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Curses! Foiled again! - Printable Version

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Curses! Foiled again! - Moku203 - 08-28-2021

Have you ever found yourself wishing you could just find that curse on that specific weapon?

I had an idea that it would be cool if Hexers had a trait or something that let them curse weapons if they had a high enough enchanting level. 

maybe make it a lvl 6 enchanting exclusive trait with at least a minimum of lvl 30 Hexer to unlock.

I just think it could open up a lot of RP experiences for people to curse peoples weapons for them and stuff..I'm bad at explaining things.

RE: Curses! Foiled again! - Poruku - 08-28-2021

I think cursing weapons is something we need, but it should probably not be locked behind hexer. That would just mean any enchanter worth their salt would need to level up hexer on the side and swap it in.

It should probably be locked behind a small quest instead, like the weights and measurements guide for PR potions

RE: Curses! Foiled again! - adamkad1 - 09-02-2021

Maybe we could just pick what curse we want with that curse ritual scroll? It's damn rare enough as-is

RE: Curses! Foiled again! - Jeff - 09-02-2021

I appreciate the sense of scarcity provided by the inability to select curses. After all, how much would anyone really care about something like Rustic Hands of the Giant if you could just get a normal one and slap Rustic on it?

Personally love the system the way it currently is, though I think some of them could be stronger or more useful than they are at present.

RE: Curses! Foiled again! - Kazzy - 09-09-2021

Rustic, sure. But Demonic is a nice thing to have. Most of the curses could stand to have substantially improved effects.

But the same could be said of most enchantments in general imo.

RE: Curses! Foiled again! - Poruku - 09-09-2021

What's the point of something being scarce for the sake of it? In the end rustic hands of the giant aren't even that good, just incredibly rare

RE: Curses! Foiled again! - Jeff - 09-09-2021

(09-09-2021, 08:43 PM)Poruku Wrote: What's the point of something being scarce for the sake of it? In the end rustic hands of the giant aren't even that good, just incredibly rare

If it's scarce, it has inherent value. When you loot something valuable, it's exciting. This is why 10* item drops from bosses are so much fun to loot, and why they can't simply be crafted.