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Imperial Envoy Newspaper - Introduction - Printable Version

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Imperial Envoy Newspaper - Introduction - Jupiter_Storm - 08-09-2021

[Image: Thread_Heading.png]

A Sigrogana Legend 2 Newspaper

Before we begin, I would first like to apologize for posting this thread a full week later than originally
intended. Unfortunately, OOC is OOC is OOC, and there were some mitigating circumstances involved.
This project is the joint brainchild of Hanzo and myself. I am responsible for designing the newspaper,
collecting the stories and writing the articles.  The Imperial Envoy's name,  extensive background lore
(which cannot be alluded to in this thread because of SPOILERS) and the political decisions made with
regards to any specific stance the Envoy takes on each story can all be accredited to Hanzo's mind.
This introduction will not repeated in the actual posts.

The Envoy was created under these three Core Principles:

#1 - To provide all Roleplayers in the game with public access (both ICly and OOCly) to information
such as potential plots,  points of contact for  various services  their character might want to use,
and where their  character can go,  in order to find  the sort of roleplay  that they are looking for.
#2 - To provide a stronger sense of a 'dynamic world' by openly publicizing the consequences (if not
the actual events  leading to said consequences  if they should happen  to be a secret  known only
to a few characters)  of other plots,  or actions.  Even if your character was not there,  by reading
about the fallout, or the plot itself, the fact that it did happen should still feel 'real' to you.
#3 - To provide a stronger base of immersion to Roleplayers, by provisioning information that could
typically only be  discerned through  discussions held in  various privately-accessible  servers via
an In-Character medium instead, to at the very least offer a few extra talking points in your RP.
All information has been painstakingly collected through IC means alone, beyond arranging meetings
for interviews through OOC channels in order to ensure we are on at the same time. The information
gathering period took me the better part of a full month, requiring me to be present in the game for
a near-perpetual basis, living at the mercy of others' schedules. This is not sustainable, for me.
For this reason, the future success (or failure) of the Imperial Envoy will hinge around the SL2 RP
community's support and reciprocation. Any and all help (even if it's just dropping the occasional
tip-off that Domino can follow up on) would be hugely appreciated!

Timekeeping with the Imperial Envoy

The decision was made at the inception of this newspaper, to use an analog of OOC timescales for the
articles, in order to make it easier for you, the readers, to visualize the sequence of events.
The timekeeping method employed by the Imperial Envoy should not be considered In-Character,
except in such instances where you personally prefer to use a 1:1 timekeeping ratio.
The format provided is as follows:
[ IRL DAY ] / [ IRL MONTH ] / 3 [ IRL YEAR ]  -  For example, today's date would be: 08 / 08 / 321.
If you wish to convert this into an in-game date,  for the sake of your own plots or your own personal
timekeeping decisions, then follow these two simple steps below!
Step 1 )  Get today's date, IRL. Count backwards to the article date and multiply the no. of days by 3.
Step 2 )  Get today's date, In-Game. Subtract the new total no. of days from the date on your Laplace
Oracle Card - obviously, take into account that months have variable days.


Please note that the Imperial Envoy is an Imperial Newspaper. Therefore, any misrepresented details
or 'smearing' of other projects, factions or characters are entirely by design.
If your character has not been accurately represented, this is nothing personal.  It would simply be as a
result of a decision made by the Imperial Envoy's personnel, ICly, to do so in accordance with the paper's
political stance. If you are wondering whether we are the corrupt bad guys - you'd be correct.
As such, any negative opinions expressed towards certain plots or characters should not detract, in any
way, from your decision whether or not to Roleplay with that person,  or become involved in their plot.
The fact that their / your story is in the newspaper to begin with, should offer you with the clue that it
is rather interesting to us, and we wanted to share it with everyone else!
Finally, everything that I have told you is solely on an OOC basis. What you do with this information is up
to you, at the end of the day. If your character is naturally skeptical about the Empire, and everything it
does, then by all means avoid us, speak out against us, torture Domino to death - whatever you like!
If your character is, however, supportive of the Empire - there's a fairly good chance that they'd have no
reason to suspect duplicity on the Envoy's part. You may even agree with our stance...
And now, without further ado... To the first Issue! Happy Reading!
[Image: Thread_Border.png]

RE: Imperial Envoy Newspaper - Introduction - Jupiter_Storm - 10-05-2021


Hiatus Notice

It is with great regret that I am forced to announce that the Imperial Envoy will be entering an indefinite hiatus,
at least until such a time as I am willing to take up the leviathan time commitment required in order to:
1. Foster good working relationships with characters ICly to obtain their trust, on an alt-character of mine.
2. Run around the game, looking for stories to post about and then interview willing bodies about each one
of those stories (again, on an alt character).
3. Write up these stories in an interesting and readable way, including the formatting, graphics and custom
advertisements that go into delivering the final product.
I have further commitments IRL, and a Guild within this game - one that I am very passionate about and which
commands a great deal of my attention and time investment to ensure everything ticks over smoothly and that
everybody feels welcome, included and has plenty of things to do. This is my priority.
What little leftover time I have - at least, for now - I'd prefer to devote to myself and my own enjoyment. In a
few months I shall re-evaluate and perhaps the spark of passion for this project will return! If that is the case, I
intend to resume this project immediately - albeit in a different format (releasing individual articles, one at a
time, so that the stories remain current and relevant, and the workload for each is far less demanding).
I would like to thank everybody who has been cooperative and helpful toward me and my extremely annoying
stalker Journalist character. I would also like to thank those who expressed very kind and flattering words
when I released the first issue. I am deeply sorry to let you all down.
However, I do have something to leave you all with for now - this was going to feature in the second issue, for
an article covering the WWE-themed arena battle between Garrett and Eric Bernadotte, a couple weeks ago.
[Image: Garret_vs._Eric_Pictograph_Framed_Small.png]
Here is the link for a full-sized version with empty space so that, if you like, you can hang it up as a poster in
your character's house - using a sign and an embedded image with the <div> tag.