be staying within a settlement just south of the Lorywell Tomb is Kysei. Forneus was captured and died in Imperial Custody and Beowhulf has been reported to have deserted Strega's ranks and his whereabouts are similarly unknown. Cornelius has since stated an intention to "achieve godhood", and though it is likely an exaggeration, it is unclear whether or not he genuinely believes it possible.

Much remains unknown about Strega. Though clearly smaller in number than Black Falcon as well as more elite, we remain unsure as to where they draw their manpower from, or where they get the supplies and equipment necessary for them to continue their activities, such as the creation of the Executioners, created by heavy experimentation on Reapers after being infected with Dusk Zero Parasites. Executioners seem to operate in small numbers but make extensive use of Void and are conditioned to follow orders even in the face of certain death. It is clear they are either receiving a great deal of outside support, or members within Strega are people of extreme influence and wealth.

Strega's activities have been numerous, though they have been largely focused on supporting Black Falcon in pursuit of whatever agenda they have, such as most recently attempting to interfere with Imperial clean up efforts of the plague released at Voilegard. We have, however, received reports of Strega pulling out of the Empire as of late, and many of their assets seem to be vacating the continent following the fall of Black Falcon. It seems they are in pursuit of a "Heron", though it is unlikely that this is a true Heron and simply a codename of sorts. Referred to consistently by "Castiel" as well, this Heron has supposedly been a thorn in Strega's side, enough for them to dedicated a moderate amount of manpower and resources to tracking her down.



Though the specifics of the man's origins are unknown, what is known is that Arael is from Kysei, and once a member of an elite Chaturangan unit called the King's Gambit, led by Kai Izumi, the current commander of Chaturanga's guard unit. He had something of an unconventional relationship, having fallen in love with a Felidae ex-bandit by the name of Aurelia "Syl" Flores, and was happily married with two daughters. Aurelia was eventually killed by someone claiming to be an Imperial soldier, though we cannot find records of anyone matching the description of the man. The event broke Arael and served as the foundation for his hatred of the Empire and the eventual formation of Black Falcon.

Arael took comfort in his brother, Cornelius, who manipulated Arael's grief and drove him into a journey into a Dark Zone. Arael is noted as one of the very few people who have ever returned from such a journey, the trip having only driven him further into his madness, and he served as Cornelius' pawn, an almost figurehead leader for Black Falcon up until the events of the Battle of Voilegard. He currently resides in Castle Leistung, the Black Falcon headquarters and hold out located in Kysei, where he keeps order over what remains of his organization.



Not much is known about the figure known as Mother, though she seems to have taken a strange sort of fondness for Arael. Investigation has found that Mother was created by a vampire through a careful and exacting ritual, though her creator's whereabouts are unknown, nor are their reasons for creating something like this. Left alone in Egwynn, Mother eventually came into conflict with a tribe of elves there, and though unable to be defeated by them, she was sealed away inside a temple structure, converted to be a prison for her. Eventually, Cornelius and Arael discovered her, setting her free, and earning her favor. She is known as the Queen of the Dusks, having created the parasites herself. Her current location is unknown, though it's believed to be with Arael at Castle Leistung.



The founder of Strega, and just as enigmatic as the organization he has founded. Little if anything is known about the man, other than the fact that he is manipulative and power hungry. The brother of Arael Schlager, he helped to orchestrate and drive the man into the formation of Black Falcon, and helped to guide it during the height of their activities. He has proclaimed an intention to "achieve godhood" and his current whereabouts remain unknown.

RE: [Black Falcon & Strega] Story Recap 2 - Fern - 04-04-2021

(Below is an OOC Story Recap follow-up. You can find the previous recap here.) 

A series of battles filled with emotional ties will rage on, providing each soul the conclusion they've craved for...
It will all lead to a legendary battle to be remembered for eternity.
[Image: dYJ9ZsB.png]
The puppet has received seeds of doubt in regards to the brother he always trusted so much. Currently residing in the Leistung, a castle meant to serve as the main headquarters of the Black Falcon. The numbers of his army have rapidly dropped through time, and while not all have abandoned him, the amount of soldiers remaining are not enough to accomplish anything of significance. Even while acknowledging that all he has done is wrong, he chooses to take his final battle without backing off, finding it to be his punishment and his only real method of redemption.
Arael wishes not to flee from the mistakes he's made. Instead, he wishes to die fighting with any strength he has left, prepared for warriors to invade his home and bring him the closure he seeks.
But before that, he must do one last thing. Not as a warrior, but as a person.
[Image: E8Zvwju.png]
A man that has chosen to attain godhood at all costs, searching for his definition of ultimate evolution. Strega has begun to mobilize in a manner unpredictable to most, all with the purpose of granting Cornelius his wishes for ascension. He has given the order to eradicate anyone that opposes him or Strega, possessing the aid of many hired men willing to shed blood for coin. Whether that means hiding the truth or eliminating innocent lives... morality does not matter to him. Love and empathy are all naught but myths to his heartless soul.
All for the purpose of becoming the greatest evolution to ever exist.
[Image: saFRAv6.png]
A mutated Shaitan that was once the admiral of a small army holding no particular nationality with an endless craving for battle. After surviving a Dark Zone, his maddened mind increased his hunger for war ten fold, feeling utmost excitement at the thought of a second Heaven's Contention being instigated by Cornelius, and has chosen to assist him in the process ever since. Rumored to be the most powerful Strega member as of this moment, wielding a horrifying strength.
[Image: BcBriCj.png]
Scavenger continues to work for Strega as he has ever since its founding, residing in a Kysei settlement and showing no signs of moving from his current spot. It is only a matter of time until those wanting to have a showdown with him give him a battle he will not be able to escape from. Dead set on erasing the remaining divinity from this world after the death of his sister, he continues and continues...
After all, for him, there's no turning back anymore.
[Image: lyFSOCN.png]
Bathing in the money earned from trading Dusks and controlling an illegal fighting ring, Len has no regrets in leaving behind his position as a Raven Wing in order to fulfill his greed to the utmost degree. He believes there is no one that can stop him anymore, ever since the Falcon became ruined beyond repair. He's having the time of his life while despair plagues everyone else.
[Image: ZK8JIzP.png]
A well-known, cat-eared fellow that passed away in the most recent battle against Forneus and Cora. An individual who died with regrets lingering, but not without giving one final push on the brink of death, causing many to experience painful feelings that have scarred their hearts. A funeral is to be held for the fallen doctor.
Memento mori.
[Image: LsHbNiI.png]
The sun hasn't yet risen from the horizon, but the need to return to where it started is hard to resist. the only thing that keeps him from wrapping his hands around the chest being the warmth of his lantern. That dilated gaze of his couldn't see much beyond the dark, so reliant on the glow emitting from the thing held in his hand. But it was clear to him, that this is the same place where the Adventurer's latest confrontation with the Strega happened. Weapons of the fallen, dead bodies from both sides, and so on ─ all still remained. The vile stench a strong indication that the corpses are starting to rot. He isn't sure if the Empire would show up to clean up the mess, but that's not what is in his mind at the moment. The one in red found a fitting place to sit on among the debris, looking over the blurry sight of the aftermath.
He spends whatever time he has left dwelling in his thoughts, the presence of spirits of white and black paging led him to believe that the one who had perished is among them ─ even if he knows not which one is who. When the news of their death came, he find it hard to believe. It wasn't until hours had passed, that he found a resolution.
''Rest easy, Latto. We'll see it through the end.''
A final, parting word before the walk continues. His mind is set, the Strega needs to go. If not for the others who are risking themselves in the battlefield, then perhaps for the sake of his now-deceased friend and himself.
[Image: hBcQN43.png]
One of many that have been fighting the Black Falcon since a long time ago, the Grimalkin has been known to show up fairly frequently, facing off against a number of their higher ranking members. Her motivation, as far as most are told, is a desire to prevent any further casualties, though there also seems to be another reason, judging by her unending hostility towards Arael Schlager. Strangely, after her second confrontation with him, among a number of other battles she had fought that day, she had been missing when it comes to cleaning up the Plague Zones themselves.
During the fight against Cora and Forneus, she had made the attempt to save someone - and paid for it herself. Shortly after that, she hasn't been appearing in public entirely for a while. Those that stopped by her former residence in Cellsvich would find that she and her family had moved out at some point in the past, though some of those close to her are aware that she's still close by. Whether she intends to continue the fight, however, is hard for most to say.
[Image: lKW1xXG.png]
A mercenary by the name of Vivienne seemed to have an intimate understanding of the events that befell the vanquished duo that would lead them to their fate. She was seen carrying Cora's body to parts unknown, and soon after, acquired Forneous' body from the imperial guards. Few would know what she intended to do with them after that.
[Image: grocjwk.png]
Manny O'Niel, guitarist and lead vocalist for the band Man Tah Ray!, has been very involved in the efforts against Black Falcon. He's been dedicating most of his free time to training and hunting down leads on the man he proved wasn't immortal: Scavenger. He's even developed a wholly unique fighting style involving wielding two electric guitars so that he can take down Scavenger and Black Falcon as a whole.  Lately, some sources have stated that he and a certain white haired mechanation have been spotted in some of the black markets of Sigrogana...
[Image: Ix7Ox2k.png]
They're a calm odd entity that popped up during the Plague zone situation. From their first appearance to their last, they aided with all four cleanup and removal attempts left behind by the Black Falcons. While they don't understand the reason for all of this madness, they intend on answering the call of duty and help put a stop to this once and for all.

"Sorry but these streets are just too peaceful to be covered in blood...~"
[Image: RZT7V8y.png]
He has decided to finally settle the score with his arch-nemesis, Len Miyagi, and plans on making a path towards the underground Dusk fighting ring being led by the Ex-Raven Wing. Not just as an Imperial Guard, but as a warrior seeking closure against the one that had wronged him so long ago.
[Image: eZ7TbvN.png][Image: smLBWtk.png][Image: qpqwwMN.png][Image: AXbH91t.png][Image: mDYQDu3.png][Image: 4d7cTqN.png][Image: WMVJrXs.png]
A group composed of brave and rogue-ish mercenaries who crumpled together initially as a means to provide Voilegard with more contingency, given the fall-out of its militia. The Black Falcon had been at an impasse attempting to further tamper with the rural town thanks to the Renegade Squad. As the Plague Zones finally have been ridden of, they have finally gained some freedom to act as a proper business, and seem intently after one or five more members, though the war against the Falcons is still far from over.

They're always intended to give chase and ruin their plans by using the most scoundrel-like, unruly, tricky, dirty or charismatic approaches before direct intervention. After all, it is their motto that "the ends justify the means..."
[Image: CN6WTOs.png]
The Heron continues to escape the claws of Strega, doing her best to guide valiant souls in their advance against Cornelius. She only rarely appears, but when she does, it is with intention to help put an end to the darkness.
[Image: TS1J6Gv.png]
A couple that had been through, much, much suffering before finally being put to rest during their anniversary. Their death took place in front of their son... Beowhulf, who chose to desert Strega after finally realizing all of Cornelius' lies.
Cora and Caerus now rest peacefully, thanks to various efforts, including those that made it their mission to accomplish that.

The final showdown on the Godly Stage draws near.