SL2 Version 2.63 - Neus - 09-10-2022
Map Updates- - Added crafting tables and an Inn NPC to Beggar's Hole. (Courtesy of Autumn)
- - Added small farm plot near an abandoned village in Meiaquar-Telegrad Outskirts. (Courtesy of Slydria)
- - Expanded the Telegrad Prison a bit. (Courtesy of Appo)
- - Added Geladyne Infirmary. (Courtesy of Appo)
- - Updated a small farmstead in Duyuei-Telegrad Highway. (Courtesy of Slydria; this one has a side-entrance which might be a little tricky to see.)
- - Updated the Duyuei magic shop to be even creepier. (Courtesy of Slydria.)
- Added plushies as rare drops to all of the boss enemies that show up on Korvara, and Mirror Knight (who does not). (Courtesy to Slydria/Autumn, and Kam for demanding it.)
- Added a function that allows the server reboot to be delayed.
Demon Hunter (New Skills)- - Double Down; Sword skill. Can only be used while Airborne. Swing down your weapon on a foe in a downward arc, using your fall to build up momentum. Performs a basic attack on a target within 1 Range; if it hits, inflicts Wear Down LV X (X = 2 + Rank) for 2 rounds (3 rounds on critical hit). If the target is Airborne, it also has a chance to inflict Knocked Down. This skill will bring you and the target down to the ground, ending Airborne.
- - Quick and Wild; Desperado stance. A fast burst of bullets to lighten up your enemy's day. Targets 1 enemy within 3 Range and performs a basic attack on them with an equipped Gun weapon, which deals only 20% of its normal damage.
- - Snake Lash; Cobra stance. Can only be used while Airborne, and must target an Airborne enemy. Applies the Grapple skill to the target (but does not activate bonus Grapple effects).
- - Iron Bull; Matador stance. Prepare yourself to weather the worst, raising your arms to defend yourself; this skill behaves just like the Guard skill normally does, but does not require a Shield.
- - Coyote Pack; Unleash the wild cries of the swift hunters of the night; coyotes hunt in packs, after all. While you are using two Shotgun weapons, you gain the ability to Twin Dance with them, even at range. If you have the Akimbo skill active, you can also gain the effect while wielding a Shotgun and a Handgun.
Demon Hunter (Old Skills)- - Stance skills: Max rank changed to 1. Base Momentum cost changed to 1. Do not take up a skill pool slot to equip.
- - Auto-Stance Changing; Skills that utilize or require a certain stance will change you into that stance at the start of the skill. For example, Chaser will change your stance to Reaver (if not already in Reaver). Soldier offensive skills will also put you into Reaver stance.
- - Chaser; Max rank changed to 3. FP cost changed to 16 (-3 per Rank). Now applies on-hit effects of the weapon it uses to enemies who are hit. SWPN Ratio changed to 100+10% per Rank (120% max Rank).
- - Rising Tide; Max rank changed to 3. FP cost changed to 16 (-3 per Rank). SWPN Ratio changed to 110+10% per Rank (130% max Rank).
- - Elemental Rave; Max rank changed to 3. FP cost changed to 16 (-3 per Rank). SWPN Ratio changed to 100+10% per Rank (120% max Rank).
- - Lead Storm; Max rank changed to 3. FP cost changed to 16 (-3 per Rank). SWPN Ratio changed to 100+10% per Rank (120% max Rank). Base size of circle increased to 3 (from 2).
- - Nitrogen Drop; Max rank changed to 3. FP cost changed to 16 (-3 per Rank). SWPN Ratio changed to 100+15% per Rank (130% max Rank). Momentum cost changed to 3 (from 4). Cooldown is now 2 rounds.
- - Wild Ride; Max rank changed to 3. FP cost changed to 16 (-3 per Rank). Range increased to 2 (from 1). Attack damage reduction changed to 30% (from 25%). Basic attacks can now target the enemy you are riding.
- - Leaping Lizard; Base momentum cost changed to 1M. 5 FP. Now costs 0M if any enemy is within 1 Range.
- - Winged Serpent; Max rank changed to 3. FP cost changed to 16 (-3 per Rank). Now costs 1M (instead of 0M) if not subject to Repeat Action. Max Distance changed to 4-6 (same as old maximum range).
- - Descending Ouroboros; Base momentum cost is now 2M. 2 round CD. FP restored changed to 15 * Rank.
- - Retaliate; Max rank changed to 1. Now gains +1 Range per 10 Rage Energy available, to a maximum of 10 Range.
- - Crashing Bull; Max rank changed to 3. FP cost changed to 16 (-3 per Rank). Damage scaling changed to 100%+10% SWA plus 50% Dark ATK. Damage is no longer unresistable or evasion ignoring. Additional effect added - If you are Grappling an enemy: You throw that enemy to the ground instead, increasing damage to all enemies by 15%, and damage the Grappled target takes ignores evasion.
- - Bellowing Stag; Max rank changed to 3. FP cost changed to 16 (-3 per Rank). Damage scaling changed to 100%+10% SWA plus 50% Dark ATK. Damage is no longer unresistable.
- - Bonus Bloodshed; Now main class only. Effect changed; At the start of a new round, if you are in Reaver Stance, gain 1 round of an elemental (if you have none), based on your Starsign.
- - Combination Fighter; Effect changed; While toggled on, using Demon Hunter Offensive skills (excluding skills with a base Momentum cost of 1, Retaliate, and Wild Ride) or a Soldier Offensive skill reduces the Momentum and FP cost of all skills of those types that you have not used this round by 1, but reduces their damage by 25%. This effect can stack up to 2 times (to a minimum of 1 Momentum and a maximum penalty of 50%).
- - Bullet Barrier; Effect changed - Parry skill. The ultimate counter to bullets will always be more bullets; swords be damned. While you are in Desperado Stance and have a Gun equipped, you gain a chance to parry Gun and Bow weapons (skills & attacks). (25% + half of Scaled GUI chance to activate, 50% damage reduction.)
- - Clay Pidgeon; Effect changed - Make your enemies into little more than targets to shoot. While you are in Desperado Stance: Gun attacks against enemies who are Airborne deal extra damage. * Shotgun basic attacks will knock down enemies in 1 Range if they are Airborne or on critical hit.
- - One-Punch KO; Removed. Effect merged with Clay Pidgeon.
- - Snake Dancer; Effect changed - Dance around your foe's attacks, frustrating them. While in Cobra Stance, when you evade an attack; Trickery - All Cobra skills' Momentum costs are reduced by 1 for 2 rounds. (While the effect is active, it cannot be reapplied.)
- - Enemy Climb; Removed. Effect merged with Leaping Lizard.
- - Know No Pain; Effect changed - Block blows with your forearms, letting your enemies know you mean business. While you are in Matador Stance, you gain a chance to parry monster weapons & non-ranged weapons (skills & attacks). (25% + half of Scaled DEF chance to activate, 50% damage reduction.) Successful activation generates 15 Rage Energy.
- - Goring Horns; Effect changed - Leave a mark your foes won't forget. Enemies damaged by Matador skills have their maximum HP reduced for X rounds (based on Rank). This effect can stack infinitely, but maximum reduction per damage instance is capped at 50 (excluding Retaliate, which has no cap).
- - Stampede; Removed. Effect merged with Retaliate.
- - Gradient Blur; Additional effect - Every time you Combo Stance Swap during a turn: Gain a stacking buff that boosts your SWA by 2 for this round.
Magic Gunner- - Arcane Gun; Effect changed to a flat passive +5 FP Regen.
Tactician- - Field Medic; Now applies its Trickery effect before the HP heal.
Sandbox Objects
Added a new system to support dynamically created/placed/destroyed objects. This is intended to be a **roleplaying** system, so any sort of abuse will be punished. Limitations are subject to be adjusted if needed; additional objects of this nature will be added in future updates. (Consider this a test of the system for now.)- - These objects persist through reboots.
- - There is a maximum amount of objects that can be placed in a single area by a certain key (currently 5).
- - There is a maximum amount of objects that can be placed in a single area in general (currently 100).
- - Some objects can be attacked and destroyed (this requires physical stamina).
- - Some objects can be dismantled and recovered (this requires physical stamina). Objects recovered in this fashion do NOT retain customizations or other statuses, so be careful if you're moving signs.
- Added a new crafting recipe to Tool Creation that allows you to create a Sign for use in this system.
- Campfires, Camp Meals, and Feast Tables now apply to this system in Korvara as well.
- These objects can be placed in most non-dungeon maps, including interiors.
ETC- - Parasitic (Curse); Effect changed to On Critical Hit. Now restores 3 Durability (instead of 1).
- - Legend Extending will no longer remove copied skills/spells from your skill pool.
- - Double Dao now works with Demon Hunter's Combination Fighter.
- Made efforts to fix a bug where Soundcloud players wouldn't properly set the volume when playing a song. (This is not 100% fixed, depending on latency with the Soundcloud API. Sadly, there's not really a great way to fix it either, to my knowledge; the volume is reset every time it tries to play a song. You can try toggling the music in the profile if it blasts your ears.)
- Fixed a bug where crossing over another player while inside of an area transition did not actually make you transition areas.
- Fixed a bug where certain interior windows were showing light while it was night time.
- Various other bug fixes.