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Race buffs - Poruku - 12-05-2022

I think certain races in the game could benefit from general buffs.

Umbral: Their main feature is that evade buff, however it's really weak, being outclassed by every class skill available. The fp saving mechanic is also not very useful. I'd like to see fade out become stronger and perhaps give them a night-time buff that is actually significant. The dark atk bonus is cool, but to make use of it you need to build RES. And if you build res, you probably aren't building cel which means you don't use fade out. So which is it? I feel like the choice between tank and evade umbral should be a bit more interesting. For instance, dark atk could scale like theno sound atk. And fade out could have traits that make it useful for evade and non-evade builds

Theno: having 60 sound atk isn't very good when you can get that on a normal SAN race. Most sound-based setups use SAN as well (performer is the best example) because of the weapons scaling with san. That's why I think if that concept is kept it should be 1.5 per level instead of 1. I'd like to see something about water or dark water or drowning people, etc. Maybe an actual siren song.

Humans: +1 trait is pretty weak, and the skill pool size isn't the lifesaver it used to be. Could do with some other general buff.

Omina: The payoff for having misfortune is just kinda weak. At best you spend 3m to kd someone which is funny but not very good. I'd like to see some spicier debuffs. And the luck drain is okay but again not amazing.

Hyattr: Buff fire breath plz

Vampire: I find vampires to be decent but they are hard to build properly. Banquet could use a little bit of help. Maybe it could have a trait option to scale from will or guile instead of strength.

Mechanations: mechs could really use a change because all their power is loaded into their special trait. I think their special trait should be put into the base class because most new players wouldn't realise the choice they're making. And aside from agile, they should be buffed or reworked imo.

Wild Elf: Well known that these guys are plain bad. They need a significant buff to feel relevant. I would also like to see them less locked to specific weapons or at least giving them a stronger niche.

RE: Race buffs - Lolzytripd - 12-05-2022

I would give omina some sort of buff while at certain thresholds of stolen luck, while also letting them bank stolen luck between fights (but it goes down per hour aswell)

RE: Race buffs - InsainArcaneBirdbrain - 12-06-2022

Eh, I think a lot of the proposed changes are overcompensating, especially given a lot of these races aren't as bad as they're being made out to be here. 

Umbral: proposed change is fine, though remember that Umbral is already unique in being one of the only races that has an evade buff without having to invest SAN. I think just having a racial evade buff makes them fairly strong in that department. Dark attack working as theno's sound atk would be fine as a trait, as to not screw up existing Umbrals.

Theno: I agree theno's voice could be a tad higher, though not 1.5x high. Remember it still is a starless elemental attack, it should be comparable, not superior to building SAN. 1.25x for 75 sound atk is more reasonable.

Human: Humans aren't weak by any stretch. The bonus skill slots and free trait are largely pointless yes, but humans have some of the best base stat spreads of any race picks, have the ability to do 300 unresistable damage on command, and have +2 class points to spend per class- which combined with the skill slot buff makes them extremely versatile for no San req. They don't need a buff at all imo.

Omina: The effects are actually alright for 3m, but the SAN needed to make the racial remotely stackable isn't. Ominas can't afford the SAN tax anymore in GR2, so they just kind of eat dirt. The unluck cap per SAN threshold, or base unluck cap needs to be much higher.

Hyattr: Fire breath absolutely needs an overhaul of some kind. Outside annoying RMs, the skill straight up isn't worth using regardless of SAN investment.

 Vampires: Ah, everyone's favorite worst race. Their racials are so bad to the point of being actively detrimental to the user, making them the only race actually better without their racials than with. At least with other underwhelming races, their racials can be ignored. The bonus stats from banquet is laughably bad considering the activation requirements, and the statline is more fitting for a mage than a basic attacker. This is the race that needs reworking more than any other in most people's eyes I figure.

Mechs: I think it's too late to merge all the mech races for code reasons. As far as the mech types go, standard and agile are perfectly capable as is. People undersell how potent the standard mech torso is. For raid and cabal though? Yeah, they could use some love. Raid used to have a niche of 100% ski scaling bare fist+gun which it no longer has, and cabal has always been the crappy one of the four. Given that slots are even less of a problem now these days, I think Cabal could use a new effect altogether that's magically related. Not sure what that could be, but perhaps a neat idea I have at the top of my head is the ability for them to have a "scan" skill that is basically spell snatch as a racial, and can have a scanned spell per unused accessory up to 2. I don't think that'd be overly overpowered, yet still provides a niche no other race in the game can match.

Wild Elves: They actually are very decent now with the introduction of instruments. I'd say they're natural bards even, providing a much needed hit buff to the underwhelming hit support of the bard/performer classes. Honestly think they're fine as is, even if a touch specific (which let's be real, most races are biased towards different builds.)

RE: Race buffs - Poruku - 12-06-2022

I agree with most of your post Zerg, though I actually really like vampires as they are now, it's my favourite race both in pvp and pve. I think a bit of help is all it needs.

Fade out is fine in concept yeah, having a racial evade buff helps with certain builds that lack buffs like some flavor of evasion duelist+mage, it's just that the buff is too weak usually even for such combos. But the worst part is that it feels bad when you use classes that do have much better buffs and simply let your race itself fade out.

Oh yeah, what if fade out gave range 1 incognito and also sneak?

RE: Race buffs - firehawk11 - 12-06-2022


If you want Humans to be good then just add the following to them.

Human adaptability - +5% EXP earn from all sources.

Human ingenuity - +1 Talent point.

RE: Race buffs - Snake - 12-08-2022

Ah yes, let's also give Humans +1 Eyes, +1 Tails, +1 Wings, +1 Arms and +1 Legs, so we get the full package set.

RE: Race buffs - Miller - 12-09-2022

Humans have the most diverse stat line ups and bonus skill points, free trait along with potential divine eyes and bonus skill pool. The skill slot bonus has diminished slightly but the amount of saved stat points is still quite notable despite the recent addition of skill slots. They're fine as is, they're average to good and can fit multiple builds.

Umbral, I'd honestly rather not have this as hard investing into RES will net you more dark attack than what's suggested. Zerg's idea of it being a trait would work fine. In terms of fade out, it's honestly just kind of an okay skill? It's a better disengage unless you value the bonus HP/movement from disengage more. Give it sneak back, sure; why not, it's flavorful and synergizes with spellthief.

Omina as Zerg stated, should get more benefit from SAN, though I think more debuffs and trickery would be cool; something akin to an inverse fortune cookie like what Redtails have would be pretty sick flavor.

Vampires... I think conceptually they're among the most flavorful races in the game and have a lot of interesting things about them that are woefully underutilized and underpowered. Activating your crest is a pain in the ass, life drain and banquet are both skills you generally wouldn't use under most circumstances and the reward is a bunch of plain stats which frankly do little if you even use those stats to begin with.

In my honest opinion, crest should be changed to bonus SWA/Hit/Elemental ATK(or only dark attack) and then have a flavorful trait like 'Bat Form' which increases your evade by a set value and the alternative would be 'Ghoul' which increases your armor/magic armor instead (or instead just use the traits for Lunar but that's lame). Bat could give you Bat wings while Ghoul gives you access to more pale skin tones. On top of that, it'd be cool if Crest could activate off of any blood-related ability, such as vampiric weapons, claret, blood magic and so forth or just a few of these examples if that's a bit much. I think the penalty for crest burnout should be mostly removed if this were the way to go, or heavily diminished. Lunar Lunatism could double or triple the bonus granted by Crest so playing into your true nature as a vampire would be a lot more rewarding. Just food for thought, though; I do think regular stats are pretty bad to have, especially when they're so miniscule and all over the place + having a drawback for losing crest.

Mechs... I'm of the mind that Agile is pretty much the only worthwhile one, but Standard does have some value as a budget armor with good stats attached to it. Raid and Cabal definitely could use some love, the 'Scan' idea, Zerg proposed for Cabal is brilliant and I think it adds a flavorful niche to the race. Raid Revolver could honestly get skill scaling back and be more or less fine.

Hyattr, yeah sure; not much to really say here.

Wild Elf is a bit underrated although I wouldn't say they're one of the better races. As Zerg mentioned, they get a nice bonus to hit on instruments; only issue is that this is pretty niche as a majority of instruments aren't the greatest attacking tools. They have solid stats and free hit, but that's mostly it beyond the tribal bonuses. Hard to really think of a buff for this race when they're very middling in terms of strengths.

RE: Race buffs - Moku203 - 12-11-2022

(12-09-2022, 10:29 PM)Miller Wrote: Mechs... I'm of the mind that Agile is pretty much the only worthwhile one, but Standard does have some value as a budget armor with good stats
Unless I am mistaken, Standard Mechs get the best armor in the game, as it is very high Armor, and Magic Armor, counts as Unarmored (making it work good with MA or Kensei) and also gives 2xlvl bonus HP (+120 at lvl 60)

of course I may be mistaken.

RE: Race buffs - Autumn - 12-11-2022

Currently I think that humans are probably one of the better races in the game, with extremely strong base stats and just a universally useful passive of gaining skill slots, its really hard to go wrong on them. I don't consider Divine Eyes a part of their power budget as a 10% HP cut in certain circumstances and requiring WIL to buy is hardly worth it. Even for dagger builds who would feel the WIL being useless.

Best I can see for humans is adding a trait for the different subraces that gives some kind of benefit, like a 10% resistance to a certain element. (Makes up for the inefficiency of building SAN on them)

As an example, the Korvaran humans can get resistances matching the elemental crystals closest to their borders:
Telegradian - Earth
Meiaquarise - Ice
Geladynian - Fire
Duyuein - Wind

Omina: I don't really like Omina's base stats in general, Fortune Vaccuum needs some sort of useability buff to make it's misfortunes worth using.


Vampire: I think vampires are in a okay spot but they're a far cry from what they used to be, I would like to see QoL buffs to them activating their buffs, like increasing the range on Life Drain and making it scale from dark ATK, Banquet at least has the merit of already synergizing with physical builds.

Wild Elf: Actual contender for the best race in the game right now and no one can convince me otherwise, these guys make Daggers viable and instruments a bit more powerful than they were already, they were untargeted during GR2's decimation of hit values, and have flourished as a result of that.

These guys are cracked.

RE: Race buffs - Miller - 12-11-2022

(12-11-2022, 01:19 AM)Moku203 Wrote: Unless I am mistaken, Standard Mechs get the best armor in the game, as it is very high Armor, and Magic Armor, counts as Unarmored (making it work good with MA or Kensei) and also gives 2xlvl bonus HP (+120 at lvl 60)

of course I may be mistaken.

It has good stats and bonus HP on top of a trait that grants armor, although most of the HP is to make up for the lack of enchantment slot. It's good, but calling it the best is still a bit of a stretch in my opinion when options like Body Guard, Mayelia, Terrasque and et cetera exist. It's a good budget/statstick armor set for sure.