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Hmm...I think...we need a new verb? - Printable Version

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Hmm...I think...we need a new verb? - Moku203 - 09-29-2021

Just a quick little idea I had, I see a lot of people doing < words for RP> in says, and it just got me thinking, I think it's about time to start thinking of a think verb. something like *Thinks* for voicing your thoughts, it would just add a bit more spice to RP I think, and let people send an RP in a direction they want without outwardly saying things.

RE: Hmm...I think...we need a new verb? - InsainArcaneBirdbrain - 09-29-2021

Neat idea, but not one that makes a lot of sense if you think about it. If a character *thinks* about something, it really wouldn't steer the direction of the rp in a meaningful or natural way. Our characters aren't mind readers after all, and while it's possible to tell what's going through someone's mind from subtle gestures or shifts in tone, thinking about something won't really change things. It's why when I see a character emote their thoughts and such, I don't consider it ic'ly unless there's a visible tell to it, as my character has no way of knowing it otherwise.

RE: Hmm...I think...we need a new verb? - Tanasinn - 09-29-2021

I'm personally of the firm opinion that people shouldn't emote thoughts in any manner.

If a thought verb ever gets put in, I'd like to pre-emptively suggest a setting to hide it, so it doesn't end up spamming out RP for people.

RE: Hmm...I think...we need a new verb? - Blissey - 09-29-2021

(09-29-2021, 05:34 AM)InsainArcaneBirdbrain Wrote: Neat idea, but not one that makes a lot of sense if you think about it. If a character *thinks* about something, it really wouldn't steer the direction of the rp in a meaningful or natural way. Our character's aren't mind readers after all, and while it's possible to tell what's going through someone's mind from subtle gestures or shifts in tone, thinking about something won't really change things. It's why when I see a character emote their thoughts and such, I don't consider it ic'ly unless there's a visible tell to it, as my character has no way of knowing it otherwise.

My thoughts exactly. I personally don't mind if it's a verb that gets added in. Though, there's nothing stopping people from using emote and the verb 'thinks' in that emote to signify thought.

RE: Hmm...I think...we need a new verb? - Jeff - 09-29-2021

It's true that it doesn't make much sense that one would emote what they're thinking, since folks are not mind readers. If you really have to get something across, just get a little creative.

Edgy Character rubs his chin, frustrated. He closes his eyes and thinks [insert thoughts here].

RE: Hmm...I think...we need a new verb? - Shadbase - 09-29-2021

I think I could get behind a thought verb that can be blocked optionally, but if only because then there's a balance between THONKERS and people who don't care... but it also promotes "wallflower" mentality, which is one of the worst things in SL2's culture. (If... calling it "culture" is correct, anyways.)
People that post just... a character's thoughts in an emote already kinda bug me - personally, I know others aren't always the same of course - just because it's more or less just empty space unless you're acting on it; posting just to be posting, which can clutter the chat, especially if something important's going on.

To be honest though, I think Jeff's more on the right pace - better to just learn more of RPing your characters facial expressions, body language, etc., and if you really wanna express your thoughts just use that to get someone's attention to say those thoughts! It makes more conductive RP that way than sitting and RPing what you think without doing anything, and then you're actually adding something to the conversation. Plus, that gets rid of wallflower mentality - even if it's just something small, hey! You're edging your way into RP, that's great!

RE: Hmm...I think...we need a new verb? - Poruku - 09-30-2021

I think the emote verb already does the job. Write in a manner that implies thought, no need to write out actual thought.

So instead of:
Ren Brown thinks: "Hmm, I wonder if james is going to use his fire spell?"
Ren Brown rubs his chin, clearly nervous. Was the fire spell coming next? He prepared himself.

And if there's nothing visible to write or it's not important enough to write out in that way maybe it's best to keep the thoughts inside.