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[2.43] brine blade damage amp? - Printable Version

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[2.43] brine blade damage amp? - DonoftheDerps - 04-13-2021

So during a Seto fight, I used call storm and then used brine blade to apply it to everyone. Things seemed normal and dandy for the most part, but an odd issue came up when the demon hunter gunner used lead storm.

This is what it looked like.  (I post it like this cause I am not 100% sure how to put a picture on here from Gyazo)
Critical Hit! Lucky one attacks Seto with Iron Corvis Cannon and hits them!
Seto takes 46 Pierce physical damage. (Iron Corvis Cannon)
Seto takes 16 Lightning magical damage. (Chain Shell)
Seto takes 35 Water magical damage. (Iron Corvis Cannon)
Lucky one recovered 2 FP.
Critical Hit! Lucky one attacks Seto with Coral Moonlight Mercy and hits them!
Seto takes 42 Pierce physical damage. (Coral Moonlight Mercy)
Seto takes 53 Lightning magical damage. (Chain Shell)
Seto takes 16 Lightning magical damage. (Chain Shell)
Seto takes 32 Water magical damage. (Coral Moonlight Mercy)
Lucky one recovered 2 FP.
Lucky one used Lead Storm.
Seto takes 36 Pierce physical damage. (Lead Storm / Iron Corvis Cannon)
Seto takes 16 Lightning magical damage. (Chain Shell)
Seto takes 120 Water magical damage. (Iron Corvis Cannon)

BUT if you would like to see what it looked like in chat, here is the link for that.

As you can see, their charged shell effect took place the shot before this, so it is not charged shot affecting it.

I am unsure if something specific caused it, or if it was specifically lead storm.
I did do a quick check on the test server and elemental augment from mage was not affected by this bug.
This happens with brine blade and lead storm on the test server as well. I believe for some reason, the water damage is getting boosted by the scaling on the skill itself, so about a 40% boost to damage, and its unresisted.

RE: [2.43] brine blade damage amp? - DonoftheDerps - 04-13-2021

Shotguns seem to do more than normal brine blade damage, with lead storm doing around 180% water attack

multi shot weapons seem to be fine. it is ONLY shotguns.

In a fight with prinny. a 3 shot handgun did 24 damage total with just the brine blade damage.
a shotgun did 83 water damage with a single hit
and lead storm did 116

This test was done with about 66-68 water attack

RE: [2.43] brine blade damage amp? - Neus - 04-18-2021

This should be corrected.

RE: [2.43] brine blade damage amp? - Raigen.Convict - 04-21-2021

adding to this, Brine Blade is scaling with Excel weapons weapon charges. By my guess, any skill that amps wepaon power is applying to brine blade.